Hydran Shipyards

NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

X-Ships Early Years Captured Klingon Ships

(R9D.221) GUARDSMAN DREADNOUGHT (GDM): Rebuilt in Y174 from a damaged Paldin, This design replaced the two forward Fusion Beams with a single Hellbore Cannon. The single example of this design received mixed reviews from Hydran Admirals. Some liked the additional long range fire power it provided, while others felt it gave up too much short range punch. In the end, the short range faction won out and no other examples of this design were produced. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a Paladin and no counter is provided.

(R9D.231) VICEROY HEAVY DREADNOUGHT (VIC): It is unclear from existing records if this design was actually built. Fragmented records indicate it was proposed to provide additional phaser firepower which the designers felt would be more useful against the swarms of drones and PFs coalition forces were deploying against them. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a Regent and no counter is provided.

(R9P.241) IRON COUNT EARLY CVA (IRC) Information regarding this ship has only recently come to light. The HMS Success was believed to have been converted to this design in early Y162. Unfortunately the Success was destroyed during the Four Powers War and details regarding the ship are sketchy at best. It is believed the ship operated with a Lancer and a Hunter as escorts.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Factors are 8-10(10)/4-5(5). Command rating 10. Can be converted from TEM spring Y162. Cost is 2 EP. The 10 fighter factors are considered two fighter squadrons for all rules. A counter for both the ship and the 3IRC are provided. Note that the group counter ComPot is based on half ComPot for the Lancer and Hunter per (515.34).

(R9D.300) OVERLOOKER HEAVY FIGHTER BATTLE CARRIER (OL) The Hydrans had barely finished the conversion of the Overlord into the Overseer when plans were presented to Admiral Hultz to modify the design to allow it to operate heavy fighters. Reports from the Klingons obtained after the war confirm at least one ship of this class operated against them. It is unclear if the ship was new construction or merely an Overseer that had been modified. The Hydrans have steadfastly refused to comment on it.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11-10(8H3)/5(4H1). Command rating 10. Can be substituted for CC/DN is Y182, cost is 15+22, or converted from OV cost 2+16. Counters for both the OL and the 3OL are provided.

(R9P.301) PARTISAN CLASS STRIKE CARRIER (PAR) Built as an experiment in Y176, the single ship of this class was an attempt by the Hydrans to provide more fighter support for Hellbore Fleets without sacrificing the number of hellbores. Due to the pressure of the Klingon/Lyran attacks, the Hydrans felt they could not tie up Dragoons for additional conversions. The escort group was an NEC and a DWE. Players wishing to use this earlier could use a DE and a AH as escorts.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8(6)/4(3). Command rating 8. Can be substituted for CA + HR/TR + DW, or CVM group (once per year) beginning in fall of Y176. Cost to convert DG to PAR is 2 EP + 20 EP for the fighters. A counter for both the ship and the 3PAR are provided.

(R9P.305) HUSSAR TURRETED HEAVY CRUISER (HUS): The Dragoon was an excellent ship, but the Hydran High Command felt that the Hellbore arcs were a drawback. In an attempt to solve this problem they, in Y168, ordered a Dragoon (from the Expeditionary Fleet) be modified by putting the Hellbores in turrets. Because of hull restrictions the turrets were only capable of being rotated 60 degrees from center. The single example of this ship was lost in the ill-fated drive to the Federation in Y169. Without the benefits of battle reports from the ship, the Hydrans made no further attempts along these lines. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a Dragoon and no counter is provided.

(R9D.315) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FSC) The Hydrans following the lead of many races drew up plans for a fast scout cruiser. These plans were flexible enough to include both new construction and options for converting either their Thoroughbred fast cruiser or standard Rangers. In the end, the lack of THRs forced the Hydran to choose Ranger Hulls. Although three were originally planned only a single Ranger was converted and entered service in the fall of Y177.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8(2)Fu/2-4(1). Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:4AF). Can be converted from THR cost 5 EP or RN cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Fall of Y177.  Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Hydrans are active. A counter is provided.

(R9D.320) BOWMAN HEAVY CRUISER (BOW) Aided by Kzinti plans sent via sub-space the Hydrans in Y177 drew up plans to install drone racks (from a captured Klingon F5D) on a Ranger class hull. Logistical problems, unfamiliarity with the weapon, coupled with the loss of firepower from the 3 Stingers, which were removed to make room for the drone racks, caused the project to be cancelled before any conversions could be done. Had they built this ship, it would have used the Limited Availability (FD10.63) for those drones normally classified as Restricted Availability (FD10.62).
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(3)4(1). Command rating 8. Can be substituted for RN (once per year) beginning in Spring of Y177. Cost is 1 EP less than a RN. A counter is provided.

(R9D.321) ARCHER HEAVY CRUISER (ARC) Concurrent with the plans to put drone racks on a Ranger hull, the Hydrans worked on a plan to install them on a Dragoon hull. The feeling was that the ship could be used for long range fire support and the loss of the Stingers was not considered as serious as was the case with the Bowman. None-the-less, logistical problems cancelled the project before any Dragoons were modified. Had the Hydrans proceeded with this design, it would have used the Limited Availability (FD10.63) for those drones normally classified as Restricted Availability (FD10.62).
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10-8/5-4. Command rating 8. Can be substituted for DG (once per year) beginning in Fall of Y177. Cost is 1 EP less than a DG. A counter is provided.

(R9D.340) MUSTANG FAST CRUISER (MTG) This ship was designed in competition to the Thoroughbred. It retained Fusion Beams in place of Hellbore Cannons and had twice the number of fighters as did the Thoroughbred. The design was rejected in favor of the Thoroughbred.
  F&E Facts: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-8(3)/3-4(1). Command rating 8. Can be built by substitution for RN (once per year) beginning in Y167. Cost is 1 EP more than the base hull cost of the RN. A counter is provided.

(R9D.350) LORD CAVALIER HEAVY CARRIER (LCAV) The Royal Naval Staff was disappointed in the number of fighters the Cavalier could carry. They ordered ship designers to come up with a design that allowed more fighters. The first design was based on concept used on the Ragnar. When news of the near mutiny reached the Royal Naval Staff, they cancelled the design and ordered the designers back to their drawing boards. A new design which called for inserting a small section in the main hull was presented and accepted. Work began on the first ship in Y177. The modification were not completed until late Y179. It entered service in early Y180 accompanied by a NEC and two DWEs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-8(12)/1-4(6). Command rating 8. Can be substituted for a RN or DG in SY180 cost is 10 EP plus fighters, or converted from CAV for 1 EP plus fighters. Counters for both the LCAV and the 4LCAV are provided.

(R9005) VOYAGEUR HEAVY CARRIER (VOY) Planned as a follow-on to the Cavalier, the Voyageur was to include 6 more fighters and a pair of hellbore cannon. The ship was built using parts from a unfinished fast cruiser, and was 75% done when the Klingons attacked the Hydran home world. The unfinished Voyageur was destroyed in the shipyard. Its fighter group was to consist of 21 Stinger-2 and 6 Stinger-H. It was to have the same escort group as the CAV and the + refit was standard.
  Note: This SSD for this ship shows a MRS shuttle. This shuttle is not included in the BPV. Players wishing to use this shuttle should delete a Admin shuttle and add the shaded deck crew and crew unit.

(R9P.330) GRIFFIN CARRIER (GRF) When the Hydran decided to build a pure carrier there were two competing designs. This one was based on the old Centaur light cruiser. The single ship of this class was to have been completed Y170. When tests showed it to be inferior to the newly finished Uhlan class plans were cancelled. The hull was later converted to a Pegaus PFT. Had this ship been completed it would have carried 11 ST-2s and 1 ST-E. In addition to the Chimera listed below its escort group would have included a Escort Hunter.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7(6)2-4(3). Command rating 6. Can build one in the Fall of Y170. Cost is 6 base hull +2 EP for CV conversion, plus fighters. A counter for both the ship and the 3GRF are provided.

(R9P.331) CHIMERA ESCORT CRUISER (CHI) As plans went forward for the Griffin, the designers produced plans for a escort cruiser based on the old Centaur hulls. By the time construction was ready to start plans for the Griffin had been cancelled and so work did not proceed on this ship. It is believed that this ship was later converted to a Pegaus class PFT.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7n(3)2-4n(1). Command rating 6. Can build one in the Fall of Y170. Cost is 6 base hull +1 EP for escort conversion, plus fighters. A counter is provided.

(R9D.335) PEGASUS-CA HEAVY CRUISER (PGA) A late attempt by the Hydrans to produce more heavy cruisers. The plans called for stretching the hull and using the same engines as the Ranger/Dragoon. Problems with the stretched hull forced cancellation of the project and the ship was completed as a PFT.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-8(4)2-4(2). Command rating 6. Can take one in place of a PFT in Y180 or later. Only one in service at a time. A counter is provided.

(R9D.336) PEGASUS-E ESCORT CRUISER (PGE) This design was put forth in late Y180. Its designers envisioned it as replacing one of the DWA escorts of the Winged Revenge. The Winged Revenge was destroyed before production could begin and the plans were cancelled.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7nu(3)1-4n(1). Command rating 6. EW=2. This ship is classed as a light escort due to the doctrine of its intended deployment. Can take one in place of a PFT in Y181 or later. Only one in service at a time. A counter is provided.

(R9D.370) CONVOY FAST TUG (CON) When the Hydrans converted their remaining Thoroughbred into a Dragoon in Y178 they were left with the original fast cruiser engines. Rather than scrapping them they were fitted in Y179 to a Caravan then under construction. Like the Thoroughbred, the Convoy's hull could not stand the shock of a full heavy weapons load coupled with the stress of the "hot warp" drive. This meant it could not carry either Fire Support or Combat Pallets. It is capable of carrying all other Hydran Pallets.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-8(2)(F)/0-4 (1). Command rating 8. Can built only by conversion from TG (once per year) beginning in Spring of Y179. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R9D.380) CAVALRYMAN FAST CRUISER (CAL) News of the Klingon FD7 spurred Hydran engineers to begin work on a "Fast Cruiser" of their own. While one group began work on new warp engines a second group proposed the idea of using four of the standard engines currently on the Ranger series of heavy cruisers. Their idea was that it would be quicker then developing new engines. While work began on the ship, to be called Cavalryman, Hydran engineers struggled with the structural problems the four engines created. Unable to solve these problems the design was rejected.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-8(4)(F)/3-4 (2). Command rating 8. Can be built only by substitution for RN (once per year) beginning in Spring of Y164. Cost is 1 EP more than a RN. A counter is provided.

(R9P.399) SUPER HEAVY CRUISER (SCA): Just how the Hydrans learned about the Killerhawk remains a mystery. But find out they did and decided to produce their own version of a super heavy cruiser. The design team went with a single design based on the Lord Cardinal. Production of this class was cancelled (due to the new X-Dragoons) before any were completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11-10(2)(S)/5 (1). Command rating 9. Can be substituted for LB (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R9P.403) CORPSMAN REPAIR CRUISER (CRP): When the Hydrans began to retake their Kingdom in Y134 one of the ships (all but overlooked) was a repair cruiser. The ship was based on the Centaur light cruiser. It was intended to make the minimum repairs necessary to get damaged ships back to regular repair facilities. The ship makes repairs as do Star Bases. Ships which are to be repaired must be docked to the Corpsman while repairs are made.

(R9P.501) BOMBARDIER CLASS NEW STRIKE CARRIER (BOM): During the planning stages for the Cossack, some Hydran ship builders proposed that instead of an entirely new design, the existing Troopers could be modified to a more potent ship. By Y176, a Trooper had been modified to this design. The Hydran high command was still not satisfied with the limited number of fighters and further conversion plans were cancelled in favor of the Cossack. The escort group of a NEC and AH were retained, until the AH was lost in battle and replaced with a DWE.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7(6)/4. Command rating 6. Can be substituted for CVM group in Y176 and later. Cost to convert a Trooper (NVL) to a Bombardier (BOM) is 2 EP. A counter for the ship and the 3BOM group are provided.

(R9P.502) JACKASS NEW LIGHT TUG (JAC): The Hydrans viewed the Mule as a failure. It lacked the ability to adequately defend its self. They had plans to upgrade it, but the fall of their capital forced a delay in those plans. The Jackass was finally built in the Old Colonies, with the first such ship entering fleet service in Y178.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Counter Factors are 4-7(1)/2-4. Command rating 6. Can be substituted for LTT in Y178 and later. Cost to convert a Mule to a Jackass (JAC) is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R9D.510) SCOUT ESCORT CRUISER (SEC) The Hydrans following the lead of the Klingons produced a Scout Escort Cruiser in Y177. The ship was originally sent to the "Lyran Front" due to pressing needs and received mixed reviews. Later against the Klingons it proved to be more useful. While additional ships were planned, the high cost prevented more than a few to be built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7 un /3-4. Command rating 6. Can be converted in Y177 from a HR for 4 EP, a TR for 4 EP plus 3 EP for fighters, a NSC for 1 EP, or a NEC for 3 EP. EW=3. A Counter is provided.

(R9P.515) LAKOTA CLASS MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRC): When the Hydrans encountered the Klingon and Lyran multi-role cruisers, they decided to try the same thing. Using the HDW technology to produce such a ship. Curiously enough, however, they choose to build only a single version of it, basing their design on the Tartar class medium cruiser.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(1)/4. Command rating 6. Can substitute one MRC for TAR once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y180. Cost is 6 EP +1 EP for the fighters. Is treated as an HDW, and can perform all the missions (except D) as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R9D.516) DONKEY FAST TACTICAL TRANSPORT (DON) The Hydrans, like all the races, found that re-supplying the fast and far reaching X-ships was a difficult task for their standard tugs and LTTs. Not wanting to divert the limited number of X-ships to this task they designed a fast medium transport. Two special sensors were added to aid in both locating the X-ships and enemy ships that needed to be avoided. No fighters were included (as it was felt that these would be of little help in carrying out their main mission). This ship is capable of carrying any pallet except the Fire Support Pallet, however, it rarely carried anything but a cargo pod and many times carried no pod at all.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7Fu/1-4. Command Rating 6. EW=2. Can built one per turn beginning in SY184. Build cost is 7 EP. Counts against both scouts and LTTs. A counter is provided.

(R9D.520) MOHICAN NEW FAST CRUISER (MOH) The Hydrans watched with trepidation as the other races began work on new fast cruisers. Concerned they had missed some tactical aspect of their use they commissioned new designs. The Mohican was the first of three designs and was based on the Mohawk. It was the pure Fusion beam variant. One of these ships was completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-8(F)(4)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a RN/DG in SY179. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the MHK +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R9D.521) CAYUGA NEW FAST CRUISER (CAY) This was the second of three designs for a new fast cruiser. It was the Hellbore version and was based on a modified Iroquois. A single ship of this type is believed to have been completed although many doubt it.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(F)(1)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a RN/DG in SY179. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the IRQ +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R9D.522) PAWNEE NEW FAST CRUISER (PAW) This was the third of the three designs for a new fast cruiser. It was based on the Cheyenne and was a "unified" design. This design never got past the drawing boards.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8(F)(3)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a RN/DG in SY179. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the CHY +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R9P.600) CHIEF CLASS BATTLECRUISER (BC) This proposal was submitted during the design stages for what eventually became the Overlord class Heavy Battlecruiser. The design used two Lancer hulls mated together. Its proponents (which also happened to be the shipyard that built Lancer class hulls) pointed out that they could build the "two" half's separately and then simply "put them together". Opponents pointed to the poor weapons arcs and the increased stress cause by high energy turns. The ship was rejected in favor of the Overlord, but due to the influence of the Guild that ran the shipyard a technology demonstrator was completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(4)/4-5 (2). Command rating 10. Can build one as a substitute for a CC/PAL in FY179. Cost is 9 EP (special discount) plus the cost of fighters. A counter is provided.

(R9P.601) BURRO CLASS LIGHT TUG (BUR) When the Hydran first began plans for a tug, a sizable group within the fleet were loathe to give up production of a cruiser to built the tugs. They offered a design based on the Lancer/Knight hull as an alternative. Two such ships were built, the first being completed in Y140, just before the first Caravan was completed. Plans for additional ships of this class were cancelled after tests showed that they could only carry the Cargo and Self-Defense pallets. The other pallets proved to too heavy. Both ships were converted to Lancers prior to the General War.

(R9D.701) LIGHT TACTICAL SCOUT (LTS) The Hydrans wanted to provide more protection for their DWS but could not find room for additional stingers so an engineer came upon the idea of using mech links to carry a pair of their heavy fighters. The design worked well but the Hydrans never produced more than a couple due to the war.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6(3)u/2-3(1). Command rating 5. EWP is 2. Can produce (by substitution or conversion) beginning in the Fall of Y178. Cost to convert from DWF is 2.5, from DWH is 3.5, from DWS is 0.5 EP. It is a casual carrier. A counter is provided.

(R9M.705) TIGER HUNTER WAR DESTROYER LEADER (WDL) One of three designs considered for a war destroyer leader. This pure Hellbore armed variant never progressed beyond the drawing board much less entered production as the mixed weapon Lion Hunter was selected for production.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-6/3. Command rating 6. Can substitute convert one DW to WDL once per year beginning in the Spring of Y177. Cost is 3 EP. The higher cost represents the fact the Hydran never built this ship. Conversions can be done at Starbases. A counter is provided.

(R9M.706) LEOPARD HUNTER WAR DESTROYER LEADER (DLW) The third of the three designs the Hydrans initially considered for a war destroyer leader. This variant mounted only Fusion Beams but was to operate additional number of fighters. Unlike the Tiger Hunter at least two if not more of these ships actually entered service.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6(2)/2-3(1). Command rating 6. Can substitute or convert one DW to DWL once per year beginning in the Spring of Y173. Cost is 2 EP + 2 EP for the fighters. Conversions can be done at Starbases. A counter is provided.

(R9008) SQUIRE FAST CARRIER RESUPPLY CRUISER (SQU) This ship was built to supplement the Hunter based FCR. 2 were built in Y169, one was later converted from a damaged Lancer in Y174.

(R9P.800) CHIEFTAIN CLASS LIGHT CRUISER (CL) A proposal submitted during the planning of the light cruiser. This unique design called for melding a pair of Hunter hulls together. A pair of "Hunter" hulls were selected and work actually began before the project was cancelled.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-7(4)/2-4(2). Command rating 5. One can be built in the FY168. Cost is 3 EP plus 2 Hunters (or variants of te Hunter) must be removed from service and the cost of the fighters. A counter is provided.

(R9P.801) STALKER CLASS FRIGATE (STK): Just prior to the first prototype DWs making their appearance, the Hydrans in an effort to boost firepower modified a small number of Cuirassier class frigates by adding a pair of stingers. The modifications required the removal of a pair of P-2s, leaving the ship with few phasers. The design was not totally successful and only a few such conversions were done, as the Hydrans were unable to pull ships out of combat long enough for the conversions.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3(1)/4. Command rating 3. Can substitute or convert one CU to STK once per year beginning in the Spring of Y173. Cost is 1 EP + 1 EP for the fighters. Conversions can be done at Starbases. A counter is provided.

(R9P.802) AEGIS STALKER ESCORT FRIGATE (ESTK): At least one of the Stalker class frigates was converted to an escort variant in Y174. The conversion added semi-Aegis and nothing else. This ship was more successful than the basic Stalker and most of the few Stalkers were converted to this design. After the introduction of full Aegis the remaining few ships were given a full Aegis system.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2n(1)/4n. Command rating 3. Can substitute or convert one STK to ESTK beginning in the Spring of Y177. Cost is 1 EP. Conversions can be done at Starbases. A counter is provided.

(R9D.805) SALADIN FRIGATE LEADER (SAL) Designed at the same time as the Stalker, the Saladin was an attempt by the Hydrans to increase the number of fighters they could deploy. The design was more successful than the Stalker because it retained its original phaser suite. The lack of Crusaders coupled with the introduction of the DW limited production of these ships to only a few.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5(1)/2. Command rating 4. Can substitute or convert one HN or CU to SAL once per year beginning in the Spring of Y173. Cost is 2 EP + 1 EP for the fighters. Conversions can be done at Starbases. A counter is provided.

(R9P.810) HUNTSMAN MULTI-ROLE FRIGATE (HUN) It is not known where this idea came from, or who first proposed the concept of attaching a small addition, (whose systems could be quickly and easily reconfigured) to the rear of a ship. Similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller, these were mere "blisters" hard welded to the ship. The Hyrans modified a single Hunter to test the multi-role frigate concept. The Hyran admirals citing the cost rejected the idea and only the single example of this ship was produced.

(R9P.811) FUSILEER MULTI-ROLE FRIGATE (FUS) It is not known where this idea came from, or who first proposed the concept of attaching a small addition, (whose systems could be quickly and easily reconfigured) to the rear of a ship. Similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller, these were mere "blisters" hard welded to the ship. The second of the Hydran design for a multi-role frigate was based on the Cuirassier. It, unlike the Huntmans, never proceeded beyond the design stages.

(R9001) CENTAUR LIGHT CRUISER: It was thought that the Pegasus PFT was a new design. Actually, the Pegasus was a conversion of the original CL called the Centaur. This ship was in service in the Lost Colonies in Y134. It was given a + refit in Y170. All survivors were converted to PFTs.

(R9002) MINOTAUR LIGHT CRUISER: Several Centaurs were converted to use hellbores in Y155. It was given a + refit in Y170. All survivors were converted to PFTs.

(R9004) LYNCEUS SURVEY CRUISER (LYN) One, possibly two Centaurs were completed or converted as survey cruisers in Y140. It was given a + refit in Y170. It is not known if any survivors were converted to PFTs. Unlike the Picket or the Outrider, these ships were never operated as CVs during wartime.

(R9006) ARGO FAST CARRIER RESUPPLY CRUISER (ARG) The Hydrans lost most of their FCRs trying to keep the expedition supplied with fighters. Realizing that their ships required large numbers of fighters, they built a new class of replenishment ships based on the old Centaur CL. Only 2 of these ships were completed (converted from CLs) in the Lost Colonies, and were very useful in supplying fighters during the retreat from the home world.

(R9003) HARASSER CORVETTE (HRR) The Hydrans were slow to introduce a corvette class ship to the fleet. Like the Tholians, a debate raged over how to arm it, or to make separate hellbore and fusion armed variants. The debate was settled when it was found that there were not enough standard hellbores available to equip a mass-production class of ship, and the use of PF hellbores produced a ship little better than the Hellion. Introduced in Y183, the Harasser was fusion armed, and with the exception of having longer range, was found to be in use only slightly superior to the Harrier. The planned hellbore variant was never introduced. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a GN, and no counter is provided.
  Note: Due to the small size of this ship, a type-VI drone does 4 pts. of damage rather than 2, and any defensive fire systems treat this ship as if it was a PF.
  Note: This ship can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

(R9007) GOAT RECOVERY TUG (TGR) This ship was design to tow ships and pods. While capable of operating pods, they were used in this role in combat situations due to the vulnerability. Many times these ships were used to tow FRDs as well as to recover cripple ships. First appearing in Y144, the Hydrans built many.

(R9P.950) GENDARME-V POLICE CARRIER (GEV) This ship is an unbuilt variant of the Gendarme that the Hydrans had seriously planned to build. The serious setback to their economy forced the cancellation of this ship before construction could begin

(R9009) CONSTABLE POLICE FRIGATE (CST) With the introduction of the hellbore cannon in Y155, most Hydran ships were modified to carry it. Although plans were drawn up to modify Gendarmes to mount it, none of them were converted or built until after the fall of the Hydran capitol. Desperate for ships, a few Gendarme police frigates were modified to this variant in Y172 although they could have been built from Y155 on.

(R9010) MOUNTIE HEAVY POLICE FRIGATE (MNT) After the Hydrans re-conquered their capitol in Y180.  They found that their police frigate was inadequate to combat the larger raiding ships used by pirates. They quickly designed a widened Gendarme police frigate to supplement the smaller police frigates. The Mountie, was introduced in Y181.

(R9011) SHADOWER FRIGATE (SHD) After the fall of the Hydran capitol, the Hydrans, desperate for ships, proposed to build a modified Gendarme police frigate to supplement the Hunter frigate starting in Y172. Being pinned back in the old colonies, they thought that it would be easier for the guild's civilian shipyard to build this ship instead of Hunter.

(R9013) HOTAMITANEO FRIGATE (HOT) This ship was intended to be the hellbore variant of the Shadower frigate. Being pinned back in the old colonies, they thought that it would be easier for the guild's civilian shipyard to build this ship.

(R9012) SEEKER SCOUT FRIGATE (SSC) This was a proposed design for a replacement for the Hunter based scout frigate. It was to be built on a Gendarme hull in the Old Colonies shipyard after the fall of the Hydran capitol in Y172.


(R9M.X50) SHAWNEE SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (SHA) Hydran engineers had been working on advanced technology in the Old Colonies. Shortly before the Home World was retaken they were ready for tests. The Shawnee was a modified Mohawk with fusion beams and fighters. The small rear engine of the original Mohawk was replaced with a third standard medium cruiser engine. Tests on this design commenced in the Spring of Y180.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R9M.X51) CHEROKEE SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (CHE) This was the second of the semi-advanced test bed cruisers. A Iroquois was taken in hand for the conversion. Like the Shawnee, the small rear engine was replaced with a standard medium cruiser engine. The resulting ship code named Cherokee began tests in the Fall of Y180.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R9M.X52) KIOWA SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (KIO) This was the third design for a semi-advanced Cruiser. It was a "unified" design based on the Cheyenne. Data surrounding this ship is scarce and not confirmed, but indicates this design began space tests in the Fall of Y180. Some sources believe that this ship was not built and the data really refers to test conducted by the Shawnee.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R9201) SANTEE ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRX) As the Hydran economy recovered from the years of occupation, they began to looks for a way to provide the new, advanced ships in production the specialty ships that the Horseman class provided. They turned to the Lakota class MRC to provide these. Introduced in Y187, the advanced Lakota, called the Santee, was built at a rate of 1 per year.

Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R9P.X04) HYDRAN ADVANCED HORSEMAN LIGHT CRUISER (HRX) The prototype of this ship entered service about a year after the Lancer-X even though it had been started earlier. It was based on a new design which amounted to a heavily reinforced Horseman. Problems in the construction caused both delays in construction, and sufficient doubts as to the worthiness of the design. The High Command cancelled further production.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8-10(3)/4-5(1). One can be built in Y183 for 10 XP plus the fighters. A counter is provided.

(R9P.X05) HYDRAN ADVANCED TRAVELER LIGHT CRUISER (TRX) After the trouble with the HRX it is somewhat of a mystery why this ship was started, much less completed. There is speculation that the Hydrans were desperate for ships and felt they could solve the problems that plagued the HRX. It was not to be and only a single ship was completed in early Y185.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10/5. One can be built in Y185 for 10 XP. A counter is provided.

(R9P.X06) ADVANCED RHINO HUNTER DESTROYER (DHX) As work progressed on the first Knight-X the concern over the cost troubled many with the Hydran high command. Looking for a more economical approach they authorized the construction of a "X" version of their Rhino Hunter. The ship was commissioned at about the same time as the Knight-X. Most Hydrans favored the Knight-X but never-the-less they continued with limited production of the Rhino-X.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8/4. Can be subbed for a KNX, or converted from a DWH for 5 EP in Y184. A counter is provided.

(R9P.X08) GENDARME-X ADVANCED POLICE SHIP (GEX) Near the end of the General War the Hydrans began encountering Orion Pirate vessels with advanced technology. The Gendarmes were not capable of handling them and the Hydrans began plans to upgrade them with the new "X" technology. In the end, the fleets need for this advanced technology coupled with the high cost meant only a very few were ever upgraded.

(R9P.X09) INSPECTOR-X ADVANCED POLICE FLAGSHIP (INX) Plans for modifying the Inspector class Police Flagship with the advanced technology were begun at about the same time as those for the Genderame. As was the case with the Gendarme, the fleets need for this technology caused these plans to be curtailed and none of these were ever finished.


(YR201) WANDERER EARLY LIGHT CRUISER (YWAN) This is the standard CL used by the Hydrans before the War of Infamy.

(YR202) SWORDSMAN EARLY DESTROYER (YSWD) This is the standard DD used by the Hydrans before the War of Infamy.

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