NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.



(R6M.201) GODZILLA SPACE CONTROL SHIP (SCP)  The Gorn High Command was never fond of fighters and did not like the design of their SCS. A second design was ordered. This one had no fighters, but instead carried two full flotillas of PFs. It is not clear from the records of this time period whether the single example of this ship was converted from an existing SCS or built as new construction. It is, however, known that the ship operated with the same escort group as a SCS. The PFs on the inner position of each wing can be repaired using collapsible bays. The lower PFs (in the main hull) can all be repaired.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 14 PP/7 P. Note! The two Ps on the counter show it has two PF flotillas. Command rating 10. Can be built in SY184 by conversion from a standard DN for a cost of 8 EP. Can also convert existing SCS for a cost of 3 EP. Counters for both the SCP and 4SCP are provided.

(R6P.220) FAST PF DREADNOUGHT (DLP) A decade later the designers of the Alectosaurus Light Dreadnought were still smarting from the reception their design got from the Navy. With the introduction of PFs they saw a chance to redeem their reputations. Their idea was to modify a DNL to carry a full flotilla of PFs. Unfortunately for them the Navy had long memories and the disappointment over the DNL was still fresh in their minds, and so the design was rejected out-of-hand.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11F P/6P. Command rating 9. Has 7 movement points. Can convert one DNL to DLP in the Spring of Y184. Cost is 3 EP. Can only have one DLP operational at a time. A counter is provided.

(R6.D225) PROTOTYPE DREADNOUGHT-CRUISER (DCN) This design first put forth in Y166 proposed building a dreadnought by adding a large rear section to a light crusier. Rather than use two massive engines, the designers envisioned using four of the CL engines mounted in a "V" atop a single pylon. Studies showed the stress of two engines on the pylons was too great and the project was dropped before any ship could be built.

(R6D.301) BCP BATTLECRUISER  The Gorn High Command was shocked and deeply troubled when news that the Lyrans had deployed a heavy battlecruiser capable of operating a full flotilla of PFs reached them. The news had been sent from Gorn officers serving as observers and liaison officers aboard Kzinti ships. They quickly ordered a BCH then under construction modified to be able to operate a full PF flotilla. The two inboard mech links can repair PFs using collapsible repair bays.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12 P/6 P. Command rating 10. Can be built only by conversion of a standard BCH (once per year) beginning in SY183. Cost is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6M.310) HEAVY FIGHTER BATTLE CARRIER (BVH) While the Gorns apparently never built a standard fighter carrying "Battle Carrier" variant of their heavy battlecruiser, they did, however, produce one that operated heavy fighters in spring of Y181. Like its smaller counterpart, (the CVH), the BVH used the same escort group (HDA & BDA).
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12(8)/6(4). Command rating 10. Can convert one BCH to BVH once per year beginning in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the BVH and 3BVH are provided.

(R6M.315) HEAVY FIGHTER STRIKE CARRIER (CVH) When the Gorns began production of the G-30 Heavy Assault Fighter, they dusted off plans for the CVS Strike Carrier based on their battlecruiser, and modified it to carry the new heavy fighters. The ship which entered service in the Spring of Y179 used the same escort group (HDA & BDA) as the HDV.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(8)/5(4). Command rating 8. Can convert one BC to CVH once per year beginning in the Spring of Y179. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the CVH and 3CVH are provided.

(R6D.320) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FSC) The Gorn high command was eager to follow the suit of the Federation and build a fast scout crusier. The government, however, was not pleased with the cost of building such a ship. Finally convinced by reports the Romulans were considering just such a ship forced their hand and they ordered 3 of the ships. Only two were built (both as new construction) the first entering service in the Fall of Y177 and the second a year later.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-10u/2-5. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:5AF). Can be converted from BCF cost 5 EP or BC cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Spring of Y176. Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Gorns are active. A counter is provided.

(R6M.350) HEAVY FIGHTER MEDIUM CARRIER (MVH) Details surrounding this ship are murky and confusing. Some sources (principally the Romulans and Kzintis) believed the ship was actually built, while others (primarily Federation & Klingon) concluded the ship was in fact merely a CVH that was misidentified. The only thing all sides agree on is the ship, which was first sighted in the Spring of Y180, was escorted by a HDA and a BDA. The Gorns are (understandably) silent on the issue content with the confusion surrounding it.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(8)/5(4). Command rating 8. Can convert one CM to MVH once per year beginning in the Spring of Y180. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the MVH and 3MVH are provided.

(R6D.360) FAST NEW CRUISER (FCM) When the Gorns learned of the Federations new fast cruiser program they made plans to convert one of their medium cruisers to a fast variant. Records seem to indicate that they could not spare a ship for the time necessary to make the conversion and no ship of this was built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(F)/5. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a BC in SY179. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the CM +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R6D.381) FAST BATTLECRUISER (BCF) When the news, that the Klingons had produced a fast cruiser, and the Federation was working on their own version, reached the Gorns, they set about to design a fast battlecruiser. One plan early in Y166 offered by Gorn ship designers, called for enlarging the wings of a BC and installing small warp engines taken from a small freighter in each wing. Problems arose with balancing the warp fields and the design was rejected in favor of the BF. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a BF and no counter is provided.

(R6D.385) FAST TUG (FTG) When Gorns abandoned the concept of the fast cruiser they were left with the larger "hot warp" engines. Instead of scrapping the engines, Gorn engineers proposed mounting them on a tug. The first of these fast tugs was completed in Y173. Due to the interaction between firing of heavy weapons and the warp engines this design was unable to carry a battle pod (either heavy or light), but was able to carry and operate all other Gorn Pods.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(F)/0-4. Command rating 8. Can be built only by conversion of a standard TG (once per year) beginning in Y173. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6D.386) HEFTY TUG (TGH) In addition to an increase in crew accommodations (hull), the Hefty Tug boasts improved Labs, control capabilities (Emer Bridge), a larger battery bank along with a small increase in firepower.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Factors are 3-9/1-5. Command rating 8. Players can choose one of two methods of including these ships. (1) All TGs built after the Gorns enter the General War are built as TGHs. Cost is 6 EP. Existing TGs can only be converted to TGHs from crippled TGs. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of repairs. (2) All TGs at the start of the game are TGHs. A counter is provided.

(R6D.395) CARRIER TUG (TGV) This pod was actually designed by the Federation, which then convinced the Gorns to build one. The pod operated G-18s, and later in Y182 G-18Bs. It has a "tunnel" bay with doors at each end allowing it to launch and/or land 1 fighter from each end. It has storage for 100 Plasma-Ds. Tugs carrying this pod were many times provided with an escort group composed of either a CLE or HDE and a DE or BDE.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(6)/0-4. Command rating 9. The Gorns can only have 2 VP pods in service at any time. Build cost is 2 EP + the cost of the fighters. Can be built in the Spring of Y176 and later. A counter for both the Tug+VP and the VP pod are provided.

(R6P.399) ULTRARAPTOR SUPER HEAVY CRUISER (SCA) When Gorn agents brought back new that the Romulans were planning the Killerhawk, the Gorns began looking for a ship to match it. During the planning stages for the ship a debate ensued about using a pair of Plasma-S's vs a single Plasma-R. The Gorns chose the twin S's as it offered them more flexibility. When the BCX's entered service, plans for the Ultraraptor were cancelled.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 13-10(S)/5. Command rating 9. Can be substituted for CC (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6P.401) REPAIR CRUISER (CLR) The Gorns seeing a need to provide for a fast and far-ranging ship to repair ships damaged either in combat or by natural sources modified a light cruiser into a repair cruiser. The first of these repair cruisers entered service in Y129. The ship makes repairs as do Star Bases. Ships which are to be repaired must be docked to the repair cruiser while repairs are made.

(R6D.402) ANTI-FIGHTER LIGHT CRUISER (CFL) When the Romulans began deploying fighters the Gorns looked for ways to counter them. One suggestion was to refit some of their ships by replacing the Plasma-Gs with a pair of the smaller, but faster firing Plasma-Fs. A CL was given this modification in Y170. The Gorns were not satisfied with the design and additional conversions were not made. This design later led to the "F" refits in Y175. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CL and no counter is provided.

(R6M.403) LIGHT COMMAND CRUISER (LCC) Designed by the frugal Gorns as a cost saving move. These ships had near the firepower of the larger CA/BCs and other capabilities, but were able to be produced at nearly a 20% savings in cost. Additionally, the reduced crew meant that operational costs were also significantly less. These ships were generally assigned to the same missions as the larger and more costly CAs were.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-8/4. Command rating 7. One CL in 1st (Home), 2nd, and 6th Fleets is a LCC. Can be substituted for HD (once per year), or one CL can be converted to a LCC (but cannot do both substitute and conversion in the same year) beginning in Y174. Cost to covert is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6M.410) HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER (CHV) One of the remaining light cruiser based CVs was converted to operated the new G-30 Heavy Fighters in the Spring Y178. Oddly enough, the ship was still operating with a CLA and DEA as escorts which the Gorns rather than replace simply retained in service. HDA and/or BDAs could of course also be used.
  F&E FACTS:For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8(8)/4(4). Command rating 8. Can convert one CV to CHV once per year beginning in the Spring of Y178. Cost is 1 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the CHV and 3CHV are provided.

(R6D.420) HEFTY LIGHT CRUISER (CLH) The changes in the CLH from the CL include a larger battery bank, increased crew accommodation, better Lab facilities, a little better command and control, and a slightly better phaser suite.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command rating 6. Players can choose one of two methods of including these ships. (1) All CLs built after the Gorns enter the General War are built as CLHs. Cost is 8 EP. Existing CLs can only be converted to CLHs from crippled CLs. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of repairs. (2) All CLs at the start of the game are CLHs. A counter is provided.

(R6005) HEAVY PLASMA DESTROYER (HDJ) The Gorns introduced their answer to the SparrowHawk-J in Y178. A HDD was modified to mount a Plasma-S in place of each wing phaser. Only one ship of this type was built for use in base assaults. Note: This ship suffers from shock using the same shock rules as the SPH-J.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-7(S)/4. Command rating 6. Can substitute one HDJ for one HDD once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y178. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6D.505) HEAVY DESTROYER SCOUT ESCORT (HDSE) The Gorn Admiralty was split on the concept of a Scout Escort Cruiser. One side favored the additional EW support while the other side was wary of giving up the firepower of the Escort Cruisers. In the end a comprise was reached and a prototype was built and send to a carrier group patrolling near the Federation border for tests.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7 un /3-4. Command rating 6. Can be converted in Y178 from a HD for 4 EP; or from a HDS for 1 EP; or from a HDE for 3 EP. EW=3. A Counter is provided.

(R6M.510) HEAVY FIGHTER DESTROYER CARRIER (HHV) An HDV scheduled for the Fall of Y178 was modified to accommodate the new larger G-30s then just beginning to enter service in numbers. The ship was escorted by the standard escort group (HDA & BDA).
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7(8)/4(4). Command rating 6. Can build as new construction one per year beginning in the Fall of Y178. Cost is 2 EP above the base HDD cost plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the HHV and 3HHV are provided.

(R6P.515) UTAHRAPTOR MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRC) The Gorns attempt at a multi-role cruiser. Even though the Gorns were not fond of fighters, nor big users of them, this ship carried a pair of their excellent G-12 fighters. Few were actually completed before the war ground to a stop. Most served with either a pair of Plas-Fs in their option mounts, although their is one recorded case of one being configured as a carrier.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(1)/4. Command rating 6. Can substitute one MRC for HDD once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y180. Cost is 6 EP +1 EP for the fighters. Is treated as an HDW, and can perform all the missions (except D) as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R6P.520) HEAVY ASSAULT DESTROYER (HAD) As the Gorns began making plans for the attack on the Romulan Home Worlds some admirals expressed concerned over their lack of heavy ships. Unable to build additional heavy ships Gorn engineers proposed replacing the front hull bubble with the new one from the BCH series just then coming into service. The length required the use of the facilities building the CMs and the Gorn High Command would not accept this.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-7/4. Command rating 6. Can be produced by converting an HDD in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 3 EP. Conversion of this ship would use the CM construction spot in the build schedule. A counter is provided.

(R6P.521) HEAVY ASSAULT DESTROYER LEADER (HAL) Taking their cue from some Gorn admirals who felt during the design stages for the "HAD" that a leader version of the ship was required, the shipyard selected for the conversions ordered its designers to quickly draw up plans for such a ship. The ship was cancelled for the same reasons and at the same time the HAD was cancelled, and no ships of this design were built. 
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10-7/4. Command rating 7. Can be produced by converting an HDD in the Fall of Y181. Cost is 4 EP. Conversion of this ship would use the CM construction spot in the build schedule. A counter is provided.

(R6M.522) AREA CONTROL SHIP (ACS) This design was proposed by the small faction within the Gorn military and industry that favored a larger role for fighters after seeing Federation Intelligence reports of the Klingon D7U and their own DCS. It is unclear if the ship was a modified Scout Carrier or new construction, but the first such ship entered service midway through Y181. It was escorted by a HDE and a BDE.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(8H6)u/1-4(4H3). Command rating 6. Can be produced by substitution in the Fall of Y181. Cost is 9 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Can be converted from HSV cost is 2 EP plus the cost of fighters. EW = 3. Counters for both the ACS and 3ACS are provided.

(R6M.523) DIVISION CONTROL SHIP (DCS) Like many of the races, the Gorns produced what amounted to a mini-SCS based on a cruiser hull. This design simply added a carrier pod to an existing HDP. The first such ship appeared in Y183. The escort group was a HDE and a BDE.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8(6P)u/1-4(3P). Command rating 6. Can be produced by substitution in the Spring of Y183. Cost is 12 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Can be converted from HDP cost is 2 EP plus the cost of fighters. EW = 2. Counters for both the DCS and 3DCS are provided.

(R6D.580) FAST TACTICAL TRANSPORT (FTT) The Gorns, like all the races, found that re-supplying the fast and far reaching X-ships was a difficult task for their standard tugs and LTTs. Not wanting to divert the limited number of X-ships to this task they designed a fast medium transport. Two special sensors were added to aid in both locating the X-ships and enemy ships that needed to be avoided. This ship is capable of carrying any pod an LTT can, however, it rarely carried anything but a cargo pod and many times carried no pod at all.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-7Fu/0-4. Command Rating 6. EW=2. Can built one per turn beginning in SY184. Build cost is 7 EP. Counts against both scouts and LTTs. A counter is provided.

(R6007) (FEDERATION) LIGHT CRUISER (FCL)  In Y174, the Federation offered a variant of their NCL as a lend lease ship. One ship was built and turned over to the Gorn Fleet for evaluation. While it performed equal to the HDD, the Gorns found the ship uncomfortable and rejected it. The ship then spent some time as a training vessel until it was sent to Gorn space in Y178 with a Federation crew. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a HDD and no counter is provided.

(R6P.601) COMBAT DESTROYER (DDC) This design attempted to use the wings from the newly designed HDD in an attempt to produce a more powerful destroyer. It lost out to the BDD. The basic hull modifications incorporated in this design were eventually used on the DDF. Records indicate only the prototype of this vessel was finished. This ship is identical to the DD in F&E terms and no counter is provided.

(R6P.602) WAR DESTROYER (WDD) A second attempt by the designers to produce a more powerful destroyer. Its designers proposed using modified wings from the light cruiser along with changes to the basic hull. The design lost out to the BDD, but five years later the Gorns used some of the design changes to produce the DDF. Records indicate only the prototype of this vessel was finished. This ship is identical to the DD in F&E terms and no counter is provided.

(R6P.603) ESCORT CARRIER (CVE) Actually this was intended to be the first Gorn carrier. It entered service at about the same time as the CV. It operated G-18's, and had in survived, would have been capable of operating G-12's. The Gorns never built more than one, choosing instead the BDV. It was escorted by a DE, and assigned to the Home Fleet. It is capable of operating an MRS, but rarely embarked one.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Factors are 4-5(3)/2-3(1). One is added to the Gorn Home Fleet. Can build additional ones (once per year). A counter for both the single ship and the 2CVE group are provided.

(R6D.620) HEFTY DESTROYER (DDH) Following in the foot steps of its larger counterparts, the DDH has slightly increased command and control, Labs, batteries. In addition, it gains a 2nd Plasma-G, a single Ph-1, and increased Transporter and Tractor capabilities.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Factors are 6/3. Command rating 4. Players can choose one of two methods of including these ships. (1) All DDs built after the Gorns enter the General War are built as DDHs. Cost is 6 EP. Existing DDs can only be converted to DDHs from crippled DDs. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of repairs. (2) All DDs at the start of the game are DDHs. A counter is provided.

(R6M.650) MODULAR WAR DESTROYER (MWD) This was an alternate proposal for a War Destroyer. Many of the Gorn High Command felt the flexibility this design offered would be easier to sell to the budget watchers in the Gorn government than the proposed Battle Destroyer. The engines had to be mounted on the sides of the hull in order to allow the weapons to fire forward. In the end, this may have been what killed the project. As compensation to the contractor, the Gorn government (in a surprising move) authorized a trio of test bed vessels, which were produced at the rate of one per year beginning in Y170.

(R6M.651) MODULAR WAR DESTROYER ESCORT (MWE) Had the Gorns carried through with this design, they surely would have had a destroyer escort version.

(R6M.652) MODULAR WAR TRANSPORT DESTROYER (MWT) One of the modules the Gorns designers included in their proposal for a modular War Destroyer was a transport module. This would effectively turn the ship into a high speed transport.

(R6M.653) MODULAR WAR COMMANDO DESTROYER (MWG) As part of the plans to sell the modular concept, the designers included a Commando variant. Like the base ship, plans were cancelled, but one of the three test bed ships served as a Commando ship.

(R6M.656) MODULAR WAR DESTROYER (MWP) After the introduction of PFs, the Gorns using the single PF module they constructed turned one of the three test bed modular war destroyers into a PF Tender.

(R6M.657) MODULAR WAR DESTROYER FAST CARRIER RESUPPLY DESTROYER (MWR) The designers of the Modular Destroyer continued to keep their plans up-to-date in the event the government changed its mind about the design. This design was part of their updates.

(R6M.658) MODULAR WAR DESTROYER SCOUT (MWS) One of the three test bed ships was built using a scout module. The Plasma-Fs made it a more powerful ship than the BDS, but the plasmas blinded the scout channels, and the ship was never considered successful.

(R6M.659) MODULAR WAR DESTROYER CARRIER (MWV) As with the destroyer escort, the Gorns, had they continued to develop the modular war destroyer, would in all probability have produced a carrier version.

(R6P.701) MEDIUM DESTROYER (MDD) During the opening stages of the Romulan attacks, the Gorns found themselves badly outgunned. The ship yards were producing ships as fast as they could, but the imbalance still remained. In an effort to correct this, Gorn engineers proposed this modification to the BDD. The design was not successful as the addition of a third bubble caused the ship to turn slower. Additionally, the second plasma-G caused shock when fired. The Gorns abandoned the design after the second ship was modified.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-6(S)/4. Can produce (by substitution or conversion) one per year, beginning in the Spring of Y176. Cost to convert is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6P.702) MEDIUM CARRIER (MDV) An attempt by the Gorns to make use of the not so successful MDD. The larger Plasma-Gs were replaced with Plasma-Fs, which eliminated the shock on the hull. A full squadron of the new G-12s were deployed. The ship has two shuttle bays and a track and balcony system, and is authorized to carry an MRS. Transfer between the bays is possible. The ship carries 150 type-D plasma torpedoes. Escorts were a pair of BDEs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6(6)/3(3). Can produce (by substitution or conversion) beginning in the Spring of Y180. Counts as HDV. Cost to convert is 2 EP. A counter for both the MDV and 3MDV are provided.

(R6P.703) MEDIUM PF TENDER (MDP) A proposal to produce a more durable PF Tender. This design never proceeded beyond the planning stages as there were too few Medium Destroyers to spare one for the time necessary to convert it. The proposal called for the first ship to be deployed in the Fall of Y183.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6u(P)/3(P). Can produce by conversion only one per year beginning in the Fall of Y183. Counts as a PFT. Cost to convert is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R6D.710) LIGHT TACTICAL SCOUT (LTS) The Gorns conceived this design shortly after they introduced their A-30 heavy fighters. It took a standard BDS and added mech links to accommodate a pair of the G-30s. The intent was to provide additional protection for the BDS. Only a single prototype was built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 1-6(3)u/1-3(1). Command rating 5. EW = 2. Can produce (by substitution or conversion) beginning in the Fall of Y179. Cost to convert from BDD is 2.5 EP, from BDS is 0.5. It is a casual carrier. A counter is provided.

(R6001) GORN BATTLE FRIGATE LEADER (BFL) Designed in Y174 as a leader for Battle Frigate squadrons, about one out of every 6 BFFs were built as leaders.

(R6002) GORN BATTLE ESCORT CARRIER (BFV) This ship was proposed in Y176 to replace the CVE, but was not built until later. One BFF was converted in Y182 to a BFV and served as a convoy escort near the ISC border, were it was destroyed in Y184.

(R6004) GORN BATTLE FRIGATE (BFF) As part of the Gorn wartime shipbuilding plan, it was understood, that in time of war, the Gorn fleet would take over all frigate production. With the General War looming, the Gorns began updating their ships. Like with the DD and CL, they added a 2nd saucer to the rear of the FF, creating the BFF. Introduced in Y173, the ship was in production throughout the war, with many going to the police forces to replace old and destroyed FFs. A heavy FF prototype was build in Y177, but was abandoned.

(R6008) GORN BATTLE FRIGATE SCOUT (BFS) Built concurrent with the Battle Frigate, the BFS was designed to supplement the SC in the Gorn fleet. Introduced in Y173, the BFS was in production when the Gorn entered the war in Y174. Like the other races, the Gorns soon found that small scouts did not last long in battle and production was slowed by Y176, ending finally in Y178.

(R6009) GORN BATTLE FRIGATE ESCORT (BFE) The BFE was built to replace a DE lost in Y175. Only one was built, the remaining DE’s were replaced with BDAs. This ship was lost in Y176.

(R6006) HEAVY FRIGATE (HFF) In Y177, the Gorns added a third bubble to a BFF in an attempt to create a new destroyer classed ship. Called a heavy frigate, this ship proved awkward to handle, and prone to breakdowns. Relegated to patrol duties, it was destroyed defending Gorn space against the ISC in Y181. In F&E terms this ships is identical to a BDD and no counter is provided.

(R6013) ESCORT CARRIER (FFV) In Y169, the Gorns converted a police frigate to test fighters. This ship was designed to carry 6 G-8 fighters. It had storage for 100 spare PL-D reloads. It included the + refit. It was used as a convoy escort until it was destroyed by a Romulan raider or Orion Pirate in Y174.

(R6014) HEAVY FRIGATE LEADER (HFL) This ship was designed to be a leader for Heavy Frigate squadrons. With the abandonment of the HFF project after one ship in Y177, no ships of this type were ever built.

(R6P.801) MULTI-ROLE FRIGATE (MRF) It is not known where this idea came from, or who first proposed the concept of attaching a small addition, (whose systems could be quickly and easily reconfigured) to the rear of a ship. Similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller, these were mere "blisters" hard welded to the ship. The Gorns first considered the idea in Y164 but plans were put on hold while the various budget committees debated the need for it. Funds were relucantly approved, in Y166 a single test bed vessel was completed. The ship received mixed reviews and the project was cancelled.

(R6003) MINIRAPTOR CORVETTE (COR) The Gorns carefully studied the use of the Federation Corvettes against Romulan, Lyran and Klingon PFs and decided that they could use a similar ship.  Using the plans for a proposed heavy PF, they modified it as their Corvette.  Introduced in Y183 in limited numbers, it was put to heavy use against the increasing ISC incursions.

Note: Due to the small size of this ship, a type-VI drone does 4 pts. of damage rather than 2, and any defensive fire systems treat this ship as if it was a PF.
Note: This ship can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

(R6012) RECOVERY TUG (TGR) These ships were designed as pure tugs to tow pods and ships. Capable of operating pods, they seldom did so in combat situations due to their vulnerability. These ships were often used to tow FRDs to non-combat areas and recover crippled ships. Introduced in Y146, the Gorns built many of theses "Tugs".

(R6P.901) SEMISAURUS CLASS SUPER TROOP TRANSPORT A design by the Gorns for a huge troop transport. Two of these colossal ships were proposed, one to be used against Remus and one against Romulus. The two ships were to be built using modified large ore carriers. Production problems plagued them from the start and neither was near completion by the time Remus was attacked. There are some indications that the Gorns may have attempted to restart construction in late Y182 and replace the HTS and HAS carried on shuttle mech links with their new ground assault shuttles. The Federation code named the ships Semisaurus and Ultrasaurus.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 0-6(8G)/0-3(4G). Can build one per year beginning in the Spring of Y181. Cost is 10 EP. Replaces both a FTL in the spring and a FTS in the fall. Can carry out 8 ground combat operations per round. A counter is provided.

(R6010) GORN ULTIMATE HEAVY DESTROYER (UHD) The Howard Brothers, and Mr. Fine, after being turned down by Federation Star Fleet, decided to go the Federation's Allies in Y181 with their ideas. They received the same reaction from the Gorns as they did from Star Fleet and the Kzintis.

(R6011) GORN ULTIMATE BATTLE DESTROYER (UBD) The Howard Brothers, and Mr. Fine, after being turned down by Federation Star Fleet, decided to go the Federation's Allies in Y181 with their ideas. They received the same reaction from the Gorns as they did from Star Fleet and the Kzintis.


(R6201) ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRX) After the war, and before the ISC invasion, the Gorns were shown preliminary plans for the Federation’s MRX. Following the Federation’s lead, the Gorns introduced a variant of their own CLX to fill the same role. Due to the use of an existing ship, the Gorns were able to commission their first MRX a week before the Federation MRX, making this ship the first of its type.

Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R6D.X07) ADVANCED POLICE FRIGATE (PLX) The Gorns near the end of the General War, as with all of the races, found their police forces being outclassed by the advanced technology being deployed by the pirates. To counter this, the Gorns proposed adding this technology to their police forces. To test this concept a single frigate was selected to be upgraded.

(R6D.X08) ADVANCED POLICE FLAGSHIP (FLX) In order to support the new advanced technology being planned for the police forces, the Gorns also planned to add this technology to their Police Flagships.

(R6D.X08) ADVANCED BATTLE FRIGATE (BFX) Once the concept of applying advanced technology to police ships was proved the Gorns then proceeded to apply it to a number of Battle Frigates.

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