NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

"K" Kestrel Ships Old Style "Eagle" Ships Sublight Ships X-Ships


(R4013) VULTURE DREADNOUGHT (VUL) This was a competing design for the new DN class ship. Construction delays pushed back its completion until Y173, at which time several Condors were already in service. No further ships of this type were ever completed, in some part due to the unreliable engines that plagued the prototype. The Gargantuan served most of the war on the ISC border, where it was lost in Y180.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 13/7. Command rating 10. A VUL can be substituted for a CON one time after Y172. A counter is provided.

(R4023) ROMULAN ROYAL VULTURE DREADNOUGHT (RV) As the Centurion Fast Patrol Ships were completing their testing in late Y180, the Romulans looked at ways of basing them. Following the example of the Lyrans, they looked at ways of modifying their DNs.  One of the plans proposed was to base 6 on the Gargantuan. The ship was destroyed before it could be refitted to carry Centurions.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 13/7. Command rating 10. A VUL can be converted to a RV in the Fall of Y182. Cost is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

Note: The Vulture and Royal Vulture both suffered from engine problems. To reflect this, their acceleration is restricted to 5 movement point or ½ of their current speed, whichever is greater. If this acceleration limit is exceeded, roll 1D6. If the running total is greater than 15, the ship suffers a breakdown.

(R4P.220) PRAETORIAN HAWK (PHV) As the Alliance drove ever closer to the Romulan Home Worlds, a small group of ship designers proposed modifying the existing MegaHawk design to use four of the "B" Modules to lead the defenses of Remus. The ship had it actually been built was to have used a MFC, a SparrowHawk-M and a SkyHawk-E as escorts. Neither time nor money was available and the ship remained merely a design study.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12(16)/6(8). Command rating 10. One can be built in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 18 EP plus the cost of the fighters. A counter for both the PHV and the 4PHV are provided.

(R4016) HAWKEYE SURVEY CRUISER (FHC) The Romulans had hoped that the Pioneer Eagles, SparrowHawk-C’s, and the single KRE would be sufficient for exploration. While the SparrowHawk-C was an excellent scout, it lacked (like all CWs) the range to do long term exploration. And the Pioneer Eagle was considered to be too vulnerable to explore beyond the Romulan borders. To assist the lone KER, a FireHawk (the Praetor Davious) was modified while under construction to mount a pair of ‘C’ modules. Completed in Y172, it was sent on long exploration missions beyond, what was later to be discovered as, ISC territory. It was on one of these missions in Y177, when the Praetor Davious disappeared.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-9u/4. Command rating 8. One can be converted from a FH in the Fall of Y172. Cost is 5 EP. No additional FHCs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4D.301) FIREHAWK-V STRIKE CARRIER (FHV) This was a plan to covert a FireHawk into a Strike Carrier. It is not known for sure if this ship was ever built, but it is a widely held belief that one such ship (believed to have been a test bed) was completed in Y180. Details are sketchy, but Gorn sources report it operated 6 of the Gladiator FSF and 6 Gladiator III fighters. These same reports indicate it was escorted by SparrowHawk-M and a SkyHawk-E. If the ship existed it certainly would have been capable of operating a MRS.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-9(6)/4-5(3). Command rating 9. One FH can be converted in the Fall of Y180. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. No additional conversions can be done. Counters for both the FHV and the 3FHV are provided.

(R4D.302) ASTROHAWK HEAVY FIGHTER BATTLE CARRIER (AH) This was a attempt by the Romulans to field more heavy fighters. The original plan was to convert an existing SunHawk, but as both these were too involved in the war, a nearly competed NovaHawk was selected and a new set of "N" modules modified to operate heavy fighters was built and the ship was rushed into service. The escort group was a SparrowHawk-M and a SkyHawk-E. The ship is capable of operating a MRS, but it is not included in the BPV.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(8H)/5(4H). Command rating 9. Can be converted in the Fall of Y182 from a NH, cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters, or a SUN cost is 0 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for both the AH and the 3AH are provided.

(R4D.305) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FHS) The Romulans were not nearly as far ahead on plans for a fast scout cruiser as the Gorns thought, so were caught by surprise when the Gorns produced one. The Romulans felt compelled to match the Gorns and the newly laid hull of a fast cruiser was diverted for the purpose. The ship did not enter service until the spring of Y178.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-9Fu/3-5. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:5AF). Can be converted from FFH cost 5 EP or FH cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Fall of Y178. Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Romulans are active. A counter is provided.

(R4P.310) FIREHAWK-J ASSAULT HEAVY CRUISER (FHJ) Before the failure of the Flambé Hawk the Romulans, not satisfied with the performance of the SparrowHawk-J, tried installing J-Modules on a FireHawk. The engineers theorized that the greater mass of the FireHawk would dampen if not eliminate the shock effect. When the test proved otherwise, the Romulans abandoned the design before proceeding with production.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11-9(S)/4-5. Command rating 8. One can be converted from FH in Y174 or later. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4P.311) FIREHAWK-U HEAVY SCOUT CARRIER (FHU) A proposal made in early Y181 to the Romulan Council to mount a set "U" Modules on a FireHawk. The proponents reasoned the increased power of the FireHawk would allow full utilization of the Special Sensors, and the loss of firepower would be offset by the addition of the heavy fighters. The council noting the lack of "U" Modules coupled with the need for heavy cruisers vetoed the idea. Escort group was to have been SPM and SKA.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-9(8H)u/4-5(4H). Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:7AF). Can be converted from a FH in SY181 cost is 5 EP plus fighters. Counters for both the FHU and the 3FHU are provided.

(R4M.320) PLANETARY ASSAULT CRUISER (SUG) Conceived as part of the Romulans initial plans to attack the Federation. The concept was to build a pair of these. They would slip into Federation space under cloak and attack and occupy minor planets, which the Romulans would then use as supply bases. The Romulans found, however, they could not spare any ships for conversion.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(4G)/5(2). Command rating 9. One SUP can be converted in the Fall of Y173, and one in the Fall of Y174. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. No additional conversions can be done. A counter is provided.

(R4P.321) AREA CONTROL SHIP (ACS) This ship, sometimes referred to as the StormHawk, was a precursor to the ThunderHawk. It was produced in Y180 as a test, by fitting one of the sets of "U-Modules" to a SuperHawk. This type of ship would become known generically as an Area Control ship. The ship served for 3 years with mixed results before being converted to a ThunderHawk. It operated with the same escort group (SparrowHawk-M and two SkyHawk-E) as the SuperHawk-B.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(8H4)u/4-5(4H2). Command rating 9. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:9AF). Can be substituted for a SUP in SY180 cost is 15 EP plus fighters, or converted from SUP for 5 EP plus fighters. This ship has two fighter squadrons, one heavy of 8 factors and one standard of 4 factors which can operate separately or be combined into one 12 factor oversized squadron. Counters for both the ACS and the 4ACS are provided.

(R4P.322) FIREHAWK-N HYBRID HEAVY CRUISER (FHN) At the time the "N-Modules" were being designed one group of junior Romulan ship designers drew up plans to mount them on "standard" FireHawks. Their plan was to make this the "standard" FireHawk design. Unfortunately, for the Romulans, only two sets were produced and the project never proceeded beyond the drawing board.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9(2)/5(1). Command rating 8. Can be substituted for a FH in SY183. Cost is 9 EP plus fighters. Can be converted from a FH. Cost is 2 EP plus fighters. The fighters are treated as like Hydran hybrid fighters and are not counted against the number of fighters allowed under (302.332). A counter is provided.

(R4025) MODULAR FIREHAWK HEAVY CRUISER (MFH) When the Romulans found that the SparrowHawk modules had to be permanently installed on the FireHawk, they looked at mounting a SkyHawk module into the rear hull. While design showed that it would be possible, they also showed that changing the module would be next to impossible due to the proximity of the center engines, and the proposal was scrapped before a prototype was started. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a FireHawk and no counter is provided.

(R4026) MODULAR FIREHAWK SCOUT ESCORT CRUISER (MFCe) When the design for the modular FireHawk was suggested, one proposal was for a super escort cruiser for use on the Federation border. This ship would have a pair of SparrowHawk-C scout modules with a SkyHawk-E module. One problem was that the MFH relied on the SkyHawk modules for batteries, and the Sky-E module lacked them, which would have left the ship without any batteries. Plans were initially dropped, but the idea was brought up again with the idea it could escort the proposed Praetorian Hawk.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-9un/4n. Command rating 9. One FH can be converted to a MFC in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 4 EP. No additional MFCs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4014) FIRE EAGLE HEAVY CRUISER (FIE) This was a proposed design for a CA. One ship was built in Y170. No others were built, production instead was shifted to the FireHawk, which, due to its commonality with the SparrowHawk, was easier to build. It served on the ISC border with the Gargantuan.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command rating 10. The FH in the Home is really a FIE. No additional FIEs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4008) ROMULAN FIRE EAGLE SURVEY CRUISER (FES) When the Praetor Davious disappeared in Y177, it was proposed to convert the single FireEagle heavy cruiser to a survey cruiser to replace it. But with the ongoing war with the Federation and Gorns, and the incursions by the ISC that had started a year earlier, the plans to convert this ship were cancelled.

(R4021) SPARROWHAWK MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (SMC) Proposed at the same time as the SabreHawk, the SparrowHawk MRC was to replace the modular light cruisers in the production schedule. First Citizen Kolentus, being successful in convincing the Praetor to reject the SilverHawk, now tried to push this ship into production. Unfortunately (for Kolentus), his sponsor and uncle, a desk bound admiral, were sent to Klingon space to command the Romulan contingent against the Alliance forces on the offensive there, and were unable to get the ship into production. Kolentus himself, was sent to Remus with his Imperial Militia unit for rescue operations. This ship was to lose its modularity in favor of the multi-role concept, A-modules being hard-welded to the hull. One ship was started, but it was eventually completed as a standard SparrowHawk.
  F&E FACTS For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(1)/4. Command rating 6. Can substitute one SMC for SP once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 6 EP +1 EP for the fighters. Is treated as an HDW, and can perform all the missions (except D) as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R4003) ROMULAN SPARROW-Z ACCELERATION CRUISER (SPZ) This ship was found in the Battle Simulation Data Banks of Imperial Romulan Star Fleet Command. The design was apparently intended to produce a plasma armed ship that could run down any other ship and attack it with light plasma torpedoes. As the ship produced a large energy signature, no cloak was installed. There are no reports which would point to the fact that this ship ever left the battle simulators. One reason may have been that the stress of putting such large engines on a SparrowHawk hull was too great, although later X versions of the SparrowHawk proved this to be false.

(R4010) ROMULAN SOLARHAWK A WAR CRUISER (SRA) This ship was a proposed as a means to make better use of existing SkyHawk modules. One SparrowHawk was converted in Y176 with a modified rear hull that could accept standard SkyHawk modules. Like with the modular FireHawk, it was found that, due to the engine mounting, the module was very difficult to exchange and the ship kept its "A" modules until it was destroyed in Y179.

(R4D.580) FAST SPARROWHAWK-H (FSH) The Romulans, like all the races, found that re-supplying the fast and far reaching X-ships was a difficult task for their standard tugs and LTTs. Not wanting to divert the limited number of X-ships to this task they designed a fast medium transport. In a controversial move the Plasma-Fs were replaced with two special sensors to be used to aid in both locating the X-ships and enemy ships that needed to be avoided. Due to the unique nature of this ship the "H" modules were hard welded and the ship is not modular.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-7Fu/2-4. Command Rating 6. EW=2. Can built one per turn beginning in SY184. Build cost is 7 EP. Counts against both scouts and LTTs. A counter is provided.

(R4017) SILVERHAWK-A HEAVY DESTROYER (SLA) The Romulan Navy, after learning of the Federation HDW, proposed to make a ‘heavy’ version of the SkyHawk. Started in Y180, the SilverHawk HDD Epee, was 70% complete when First Citizen Kolentus and his uncle, a desk bound admiral, convinced the Praetor that they should copy the Federation design rather than use the existing SkyHawk modules, despite the fact that the SkyHawk modules were readily available, and faster and easier to change. The second SilverHawk (which was 30% completed) became the first SabreHawk. The Epee lay incomplete at the Remus shipyard until Y181, when it was hurriedly completed, equipped with an ‘A’ module, and sent into action against the oncoming Federation fleet. The Epee was destroyed 2 minutes after leaving the shipyard by A-10s from the carrier MacArthur, resulting in the one of the shortest careers for any ship.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6/3. Command rating 5. One SK can be converted to a SLA in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 1 EP. No additional SLAs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4018) SKYHAWK-J DESTROYER (SKJ) Introduced at the same time as the SparrowHawk-J, the SkyHawk-J module was an attempt to introduce a heavy torpedo into the SkyHawk squadrons. Very rare, this ship seldom operated on its own.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-5(S)/3. Command rating 5. One SK per year can be converted to a SKJ beginning in the Fall of Y182. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4019) SKYHAWK-K DESTROYER (SKK) This module was built in an attempt to test the ISC concept of a rear firing torpedo. One or two of these modules were built in Y178.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6/3. Command rating 5. One SK per year can be converted to a SKK beginning in the Fall of Y182. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4022) SKYHAWK-T FAST CARRIER RESUPPLY DESTROYER (SKT) As the Hawk based FCR became harder to replace, the Romulans built a pair of modules to use on the SkyHawk to supplement them. In service in Y176, the T modules were only used in emergency situations, the SkyHawks being too valuable to use in this role full time.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-5[6]1-/3. Command rating 5. One SK per year can be converted to a SKT beginning in the Fall of Y176. Cost is 1 EP (for FCR abilities) plus 6 EP for the fighters. Counts as a BHF for build or conversion limits. A counter is provided.

(R4M.623) SWORDHAWK HEAVY DESTROYER (SWH) For fully a year after its introduction the Romulans tried in vain to persuade the Klingons to sell them F6s. When (for whatever reason) these plans failed, the Romulans drew up plans to convert a SkyHawk to something resembling a F6. When computer simulations showed the ship (unlike the SKL) would be subject to shock the idea was dropped.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter factors are 7(S)/4. Command rating 5. It is subject to shock if using its full attack factor on a die roll of 6. Using an attack factor of 6 does not cause shock. One can be converted from SK in Y179 or later. Cost is 3 EP. It is considered a size class 3 if used in a Battle Group. A counter is provided.

(R4024) OSPREY DESTROYER (OSP) This was a proposed design for a DD. One ship was started in Y166 but not completed until Y169 as an alternative to the SkyHawk. No others were built. The lack of engines (it used an imported Klingon warp engine) and the modularity of the SkyHawk resulted in its rejection. It served on the ISC border with the Gargantuan. The same designers also proposed the FireEagle, with which the Osprey shared many components.

(R4029) OSPREY-S SCOUT (OSS) This was a proposed scout variant of the Osprey destroyer. This class was proposed in Y167 as a follow on to the Osprey and to replace the K5S. None were built. The lack of engines (it used an imported Klingon warp engine), and the termination of the Osprey project, resulted in its rejection.


(R4D.210) K6R DREADNOUGHT (K6R) The Klingons were strapped for cash after the Four Powers War. One suggestion to help solve the struggling economy was to sell a C6 to the Romulans. Although the Romulans drafted plans to convert a C6, the Klingons and Romulans were never able to agree on a price and the ship was in fact never sold.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11/6. Command rating 10. Can be sold to the Romulans in the fall of Y165. Cost is 12 EP which is paid to the Klingons. The Romulans then must pay 3 EP to convert it. A counter is provided.

(R4D.331) HEAVY CRUISER (K7D) When they learned of the Klingon D7D, some Romulan ship designers were impressed and drew up plans for a version of their own. With no drones available two plans were put forth. One called for replacing both waist phasers with Plasma-D racks, while the other called for replacing one of the waist phasers with a Plasma-F. In the end the lack of K7Rs caused the plans to be cancelled.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10-9/5. Command rating 9. One K7R can be converted in the Fall of Y180. Cost is 1 EP. No additional conversions can be done. A counter is provided.

(R4P.348) AREA CONTROL SHIP (K7U) Looking for platforms on which to base their recently introduced Tribune heavy fighters, the Romulans decided to follow the example of the Klingons and drew up plans to convert a K7R into a Area Control Ship. The plans called for an escort group of K5D and 2xK4D. The Romulan Admiralty was reluctant to withdraw one the K7Rs from combat for the time necessary to convert it and the ship was never built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8(8H6)u/2-4(4H3). Can be converted from a K7R for 3 EP plus fighters in Y179. Counters for the K7U and 4K7U are provided.

(R4P.349) DIVISION CONTROL SHIP (KU7) The introduction of PFs caused the Romulans to reconsider withdrawing one of their K7R for conversion. Like the earlier rejected K7U plans called for an escort group of K5D and 2xK4D. In the end it is was determined that the time required to convert the ship was too long and the ship was never built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8(6P)u/2-4(3P). Can be converted from a K7R for 5 EP plus fighters in Y180. Counters for the KU7 and 4KU7 are provided.

(R4M.351) INTERDICTION CARRIER (KRU) The Romulans midway through the process of converting a second of their KRs to a KRV (which many in the high command considered only a marginally successful design) changed plans and following the Klingon example converted it instead to a Interdiction Carrier. The ship was finished in Y175 and was assigned two K4Ds as escorts. After the ship was completed, it was considered by many Romulan admirals as only faintly more acceptable than the KRV.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(12)/1-4(6). Can be converted from a KR for 3 EP plus fighters, or from a KRV for 2 EP plus fighters in Y175. Counters for the KRU and 3KRU are provided.

(R4D.501) ESCORT CRUISER (KDD) Plans for this ship were found in the computer banks of a captured Romulan King Eagle in Y181. While the Romulans never had enough D5s to produce such a ship, the information recovered revealed they had been negotiating with the Klingons for additional D5s. The records seem to indicate that had the Romulans been successful in obtaining additional D5s they planned to make this conversion along with a second D5 to a KDV and add a K5D to make a carrier group.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-7n/3-4n. Command rating 6. Can convert one KDR to KDD beginning in the Spring of Y176. Counters for both the KDD and the 3KDV are provided.

(R4D.550) FKDR NEW FAST CRUISER (FKDR) The Romulans had obtained plans for the Klingon FD5 cruisers in Y178. In the hopes they could persuade the Klingons to transfer one to them, they drew up plans to convert one. The Klingons never agreed to such a transfer and the Romulans did not proceed with plans to convert one of their KDRs to this design.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(F)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can convert one from a KDR in SY177. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3D.601) LIGHT CARRIER (K5V) As the Romulans began driving into Federation Space their fleet began to take losses. One plan considered by the Romulans to "offset" these looses was using more fighters. Part of this plan called for converting a couple of K5Rs to light carriers. At least one and possibly as many as three K5R's were eventually converted to this design. All began life carrying G-IIs and G-SFs but may have later deployed G-IIIs and G-FSFs. Escort for these were E4Ds, although one may have operated with a K5D.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-5(4)/2-3(2). Command rating 5. Can be converted from K5Rs (counts as a SKB for production proposes) beginning in the Fall of Y174. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counter for both the K5V and 2K5V are provided.

(R4M.602) COMMANDO FRIGATE (K5G) As the plans for the attack on the Federation neared completion some within the Romulan high command expressed doubts that they had sufficient numbers of commando ships necessary for a number of backwater areas. Rather than divert additional SkyHawks to this task they suggested converting a number of K5Rs. This would free the SkyHawks for direct combat and at the same time keep the K5s (which required more logistical support) out of the main areas of fighting. Accordingly a pair of K5Rs were converted to this design, the first reaching service in Y172 the second a year later.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-5G/1-3. Command rating 4. Can be converted from K5Rs beginning in the Fall of Y172. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4P.605) MULTI-ROLE FRIGATE (KRM5) Following the failure of the multi-role Snipe, Romulan ship builders, drawing on plans obtained from the Klingons attached the small blister originally installed on the Snipe to one of their K5Rs. Initial testing results did not find favor with the Romulans and no further conversions were done.

(R4M.751) Commando Escort (K4G) At the same time as the conversion of the first K5G the Romulans undertook the conversion of a pair of E4s to serve a commando ships. As with the K5Gs these were to be assigned to backwater areas where they were not expected to face stiff opposition. The first of these two ships reached the fleet at the same time as its larger counterpart.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-4G/1-2. Command rating 3. Can be converted from K4s beginning in the Fall of Y172. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4020) KG2R POLICE GUNBOAT (K2R) In Y168, the Klingons transferred 12 wore out G2 Gunboats to the Romulans. After extensive repairs, these ships were used by the Romulan Security forces to supplement their Snipe-Ps. Like the Snipe-P, no cloaking device was installed.


(R4.105A) VULTURE HEAVY CARRIER (VLV) This is the Vulture Heavy Carrier from Module J2 as we think it might appear if the armor systems had not been installed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-9(14)/3-5(7). Command rating 10. Add one to the starting OB. Other Vultures can be converted beginning in the spring of Y173. Cost is 3 EP plus the cost of fighters. A counter is provided.

(R4012) ALBATROSS DREADNOUGHT (ALB) The lone surviving sub-light Battleship was converted in Y169 to warp power, the Humongous was lost in Y181 during Operation Remus. This ship, along with the Falcons, were the only ships larger than a CL to survive the wars with the Federation and Gorns.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-10(14)3-5(7). Command rating 10. The PWC CON in the Fleet of the North is a ALB. A counter is provided.

(R4M.251) WAR BUZZARD HEAVY CARRIER (WBZ) Using half-forgotten plans from the earlier sub-light Buzzard the plans were again submitted to convert one of the War Vultures into this heavy carrier in Y178. The plans were rejected as the ship lacked sufficient power to operate in open space and would have been relegated to home defense. The escort group was to have consisted of three BHEs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(5)/5(2). Command rating 9. Can convert one VUL to WBZ in the Spring of Y178. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost the fighters. Ship has a Operation movement of 4 and Strategic movement of 24. Counters for the WBZ and the 4WBZ are provided.

(R4M.252) KING BUZZARD HEAVY CARRIER (KBZ) As part of the plans for an attack on the Gorns (Operation Tribune) the Romulan High Command finally approved the conversion of the last remaining King Vulture to a King Buzzard. The larger engines and improved fire power allowed the ship to operate with the rest of the main fleet. The escort group (three BHEs) remained the same as had been proposed for the War Buzzard. The ship entered service in Y180 and was lost in one of the battles leading up to Operation Remus.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12(5)/6(2). Command rating 9. Can convert one VUL to KBZ in the Fall of Y180. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost the fighters. Counters for the KBZ and the 4KBZ are provided.

(R4001) KING FALCON COMMAND CRUISER (KF) The King Falcon is the only survivor of a class of sub-light command cruisers. These ships were the main targets of the Gorns and Federation during their wars and only 1 survived to be converted to warp power in Y168. When the Falcon mauler first appeared, it was thought to be an conversion of this class and the slightly smaller Battle Falcon.  This information was in error. These ships cannot be converted to maulers, and maulers cannot be converted to a King Falcon.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10/5. Command rating 9. The KE in the Home fleet is really a KF. No additional KFs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4002) BATTLE FALCON HEAVY CRUISER (BF) The remaining 5 Falcon sub-light heavy cruisers were converted to warp power and operated as CAs in Y169. One was later converted into a carrier. While similar to the Falcon Mauler, these ships cannot be converted to maulers, and maulers cannot be converted to a Battle Falcon.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command rating 8. Two WEs in the Home Fleet, the Fleet of the North, and the Fleet of the West are BFs. No additional BFs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4004) FALCON-V STRIKE CARRIER (FV) One of the five Battle Falcons was converted into a carrier in 172. Its escort group was an EE and a BHE. It was destroyed in Y174 by the Federation CVS Nimitz.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-9(6)/4(3). Command rating 8. One BF can be converted to FV in the Spring of Y172. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of fighters. Counts as both the one WE/KE conversion and a CV conversion. No additional FVs can be produced by any means. Counters for both the FV and the 3FV are provided.

(R4030) SCOUT FALCON SURVEY CRUISER (SF) It was proposed in Y172 to convert one of the surviving Battle Falcons into a survey cruiser. One Falcon was allocated for conversion, but shortly after work began, it was decided to convert it into a carrier instead and another Falcon was to be converted at a later date into a survey cruiser. Before this could be done, war broke out with the Federation and the few remaining Falcons could not be spared.

(R4P.361) HERON TUG (HER) During the early stages of the Romulans counter attack against the Gorns the supplying of fleets proved to be a problem. One proposal put forth by Romulan ship builders was to take in hand a couple of Battle Falcons and convert them to tugs. The plan had it been carried out would have produce a full blown tug. The Romulan high command rejected the idea based in part on their need for combat vessels.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5 T/3. Command rating 8. Two BFs can be converted to a HER, one in the Fall of Y174, and one in the Fall of Y175. Cost of conversion is 4 EP. No additional BFs can be produced by any means. HER can perform all tugs missions. A counter is provided.

(R4005) BATTLE EAGLE LIGHT CRUISER (BE) In Y176 several War Eagles were converted to this design to allow them to operate with the fleet.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7/4. Command rating 8. Two WE can be converted to BE at the rate of one per turn beginning in the Spring of Y176. No additional BEs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4006) EAGLE-V LIGHT CARRIER (EV) One or two War Eagles were converted to this design in Y169. It was escorted by a BHE.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6(4)/3(2). Command rating 8. Can convert one WE to EV in the Spring of Y169. Counts as the one WE/KE conversion. Cost is 2 EP plus fighters. No additional EVs can be produced by any means. Counters for both the EV and the 2EV are provided.

(R4007) ESCORT EAGLE (EE) A single War Eagle was converted to this design in Y172 for use as an escort for the Falcon-V.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6 n/3 u. Command rating 8. Can convert one WE to EV in the Fall of Y172. Counts as the one WE/KE conversion. Cost is 1 EP. No additional EEs can be produced by any means. A counter is provided.

(R4009) PIONEER EAGLE-B (PEB) In Y172, a custom pallet was developed for the Pioneer Eagle. At the same time, a pair of Plas-Fs were added for self-defense. The custom pallet could only be attached at a base. If dropped, the pallet cannot be reattached and cannot operate independently.

(R4011) COMMANDO EAGLE-B (CEB) In Y172, a custom pallet was developed for the Pioneer Eagle. At the same time, a pair of Plas-Fs were added for self-defense. The custom pallet could only be attached at a base. If dropped, the pallet cannot be reattached and cannot operate independently. This pallet doubled the number of troops the ship could carry.

(R4M.520) INVESTIGATION EAGLE (IE) When the Romulans attacked the Federation in Y173 they still had vast areas of the Empire that had not yet been explored. In an attempt to keep their newer SparrowHawks available for duty against the Federation one of the two Screech Owls then under construction were modified to this design. The Romulans were not really satisfied with it and cancelled plans for additional ships.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6u/0-3u. Command rating 8. EWP is 3. Can convert from WE/KE (once per year) beginning in the Spring of Y173. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4P.530) KING EAGLE SCOUT CARRIER (KSV) With the introduction of the Tribune Heavy Fighter in Y178, the Romulans looked for ships to base it on. One proposal was to modify King Eagles, by replacing the Plasma launchers with Special Sensors which turned the ship into a scout carrier. The ship was rejected based on two principal reasons. First, the design was considered unpractical from a time and cost standpoint. Second, the Romulan admirals were loathe to give up the firepower, and the proposal became just another of the many war time designs that were considered design failures. Had the ship been built it would have had employed a BHE and a SNE as escorts.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-9(8H)u/1-5(4H). EWP is 3. Can be converted in Y180 from a KE cost is 6 EP plus fighters. Counters for the KSV and 3KSV are provided.

(R4P.531) KING EAGLE HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER (KHV) Romulan admirals were determined to come up with a design that would allow deployment of Tribune fighters on the King Eagle hull. This sent the designers back to their drawing boards. Their solution was simply to retain the plasma torpedoes that the KSV design exchanged for special sensors. At least two ships were built, one in Y180, and a second in Y181. It used a BHE and a SNE as escorts.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9(8H)/5(4H). Can be converted in Y180 from a KE cost is 3 EP plus fighters. Maximum of two in service at any one time. Counters for the KHV and 3KHV are provided.

(R4D.560) FAST KING EAGLE (FKE) The plans for this ship was found in the Gorn Battle Simulator Computer. Apparently the Gorns were concerned the Romulans would attempt to convert one or more King Eagles into a fast cruiser, and designed this simulator ship to give their ship captains some experience in dealing with such a ship. The Romulans never learned of this design nor had any plans of their own to produce such a ship.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8-9(F)/4-5. Command rating 9. Can convert one per year from a KE in SY180. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4P.650) BATTLEHAWK-L (BHL) A second design intended to produce a leader for BattleHawk squadrons. It, like the similar BattleHawk-B, had larger warp engines, a larger shuttle bay as well as increased battery power. The ship added a phaser-1 to each engine nacelle. Unlike the BattleHawk-B, ships of this design did serve as squadron leaders, and were rarely used as individual ships. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a BHB and no counter is provided.

(R4D.651) BATTLEHAWK SCOUT (BHS) Prior to a series of raids planned against the Federation, the Romulans found they did not have enough scouts. In late Y170 they attempted a quick fix by modifying a BattleHawk to serve as a scout. The modifications were completed in the spring of Y171. The ship was a disappointment and no additional conversions were undertaken.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-5u/0-3u. Command rating 6. EWP is 1. Can convert from BH (once per year) beginning in the Spring of Y171. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4D.652) HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER (WHH) Built as a test bed to carry the new Tribune Heavy Fighters just then coming into service. The Romulans were not pleased with the design and no further conversions were made. The single example of this ship was destroyed three years later by a flotilla of Gorn PFs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-5(6) /1-3(3). Command rating 6. Can convert from BH (once per year) beginning in the Fall of Y178. Cost is 2 EP plus cost of fighters.  Counters for both the WHH and the 2WHH are provided.

(R4P.700) SNIPE-V (SNV) Many of the older Snipes and Snipe-Bs were used as convoy escorts. After the Romulans entered the General War they found these convoys under attack from Federation and Gorn ships hoping to disrupt supplies. The Romulans in SY176 then took-in-hand a couple of Snipe-Bs for conversion to this design. They were designed as single ship carriers that required no escort. Despite this, they were sometimes paired with a SNE. While only capable of operating 4 fighters the added firepower did aid in protecting the convoys.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter factors are 4-5(2)/2(1). Command rating 3. Can be converted from SNB beginning in SY176. Cost is 2 EP. Counts as a escort carrier. Counters for the SNV and the 2SNV are provided.

(R4P.702) SNIPE-SC (SNSC) In an attempt to increase the number of scouts, without giving up capable combat hulls, the Romulans turned to the Snipe for an answer. The result was the Snipe-SC. While not as capable as the SkyHawk-F, it was as capable as the Seahawk based scout, and the Romulans had a number of Snipes stowed away in mothballs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter factors are 2-4u/0-2. Command rating 3. EWP is 1. Can be converted from SN, or substituted for SN in SY173. Cost to convert is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R4P.703) MULTI-ROLE SNIPE (SNM) Romulan spies posing as Vulcan's brought back news that the Gorns were developing a Multi-Role Frigate. The design centered around hard welding a small "blister" (similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller) to the rear of their frigate. Not wanting to be outdone by the Gorns the Romulans quickly assembled such a blister and attached it to the rear of a Snipe. Tests showed the ship was too small to take full advantage of the idea and further produced was halted.

(R4027) GOSHAWK-A FRIGATE (GHA) This was a proposed design for a FF. This class was proposed in Y169 to replace the Snipe and as an alternative to the SeaHawk. None were built. The lack of engines (it used an imported Klingon warp engine) and the commonality of the Seahawk to the SkyHawk design resulted in its rejection. The same designers also proposed the FireEagle and the Osprey, with which the GosHawk shared many components.

(R4028) GOSHAWK-P POLICE FRIGATE (GHP) This was a proposed design for a Police frigate. This class was proposed in Y169 as a follow on to the Goshawk-A to replace the Snipe-P and the KG2R. The lack of engines (it used an imported Klingon warp engine), and the termination of the Goshawk project, resulted in its rejection. Like the Snipe-P and KG2R, no cloaking device was to be installed.

(R4031) GOSHAWK-C SCOUT FRIGATE (GHC) This was a proposed design for a scout frigate based on the Goshawk. This class was proposed in Y169 to operate with the Goshawk frigate. None were built. The lack of engines (it used an imported Klingon warp engine) and the commonality of the Seahawk to the Skyhawk resulted in its rejection. The same designers also proposed the FireEagle and the Osprey, with which the Goshawks shared many components

(R4015) MINIHAWK CORVETTE (MH) With a shortage of ships after Operation Remus, the Romulans, after seeing Federation Corvettes in action, built one of their own. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a POL, and no counter is provided. Note: Due to the small size of this ship, a type-VI drone does 4 pts. of damage rather than 2, and any defensive fire systems treat this ship as if it were a PF. Note: This ship can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

Sub-Light Ships

(R4Y.25) BUZZARD EARLY HEAVY CARRIER (BZ) In Y68, (after a particularly successful raid by the Gorns that devastated a important research facility and in the process destroyed the WarHawk Carrier and its fighters protecting it), a group of Romulan ship designers began developing plans to modified one of their Vultures into a heavy carrier. The ship, which never proceeded beyond the planning stage, would have carried two flights of fighters and retained all the firepower of the Vulture.

(R4Y.25A) BOLTED BUZZARD EARLY HEAVY CARRIER (SBZ) When Romulans began modifications on their ships to allow their plasmas to be bolted, the designers again raised the possibility of building their Buzzard Heavy Carrier. As was the case with the original submission the idea was rejected.

(R4Y.25B) MASKED BUZZARD EARLY HEAVY CARRIER (WBZ) Had the Buzzard actually been built it would have surely been refitted around Y88 to allow use of the newly developed Masking Device.

(R4Y.25C) VEILED BUZZARD EARLY HEAVY CARRIER (YBZ) Even thought the Veiling Device was only a incremental improvement over the Masking Device there can be little doubt that had the Buzzard been built it would have been given this refit.

(R4Y.25D) CLOAKED BUZZARD EARLY HEAVY CARRIER (BUZ) When the Romulans began refitting their ships with the Cloaking Device in Y140, the designers of the Buzzard resubmitted their plans to the Romulan High Command. The plan was again rejected as too costly.


(R4201) SPARROWHAWK ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (SMX) In Y187, after the Civil War ended, the Romulans, in an effort to regain modularity, modified a SPX cruiser to the multi-role design, using a rejected MRC design for the SPA (from the same people who pushed the SabreHawk into production) as a guide. As with the most of the other races, a ruined economy and continuing wars (civil, ISC, Andro) held production of these ships down to one per year.

Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R4202) REGALHAWK-X ADVANCED HEAVY CRUISER (RGX) This was the prototype for the FireHawk-X. As the ship was completed before the Plasma-Ms were ready, a single Plasma-R was substituted. Like the FHX, this ship can control seeking weapons equal to double its sensor rating.

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