Orion Shipyards (R8)

NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

(R8005) REPAIR CRUISER (SAR) This ship was introduced in Y152 to perform field repairs on damaged pirate ships in the field. Built on a modified salvage cruiser, it sacrificed firepower (in the lack of option mounts) for a repair capability. Each cartel usually operated one of these ships.

(R8D.001) SCAVENGER SALVAGE FREIGHTER (SVG) Some Pirate Cartels modified one or more of their Slavers to this configuration. The small cargo bay (less than a quarter of a small freighter) was a draw back, but the number of transporters and large number of Boarding Parties coupled with the shuttles still allowed the most important merchandise to be quickly snatched and sped away before local Police units and/or Main Fleet elements showed up. The ship was also capable of making small repairs necessary to allow damaged raiders to return to pirate bases.

(R8D.002) FAST MAINTENANCE SHIP (FMS) As tensions grew between the Great Powers the Orions found more "Fleet" units in the shipping lanes which led to increased damage on their raiders. Many could not make the necessary repairs to escape capture. This design, which was a built on enlarged SVGs, was intended to provide them with a fast mobile repair facility.

(R8001) BOOTLEGGER (BL) Pirates occasionally captured or purchased Federation Express transports. These were modified by the cartels, and used for smuggling purposes. The cargo boxes on these are standard Orion (25 pt. not 50) cargo boxes and the option mounts are Orion. They do not get the stealth bonus, but can double engines.

(R8002) BLOCKADE RUNNER (BKR) Pirates used these modified Armed Priority Transports for smuggling purposes. The cargo boxes on these are standard Orion (25 pt. not 50) cargo boxes and the option mounts are Orion. They do not get the stealth bonus, but can double their engines.

(R8003) FREE TRAITOR-V (OFV) Many Orions modified their Free Traitors to carry fighters for increased firepower. These ships usually operated class-1 fighters from their operating area. Rarely would any other fighters be carried. The standard tactic was to join unescorted or lightly escort convoys or single ships and surprise them.

(R8004) FREE TRAITOR-P (OFP) The introduction of the Buccaneer allowed the Orions to increase the firepower of their freighters (Free Traitor). This allowed the Free Traitor to stand off and let the Buccaneers stop the freighters without endangering the mother ship.

(R8007) JUMBO FREE TRAITOR (JFT) As jumbo free traders came into service, they became prey for pirates, who often, after capturing them, modified them for their own use.

(R8008) ARMED JUMBO TRAITOR (AJT) As armed jumbo free traders came into service, they became prey for pirates, who often, after capturing them, modified them for their own use. As these ships were more heavily armed than a jumbo traders, finding these in pirate service was rare.

(R8009) JUMBO FREE TRAITOR-P (OJP) The larger Jumbo Traitor allowed a full flotilla of Buccaneers to be carried. This allowed the Jumbo Free Traitor to stand off and let the Buccaneers stop the freighters and without endangering the mothership.

(R8P.801) ORION POACHER (POA) Some the smaller independent Orions lacked the resources to field larger ships. A number of these turned to the Security Skiffs. With minor alternations, they were able to prey upon the early unarmed freighters. The option mount is limited to Phaser-2, Phaser-3, Drone-A (in Y175 Drone-B) and ADD-6 (in Y175 ADD-12). None of these "ships" were capable of mounting a cloaking device.

(R8P.802) ORION RUSTLER (RUS) When armed freighters begin appearing the small independent Orions, who had been successfully preying on unarmed freighters, found themselves "outgunned" by these new freighters. One ingenious solution was to permanently attach a slightly modified freighter skid to their Poacher class ships. This design became known as a Rustler by Federation Security forces. The option mount is limited to Phaser-2, Phaser-3, Drone-A (later Bs) and ADD-6 (later ADD-12s). Like its predecessor, the Poacher, The Rustler class "ships" were not capable of mounting a cloaking device.

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