Lyran Democratic Republic Shipyards (R14)

NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

(R14P.351) NEW AREA CONTROL SHIP (NAS) With the advent of heavy fighters some within the LDR campaigned to convert thier only NCV to this design. The plans called for using the same escort group as the NCV. The costs of the modifications coupled with the fact the ship was just beginning its first operational cruise doomed the idea.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-8(8H6)u/2-4(4H3). Command rating 9. Can be converted from NCV in FY178 cost is 3 EP plus the cost of the heavy fighters. EW=2. Counters for both the single ship and the 3NAS are provided.

(R14P.801) MULTI-ROLE MILITARY POLICE CORVETTE (MRP). The LDR watched with interest as the other races developed both HDWs and Multi-Role Cruisers. Not having enough of either class, but still wishing for a multi-role ship, they turned to the Military Police Corvette. The smaller hull size required scaling back the number of opitions that could be installed. The first of this "new" class of ship entered service in Y181.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6(1)/3. Command rating 3. Can substitute one MRC for MP once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 3 EP +1 EP for the fighters. Is treated as an HDW, and can perform all the missions (except P and D) as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R14P.802) MILITARY POLICE MAULER (MPMA). An attempt by the LDR to do what no other race could, namely mounting a mauler on a size class four ship. The small size would not allow the warp engines to me connected to the mauler. The LDR were not satisified with the ship and only a single MP was converted to this design. The ship suffers from shock as do all maulers, and has a "Shock Rating" of 9. See (Annex #7S).
  F&E FACTS:For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5/3. Command rating 3. Can substitute one MPMA for MP once per year beginning in the Spring of Y182. Cost is 3 EP more than a MP. A ship counter is provided.

(R14P.805) MILITARY COMMAND POLICE CORVETTE (CMPC). Although termed a Command variant, this ship had no additional command facilities. The increased command capabilities came from a larger command staff. The addition of these staff members caused overcrowding of the ship and overloading of its housekeeping systems. Production of this ship was cancelled due to these features.

(R14002) MILITARY POLICE PF TENDER (MPP) The LDR modified a pair of scouts to carry PFs in Y180. While this pair of ships was intended to operate together splitting a full flotilla of PFs between them, in practice these ships operated separately. The most common mission for the MPP was to support other ships carrying PFs casually. In most cases the MPP would carry standard PFs, although in some cases, the MPP would carry a leader, scout and standard PF while the rest of the flotilla would be carried on other ships. They were also used to ferry PFs to ships, and to repair PFs on ships not having a repair capability.

(R14001) FREE TRADER AUXILIARY DESTROYER (DFT) The LDR converted several freighters to serve as auxiliary warships starting in Y149.

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