NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.



Captured Lyran Ships

This ship is a CVS that has been equipped with shutlle bays designed to handle the heavy fighters. It had the same escort group (MAC and DWA) as its near sister the BCV.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(8H)/5(4H). Command Rating 10. Can be substituted for BCH (once per year) beginning in Y181. Cost is 2 EP. Counts as a CVA for production purposes. A counter for both the single ship and the 3BVA are provided.

(R5P.201) COMBAT CARRIER (BVA) When the Kzintis first looked to convert one of their BCHs to a carrier the plan called for deploying a squadron and a half of fighters. This design, had it been accepted, would have slightly reduced the firepower of the BCH. Like the BCV that was built it was to have had both forward and rear hatches allowing fighters to both launch and land from either end.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(9)/5(4). Command Rating 10. Can be substituted for BCH (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 3 EP. Counts as a CVA for production purposes. A counter for both the single ship and the 3BVA are provided.

(R5S.220) HEAVY DRONE CRUISER (BHD) This design was used by the Klingons as an aid in drumming up support among colonists to increase their contributions to the war effort. It was thought, by the Klingon High Command, that such a powerful ship would scare the more relucant among colonial officials into higher levels of cooperation. The Kzintis learned of the design, but given the high cost (almost the cost of a DN), never seriously considered building it
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8-10[5]u/4-5. Can be converted in Y181 from a BCH for 4 EP. EW=4. Limit one in service at any given time. A counter is provided.

(R5007) BATTLE CARRIER (CVB) With the Kzinti Capitol cut off, the Baron began a program of modified ship types. The success of the fighter, resulted in his desire to modify all of his ships as carriers or carrier escorts. One ship, a CV being refit as a CVS, was started when the program was canceled. This ship, the Broadsword, was completed in Y170 with long shuttle bays running the length of the hull, and a modified disruptor/drone/phaser armament. Engines from the fast cruiser program were used, but even then, the ship remained sluggish. A large cargo bay for spare drone and fighter storage was placed in the CV’s former shuttle bay along with a large drone rack suite. This ship was given the same escorts as the CVS (a proposed, special escort group was never built). Its fighter group in Y170 was 12 x AAS and 12 x SS. In Y173, 24 HAAS were to be carried, but the ships loss early in that year precluded that from happening.

Note: This SSD for this ship shows 2 MRS shuttles. These shuttles are not included in the BPV. Players wishing to use these shuttles should delete 2 ADM and add the shaded deck crews and crew units.

(R5D.301) NEW STRIKE CARRIER (NVS) The first Kzinti plan for a carrier based on their strike cruiser hull was to put 9 fighters on it. After production had began, ship designers submitted a plan that would allow for a full squadron of fighters by adding an additional 3 fighters. Some designers and engineers felt that this ship could be produced in far less time than the proposed CV that was on the drawing boards. The Kzinti High Command rejected the idea, citing the advanced stage of planning for the CV and the lack of DD hulls. None of these ships was built. Escorts were to have been a CLE and a DDE, but had these ships been built, they would have undoubtedly been upgraded to a MEC and a DWE making a 3NVD group.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(6)/4. Command Rating 8. Players could replace all 3CV groups with 3NVS groups and add a FF to each fleet, or alternately, they could choose to replace only some, adding a FF to that  fleet. A counter for the NVS, 3NVS and 3NVD are provided.

(R5D.303) LARGE SCOUT (LSC) The introduction of the D6S by the Klingons during the Four Powers War came as a shock to the  Kzintis. Kzinti Fleet architects quickly began making plans to counter it. Their concept was to use a Strike Cruiser hull as the basis for their design. The fleet was in the process of upgrading their CSs to the new Battlecrusier (BC) design, and it was not until the end of the war that a hull became available. One un-refitted CS was allocated for the conversion, but Kzinti resources were sparse and the need to rebuild combat ships took priority. The ship lay in a half completed state until the Lyran attack in Y168. The plans were quickly updated and work begun anew on the ship. Once again the fortunes of war intervened and work was again suspended. The ship was finally moved to the Barons Starbase before the fall of Kzinti were it was finally completed in Y176.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8 u/2-4. Command Rating 8. EWP is 4. Can be converted from BC beginning in the Fall of Y176. Conversion cost is 4 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5P.305) BATTLE CRUISER (HBC) This ship was an attempt by the Kzintis to install gatling phasers on a standard battlecruiser. Plans for conversions of this type were cancelled when they were unable to obtain gatlings from the Hydrans. Nor were they able to acquire gatling from the Federation, who told the Kzinti's that they needed their limited production for carrier escorts.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-8/5. Command Rating 8. Can be substituted for BC (once per year) beginning in Y173. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5P.307) ALTERNATE BATTLE CRUISER (ABC) This ship was one of two competing designs to improve their Strike Cruiser, the other being the BC. Instead of increasing the number of disruptors this design added drone racks. Not as popular with many Kzinti admirals as the BC, because of the slow speed drones, only a prototype was finished. With the advent of medium speed drones the design became more in demand, but the beginning of the General War in Y168 forced the Kzintis to abandon any additional conversions. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a BC and no counter is provided.

(R5P.310) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FSC) The Kzintis, who traditionally suffered from a a lack of EW support, were quick to take up the idea of the fast scout cruiser. The first ship was completed in early Y176. The ship proved a huge success and the Kzinti high command ship was eager to produce additional ships. The war was not going well for them and only a second such ship was produced.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8u/3-4. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:4AF). Can be converted from BF cost 5 EP or BC cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Fall of Y177. Alternatively, if in a non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Kzintis are active. A counter is provided.

(R5D.360) HYBRID STRIKE CRUISER (HCS) Toward the end of the Four Powers War the Kzintis received fighter technology from the Hydrans. Emulating the Hydrans, the Kzintis as first decided to deploy fighters on "hybrid" ships. The CS class cruiser was the first of these hybrids. In the end the Kzintis changed to a true carrier concept and few of theses hybrid ships were built.

(R5D.361) HYBRID HEAVY CRUISER (HCA) Before scrapping the concept of hybrid ships, the Kzintis modified at least one of their heavy cruisers to operate fighters. When the Kzinti moved to a true carrier model, the single HCA was converted to CVL.

(R5D.380) FAST BATTLE CRUISER (FBC) When word of the FD7 reached the Kzinti High Command, they set about making plans to counter it with their own fast cruiser. This design proposed using four non upgraded engines from old Strike Cruisers. The design was rejected because of the difficulty Kzinti engineers had in getting the four engines to work together. The work done on using four engines was used a decade later to produce the NCA. In F&E terms this ship is identical to the BF and no counter is provided.

(R5P.399) SUPER HEAVY CRUISER (SCA) The Kzintis heard rumors that both the Klingons and the Romulans intended to field a super cruiser. Not wanting to find themselves outclassed they began plans for a super cruiser of their own. Before any of these ships could be built the BCX entered production and plans for the super cruiser were dropped.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12-10(S)/5. Command Rating 9. Can be substituted for CC (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5D.401) LIGHT CARRIER (CLV) The same designers who proposed the NVS also drafted plans for modifying the new CVEs then building to CLVs by enlarging the number of fighters from 6 to 9. They argued that putting 6 fighters on a CL was a misuse of a CL hull. They were no more successful in advancing this idea then they were with the NVS. Intended to have the same escort group as the NVS, these surely could have been upgraded to a MEC and a DWE had any of these ships been built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6(4)/3. Command Rating 6. Players could replace all 3CVL groups with 3CLV groups and add a FF to each fleet, or alternately, they could choose to replace only some, adding a FF to that  fleet. A counter for the CLV, and a 3CLV are provided.

(R5D.402) ESCORT CRUISER (CLE) A proposed variant of the light cruiser intended to act as an escort to the new carriers, replacing the disruptors with Ph-1s (same firing arcs), and adding an ADD. It was to have a limited Aegis fire control system and ready racks to support the fighters of the carrier, but would have carried no fighters of its own. The project was cancelled before production could begin.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6n/3n. Command Rating 6. Can be converted from CL, cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5D.403) SCOUT CRUISER (CLS) Another attempt by the Kzintis to reduce the EW superiority of the Klingons and Lyrans. A CL was taken in hand and converted to this design. The demand on CL hulls (for conversion to CLEs) prevented further conversions. The single example of this class was built with the C-12 refit. It was destroyed by the Klingons in the Spring of Y174. Had it survived it would have in all probability received the Y175 refit.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-6u/2-3. Command Rating 6. EWP is 3. Can be converted from CL beginning in the Fall of Y170. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5P.404) LIGHT DRONE CRUISER (CLD) This design was the Kzintis first attempt to build a drone bombardment cruiser. The ship entered service in Y132 and was unique in that it mounted the extra large D-racks seen before only on the Tug. It also had a small cargo bay used to carry 100 spaces of extra drones. It was not successful and no additional ships of this type were produced.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6[4]/3. Command rating 6. Can be converted from CL beginning in Spring of Y170. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5P.405) REPAIR CRUISER (CLR) A few years after the the Third Klingo-Kzinti War ended, the Kzintis took in hand a couple of Light Cruisers for conversion to a repair cruiser. The Kzintis had found the need for one during war, when a number of their ships were destroyed before they could be safely towed to regular repair stations. The first of these conversions was completed in Y135, shortly before the Kzintis attacked the Federation. The ship is shown with a Y175 refit although few ever received it. The ship makes repairs as do Star Bases. Ships which are to be repaired must be docked to the repair cruiser while repairs are made.

(R5D.406) LIGHT SURVEY CRUISER (LSR) The Kzintis wanted and needed Survey Ships. Factions in the fleet were concerned that the existing design, based as it was on BC hulls, would increase their vulnerability to attack by either the Lyrans or the Klingons. Hastily designed the ship was completed just months before the Lyrans attacked in Y168. It appears two were in place of SRs. One was returned in Y175 for a refit. The shuttle bays were to few to allow it to carry fighters, but the cargo bays were configured as FCR style bays.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6u/1-3. Command Rating 6. EWP is 2. Can be converted from CL beginning in the Fall of Y168. Conversion cost is 5 EP. Can be converted in the Spring of Y175 to have FCR capability. Conversion cost is 1 EP. Counters for both are provided.

(R5D.407) LIGHT PF Tender (LPFT) At the same time as the DD based PFT was on the drawing boards, a second team of designers conducted a feasibility study on the concept of converting the few remaining light cruisers to serve as PF Tenders. The design never entered production (save for the single engineering test vehicle) as it was no more effective than the PFT, and the few remaining CLs were better used for CLDs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-6u(P)/1-3(P). Command Rating 6. EWP is 2. Can be converted from CL beginning in the Spring of Y181. Conversion cost is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5D.408) LIGHT MAULER (CLM) The first use of the D6M shocked the Kzintis. They immediately began to make plans to produce a similar ship. This design was based on a CL hull as the Kzintis felt they could not spare BC hulls. The project never went past the design stages and no such ship was ever produced.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Counter Factors are 7/3. Command rating 6. Can be converted from CL beginning in Spring of Y172. Conversion cost is 4 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5D.460) HYBRID LIGHT CRUISER (HCL) As part of their plan for a "Hybrid" fleet, the Kzintis took in hand several light cruisers for conversion. Records indicate that only two of these ships were completed before the Four Powers War ended. Both were converted to CVEs.

(R5017) LIGHT DRONE CRUISER (CDL) The failure of the CLD led the Kzintis to redesign the ship with more conventional drone racks and special sensors. Introduced in Y132, the Kzintis found the ship was too vulnerable and instead produced the larger CD the following year. Only one ship of this type was built and it was lost in Y163 during the Four Powers War.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6u[4]/3. Command Rating 6. EWP is 3. Can be converted from CL beginning in the Fall of Y168. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5014) (NEW) LIGHT CRUISER (NCL)  This ship was a competitor to the Medium Cruiser. Built on a CL hull, the NCL was designed to use ‘off the shelf parts’ to cut down expenses. One ship was built in Y169. The CM was chosen in place of this ship, even though it was possible to convert CLs to this type. No CLs were known to be converted, the survivors having been converted to CVEs. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CM and no counter is provided.

(R5003) (NEW) LIGHT CRUISER SCOUT (NSC) This ship was a companion to the New Light Cruiser. Built on a NCL hull, the NSC was designed to use 'off the shelf parts' to cut down expenses. Proposed ships were to be built starting in Y169. The CM was chosen in place the NCL, and even though it was possible to convert CLs to this type, no CLs were known to be converted, the survivors having been converted to CVEs. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CM and no counter is provided.

(R5P.501) MEDIUM SCOUT DRONE CRUISER (MSD) The Kzintis CD was in high demand for both fleet drone support and independent bombardment missions. The BC hulls were mostly being converted to carriers and the Kzintis felt they could not spare many for CD conversions. They had a Medium Drone cruiser, but it required separate scout support. By replacing a pair of Ph-1s, they could rapidly convert it to near the equivalent of the CD. The first such conversion took place in Y172.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-7[4]u/2-3. Command Rating 6. EWP is 2. Can build or convert beginning in the Spring of Y172. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6D.510) SCOUT ESCORT CRUISER (MSEC) The Kzintis, who always seemed in need of more scouting capability, were quick to embrace the concept of a Scout Escort cruiser. They finished the first one shortly after the Federation and Klingons completed their versions.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7 un /3-4. Command rating 6. Can be converted in Y176 from a CM for 4 EP; or from a MSC for 1 EP; or from a MEC for 3 EP. EW=3. A Counter is provided.

(R5D.514) AEGIS ESCORT (MEA) The Kzintis started production of this class of escort almost at the same time as the Klingons. However, neither side knew of the others efforts. The first and perhaps the only escort of this design entered service with the fleet in the Fall of Y177 shortly after the Klingon DE5 began operating. Further production of this class was curtailed due to the high costs involved.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7(2)n/3-4(1) n. Command Rating 6. Can build or convert from MC or MEC beginning in the Fall of Y177. Conversion cost is 2 EP + 2 for the fighters. Is treated the same as a Hydran Hybrid ship. A counter is provided.

(R5P.515) MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRC) The Kzintis, like all the major races, employed the technology used to build their HDW to modify a Medium War Cruiser to this variant. The design was intended, as all were, to replace the many variants of the war cruiser. A pair of fighters was standard.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(1)/4. Command Rating 6. Can substitute one MRC for MC once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y180. Cost is 6 EP +1 EP for the fighters. Is treated as an HDW,and can perform all the missions as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R5D.520) FAST TACTICAL TRANSPORT (FMT) The Kzintis, like all the races, found that re-supplying the fast and far reaching X-ships was a difficult task for their standard tugs and LTTs. Not wanting to divert the limited number of X-ships to this task they designed a fast medium transport. Two special sensors were added to aid in both locating the X-ships and enemy ships that needed to be avoided. No heavy weapons were included (as it was felt that these might encourage ships captains to engage in combat and thus jeopardize their main mission). This ship is capable of carrying any pod except the SCP+ Space Control Pod, however, it rarely carried anything but a cargo pod and many times carried no pod at all.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7Fu/1-4. Command Rating 6. EW=2. Can built one per turn beginning in SY184. Build cost is 7 EP. Counts against both scouts and LTTs. A counter is provided.

(R5P.505) NEW COMMAND CRUISER (NCC) The Kzintis struggling to retake their empire with the meager economy left after losing most of their territory hit upon the idea of using their new heavy cruiser as a basis for command cruisers. At least two test bed vessels were converted from heavy cruisers.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command Rating 8. Can build (by conversion only) beginning in Spring of Y178. Build cost is 8 EP (6 for NCA +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R5P.551) NEW DRONE CRUISER (NDC) Another proposal the economically strapped Kizntis made was to convert their New Heavy Cruiser to a Drone Cruiser. This reasoned the designers would allow construction costs to be cut by 25%. Overall shortage of funds prevented more than a single conversion of this type.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8[4]u/4. Command Rating 8. EWP is 2. Can build by conversion only beginning in the Fall of Y178. Build Cost is 6 EP, plus 3 EP for conversion. Counts against the Drone build. A counter is provided.

(R5D.555) NEW FAST CRUISER (NFC) Whiskers, the Kzinti intelligence agency learned that both the Klingons and Lyrans were getting set to deploy new fast cruisers. The high command, not wanting to be caught flat-footed immediately ordered the production of such a ship. The time required to re-start the hot warp engine facility was too long so they proposed using three standard CM engines. Kzinti admirals were no more satisfied with the design then they had been over a decade earlier with the BF. Based on their objections only a single ship was completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(F)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a BC in FY177. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the CM +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R5006) (FEDERATION) LIGHT CRUISER (FCL) When the Federation enter the war in Y171, they quickly offered to build the Kzintis a variant of their NCL. 3 were built to Kzinti specifications as lend-lease and turned over in Y172. Problems supplying parts, and the Romulan attack in Y173 led to the cancellation of any further ships of this type. All 3 of these ships were assign to the Marquis fleet where they would be close to the parts supply. Unlike standard Kzinti ships, this ship had the unusual drone armament of 2 G-racks and 2 C-racks. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CM and no counter is provided.

(R5011) MEDIUM BATTLE ESCORT (MBE)  This ship was the escort cruiser built to escort the CVB Broadsword.  Like the Broadsword, this ship had large bays running down the sides of the ship which housed a half squadron of SAS shuttles and the ship had a modified drone/phaser/disruptor armament. These bays had the effect of causing the ship to turn slower and increased the possibility of breakdowns on HETSs.  A limited Aegis rig was also installed. This ship was heavily damaged in the same battle that the Broadsword was destroyed, and was used as a CVL after Y174 for convoy escort duty.  It received a full Aegis rig in Y175, and was lost on the Lyran border in Y178.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-7(2)n/3-4(1)n. Command Rating 6. Can convert one CM to MBE Spring of Y172. Cost is 1 EP plus cost of fighters at 2 EP per fighter. A counter is provided.

(R5013) MEDIUM AEGIS DISRUPTOR ESCORT CRUISER (MAD)  This ship was introduced in Y179 to combat the new Klingon and Lyran PFs. A cross between the CM and MAC, it retained the disruptors of the CM, and the G-racks and aegis of the MAC. Unlike the MAC, the ADDs were replaced with E-racks, the feeling being that the G-racks would provide a sufficient ADD defense. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a MAC and no counter is provided.

(R5P.601) DESTROYER ESCORT (DDE) Original reports indicated that the Long Lean was a "Single Ship Carrier" with no formal escort. The most recent information has proved this to be not entirely true. From Y166 it was escorted by a converted DD. The DDE (like its consort the DDV) appears to have been a one of a kind design. It received the Y175 refit changing two Type-A racks to Type-B racks (two reloads) and upgraded the ADDs to 12 rounds. It was destroyed along with the Long Lean late in the war by the Lyran CV Red Claw Glory.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6n/2-3n. Command Rating 4. One is added to the Barons Fleet at the start of the game. Additional DDs can be converted to DDEs at a cost of 2 EP. A counter for the ship and the 2DDV group are provided.

(R5P.602) DESTROYER SCOUT (DDS)  The Hegemony reeling from both Klingon and Lyrans assaults found it was badly outclassed in EW. In an attempt to correct this, a DD was taken in hand and modified to serve as a scout. The DDS entered service in late Y171. The shortage of DD hulls prevented additional conversions.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6u/1-3. Command Rating 4. EWP is 2. Can build or convert beginning in the Fall of Y171. Conversion cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5P.603) SCOUT DRONE DESTROYER (SDD)  The Klingon initial attack pointed up the need for additional drone bombardment ships.  One quick solution was to hastily convert, during repairs, a DD damaged in the initial assault by the Klingons to this design.  Larger than the SDF and smaller than the CD, the additional cost was not considered effective and no further ships of this design were produced.  This ship can control a number of drones equal to double its sensor rating, and can use a scout channel (G24.24) to control more.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6u[4]/2-3. Command Rating 4. EWP is 2. Can convert one per year beginning in the Fall of Y170. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5D.604) DESTROYER LEADER (DDL) When the DD was first proposed its designers envisioned a leader version of it. A prototype was produced in Y162. Plans for additional ships were cancelled when regular DD production was terminated in favor of the Medium Cruiser.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Counter Factors are 6/3. Command Rating 5. Can build or convert one per turn beginning in the Fall of Y162. Conversion cost is 2 EP. When combined with 2 other DD, DW, or FF it gains one additional attack factor per (303.5). A counter for the ship is provided.

(R5P.605) MINE WARFARE SHIP (MWS)  When the Kzintis first considered the need for a minesweeper, this never built variant, was a proposal suggested by some within the fleet to produce such a ship. Unlike the other designs for minesweepers, this approach did not require the installation of heavier shield generators, but instead relied on armor bolted to the front of the ship. This allowed room for additional minesweeping shuttles. Lack of DD hulls forced cancellation of this project before any ships could be converted. This ship is not found in F&E and no counter is provided.

(R5D.610) HYBIRD DESTROYER (HDD) The Kzintis made plans to convert their one of their new DDs, the Long Lean", into a "hybrid" carrier, but before they did, the hybrid concept was abandoned in favor of true carriers, and the "Long Lean" was modified as a true carrier.

(R5D.705) LIGHT TACTICAL SCOUT (LTS) When the first of their war destroyer scouts was lost in its first engagement, the Kzintis decided ships of this type required more protection. A pair of their LAS heavy fighters were added using mech links. Records seem to indicated only one or two of this improved "design" were ever completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6u(3)/2-3(1). Command Rating 4. Can build or convert one per turn beginning in the Spring of Y170. Conversion cost is 2 EP. Does not include the cost of fighters. A counter is provided.

(R5009) MEDIUM CARRIER RESUPPLY SHIP (MCR) As the Kzinti’s began to rely more on Carriers and fighters, resupply became more and more important. After introducing the FCR in Y168, it was planned to follow this with a slightly larger MCR based on the DD. However, due to a shortage of DD hulls, only one ship of this type was completed in Y170. It was later converted to a PFT.

(R5P.801) ESCORT CARRIER (FVE) The original Kzinti CVEs were converted CLs. As these were never intended to enter full scale combat, the Kzintis quickly found these conversions to be a waste of a combat hull. Needing a CVE (for convoy escorting and resupplying front line carriers) they turned to their frigate. The first of these new CVEs entered service during the opening months of Y170. Many operated alone, but were sometimes escorted by an EFF.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-4(3)/1-3(1). Command Rating 5. Can produce by conversion or substitution one per year beginning in the Fall of Y170. Counters for the FVE and 2FVE are provided.

(R5P.802) ESG FRIGATE (FEF) A unique one of a kind ship. This ship resulted from the capture of a Lyran Frigate late in the Four Powers War. The ship was modified to operate a ESG. The Kzintis hoped to use this ship to find a weakness in the ESG. The ship was used as a target for other ships firing dummy drones with some sucess, but was destroyed when attempting to run over a mine field. In F&E terms this ship would be the equivalent of a FF and no counter is provided.

(R5P.820) ESCORT FRIGATE (FFE) The first in a series of three designs put forth by the Kzintis intended to produce an improved version of their escort frigate. This variant drew upon early experiments with the hybrid fighter concept. Only two or three ships of this configuration entered service. The first in the fall of Y169. Further production was limited as the Kzinti admirals could not agree on which of the designs should be put in production.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-4(1)n/1-2n. Command Rating 4. One FFE can be substituted for a EFF in the Fall of Y169. The first must be built at the shipyard. Additional FFEs can be substituted for EFFs at a rate of one per year. Cost is the same as a EFF plus the 1 EP for the fighter factor. A counter is provided.

(R5P.821) ESCORT FRIGATE (FE) The third in a series of designs put forth by the Kzintis intended to produce an improved version of their escort frigate. This variant (which replaced two of the ADDs with drone racks) was intended for service on the Klingon front. Only two or three ships of this configuration entered service. The first in the spring of Y170. Further production was limited as the Kzinti admirals could not agree on which of the designs should be put in production.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-4n/2n. Command Rating 4. One FE can be substituted for a EFF in the Spring of Y170. The first must be built at the shipyard. Additional FEs can be substituted for EFFs at a rate of one per year. Cost is the same as a EFF. A counter is provided.

(R5P.822) ESCORT FRIGATE (EFE) The second in a series of three designs put forth by the Kzintis intended to produce an improved version of their escort frigate. This variant (which replaced two ADD racks with Phaser-3s) was primarily intended for service on the Lyran front. Only one or two ships of this configuration entered service. The first in the fall of Y170. Further production was limited as the Kzinti admirals could not agree on which of the designs should be put in production. In F&E terms this ship is identical to the FE and no counter is provided.

(R5P.825) MULTI-ROLE FRIGATE (MRF) It is not known where this idea came from, or who first proposed the concept of attaching a small addition, (whose systems could be quickly and easily reconfigured) to the rear of a ship. Similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller, these were mere "blisters" hard welded to the ship. The Kziniti's tried their hand at such a scheme in Y164 choosing a frigate as their demonstration model. Two of these were produced and sent to the fleet for evaluation. Neither found much favor with fleet officials and the project was cancelled.

(R5D.826) ESCORT CARRIER (FKV) When the Kzintis first considered replacing their CL based CVE with a smaller unit, they looked at the new FFK Frigates as the answer. They reasoned that this hull could, in addition to its fighters, still supply some combat power. The project was opposed by the Fleet Admirals who wanted the hulls used to supply improved escorts to their main line carriers. In the end only a single FFK was converted in Y171 to this design. Oddly enough it was supplied with a FKE escort.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-5(3)/2-3(1). Command Rating 5. Can produce one by substitution in the Fall of Y171. Counters for the FKV and 2FKV are provided.

(R5M.830) WAR FRIGATE (WFF) This was an attempt by the Kzinti shipyard that built the frigate to produce a ship equal to the War Destroyer using existing Frigates. Their idea was that once their concept was approved the ship would replace the new DW. The process involved both lengthening and widening the hull. This increased the turn mode. Two frigates were selected for conversion and after completion (which took over a year due to the extensive nature of the changes) under went tests in the spring and fall of Y176. The results were successful, but the high cost of the modifications, coupled with the lack of command and control doomed the project and further conversions were cancelled.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6/3. Command Rating 3. One FF can be converted to a WFF in the Spring of Y176, and a second in the fall of Y176. Cost is 3 EP. Additional conversions can be made only to replace a WFF lost in combat. A counter is provided.

(R5012) BATTLE ESCORT FRIGATE (FBE) This was the light escort for the CVB Broadsword Mounting similar side bays from the MBE, it also houses a third of a squadron of SAS shuttles. A limited Aegis rig was also installed. This ship was used to escort the MBE after Y174. It received a full aegis rig in Y175, and was lost on the Lyran border in Y178.

(R5010) (NEW) DESTROYER (NDD) This ship was a competitor to the War Destroyer. Built on a widened FF hull, the NDD was designed to use ‘off the shelf parts’ to cut down expenses. Originally proposed in Y172, one ship was completed in Y175. The DW was chosen in place of this ship, which was planned to replace the DD, FFK and FH. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a DW and no counter is provided.

(R5004) (NEW) DESTROYER SCOUT (NDS) This ship was a companion to the New Destroyer. Built on a widened FF hull, the NDS was designed to use 'off the shelf parts' to cut down expenses. Originally proposed in Y172, no ships were ever completed. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a DWS and no counter is provided.

(R5001) (NEW) DRONE DESTROYER (DDN) This ship was designed to replace the drone frigate. Based on the New Destroyer, it was to be built on a widened FF hull, the DDN was designed to use 'off the shelf parts' to cut down expenses. Originally proposed in Y172, no ships were ever completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-6[4]/2-3. Command Rating 5. Can substitute one for a FF in FY172. Only one in service at a time. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5002) (NEW) SCOUT DRONE DESTROYER (NSD) This ship was designed to replace the scout drone frigate and to work in company with the new drone destroyer. Based on the New Destroyer, it was to be built on a widened FF hull, the NSD was designed to use 'off the shelf parts' to cut down expenses. Originally proposed in Y172, no ships were ever completed. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a SDW and no counter is provided.

(R5018) KZINTI HEAVY POLICE FRIGATE (HPL) The single NDD completed in Y175 was converted into a prototype Heavy Police Frigate a year later. The disruptors were removed and replaced by drone racks and cargo storage replaced some the APRs.

(R5019) KZINTI (NEW) DESTROYER ESCORT (NDE) This was the proposed carrier escort variant of the NDD. It was, if built, designed to replace the FFE and FKE in Kzinti carrier groups.

(R5005) PIN CORVETTE (COR) Working with the Federation on a PF design, the Kzintis received a first hand look at the corvette. Seeing a use for it, the immediately developed their own, which was introduced early in Y182 beating the Klingon G3 into service by 3 months.

Note: Due to the small size of this ship, a type-VI drone does 4 pts. of damage rather than 2, and any defensive fire systems treat this ship as if it was a PF.
Note: This ship can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

(R5D.901) FAST TUG (TGF) The Kzinti high command never considered the BF (with its limited drone racks) a success. Following the example set by the Klingons, the Kzintis decided to convert a TGT to a fast tug. It wasn't until the spring of Y176 that they were able to complete the project. The fast tug was not capable of operating battle pods. Most sources indicate only a single such conversion was made.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8(F)/2-4. Command Rating 6. Cannot carry Battle Pods. Can be built by conversion only. Can convert one TGT to TGF per year beginning in the Spring of Y176. Conversion cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R5D.910) TRANSPORT TUG with Captured Lyran Power Pack (TGL) In spring of Y170 a Kzinti Transport Tug enroute to the starbase in the exploration zone, came across a badly damaged Lyran DW. The tug took the DW in tow, hoping that it could be restored to fighting shape. Once at the starbase the engineers found the ship too badly damaged to do anything but scrap it. They were, however, able to salvage the power pack and quickly set about trying to mate it to the tug. Reports of their success vary depending on which sides story is to be believed. In F&E terms this ship identical to a TGT and no counter is provided.

(R5P.922) COMBAT TUG with 2 DRONE BOMBARDMENT PODS (TGDB) Following the lead of the Klingons, the Kzintis designed a set of drone bombardment pods. Although the pods were designed in Y160, the Kzinti high command did not look favorably on the design, and the pods were not built until Y170, following the Klingons attack. The pods were near an identical copy of the Klingon pods leading some to conclude the design was stolen from the Klingons.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors for the combined Tug+Pods is 12-8u[4]4. The factor for the Pods are 2u[2]/0. Command Rating 8. Each pod produces 1 EWP. Construction cost of Pods (they must be built in pairs) is 6 EP. Drone pods count against the number of Drone ships. Counters for the combined Tug&Pods and the separate Pod are provided.

(R5P.925) COMBAT TUG with 2 SCOUT CARRIER PODS (TVS) The Kzintis were short of EW platforms and were always in need of additional ways to field fighters. One remedy for this was to combine both functions in a set of tug pods. The pods were somewhat successful and it remains a mystery as to why additional pods were not built. The SSD shows HAAS/TAAS fighters. The ship was assigned no formal escort group, but was most often operated with a MEC and a EFF.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors for the combined Tug+Pods is 8(6)u/4(3). The factor for the Pods are 0(6)u. Command Rating 8. Each pod produces 1 EWP. Construction cost of Pods (they must be built in pairs) is 6 EP, and can be built in FY170. Can only have one set of these pods at any one time. These pods count against both the number of Scouts and Carrier pods. Counters for the combined Tug&Pods, a 3 TVS group, and the seperate Pod are provided.

(R5P.951) PROTOTYPE CARRIER (TV) One of two designs submitted after initial tests with the "Long Lean" proved the concept of a carrier the Kzintis began work on their carriers. This design by a group of junior designers proposed using the basic hull used for the tugs. It was rejected by the Kzinti High Command, and no ships of this type were built. Had the ship been built it would not have had the ability to carry pods. The escort group was to have been the same as the CV (MEC + EFF). An upgraged escort group would have been MEC + DWE, resulting in a 3TVD.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(6)/4(3). Command Rating 8. Cannot carry Pods. Can be built from the Spring of Y176 by replacing a CV. Cost is 8 +2. Counters for the TV, 3TV and 3TVD are provided.

(R5P.980) NEW STRIKE CARRIER (NVS) The first Kzinti plan for a carrier based on their strike cruiser hull was to put 9 fighters on it. After production had began, ship designers submitted a plan that would allow for a full squadron of fighters by adding an additional 3 fighters. Some designers and engineers felt that this ship could be produced in far less time than the proposed CV that was on the drawing boards. The Kzinti High Command rejected the idea, citing the advanced stage of planning for the CV and the lack of DD hulls. None of these ships was built. Escorts were to have been two EFFs, but had this ship been put into production it would have undoubtedly been upgraded to a MEC and a DWE making a 3NVD group.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(6)/4. Command Rating 8. Players could replace all 3CV groups with 3NVS groups and add a FF to each fleet, or alternately, they could choose to replace only some, adding a FF to that fleet. A counter for the NVS, 3NVS and 3NVD are provided.

(R1.7A) LARGE DISRUPTOR Q-SHIP (L-QD) This was the standard large Kzinti Q-Ship prior to the introduction of the AS Attack Shuttle in Y160. This ship was introduced in Y130, and most were converted shortly after the AS Attack Shuttles began available.

(R1.7A) SMALL DISRUPTOR Q-SHIP (S-QD) This was the standard small Kzinti Q-Ship prior to the introduction of the AS Attack Shuttle in Y160. This ship was introduced in Y130, and most were converted shortly after the AS Attack Shuttles began available.

(R5008) RECOVERY TUG (TGR) This ship was a pure tug designed to tow ships and pods. While these ships could operate pods, they seldom did so in combat situations due to their vulnerability. Often these ships were used to tow FRDs as well as to recover crippled ships. First built in Y142, the Kzinits built many of them.

(R5015) ULTIMATE MEDIUM CRUISER (UCM) The Howard Brothers, and Mr. Fine, after being turned down by Federation Star Fleet, decided to go the Federation's Allies in Y181 with their ideas. This was the design they submitted to the Kzintis for a Medium Cruiser. They received the same reaction from the Kzintis as they did from Star Fleet.

(R5016) ULTIMATE WAR DESTROYER (UDW) The Howard Brothers, and Mr. Fine, after being turned down by Federation Star Fleet, decided to go the Federation's Allies in Y181 with their ideas. This was the design they submitted to the Kzintis for a Destroyer. They received the same reaction from the Kzintis as they did from Star Fleet.


(R5M.X50) SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (XNC) The Kzintis had been working on advanced technology and when the time came to test it on a ship chose one of their new heavy cruisers as the testbed vehicle. By the time tests were completed the technology had improved and the true Kzinti X-ship entered production.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R5201) ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRX) With the Usurper defeated, the Kzintis began to rebuild their fleet. Like the other races, they saw a need for specialist ships to accompany their technology (X) ships. Rather than build individual ships, they applied advanced technology (X) to their MRC. One per year was built starting in Y187.
Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R5M.X04) ADVANCED DESTROYER (DWX) The designers of the War Destroyer were convinced that it was not capable of being converted to X-technology. However, a group of junior engineers working on X-technology, after studying the proposals for the CMX and scans of the Lyran DWX submitted a plan for a DWX. After review the plans were quickly approved and work immediately begun on the first ship. It entered service at almost the same time as the CMX and replaced some FKX production.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command Rating 6. Can replace the FKX in the regular production schedule in the Spring of Y184 and after. Cost is 9 EP. Can be converted from DW cost is 6 EP. A counters is provided.

(R5D.X07) ADVANCED POLICE CORVETTE (PLX) Near the end of the General War, the Kzintis Police Corvettes were being outclassed by Orion Private vessels with advanced technology. To counter this, the Kzintis began plans to upgrade their Police Corvettes with advanced technology. The huge cost involved in these upgrades meant few such upgrades were made.

(R5D.X08) ADVANCED POLICE FLAG SHIP (FLX) Concurrent with the plans to add advanced technology to the Police Corvettes, plans were also made to upgrade the Police Flag ships with this new technology.

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