Lyran Shipyards (R11)

NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

X-Ships Captured Kzinti Ships

(R11M.201) PERSIAN LION SPACE CONTROL SHIP (SCP) The Lyrans were never big proponents of fighters and were never really satisfied with using fighters on their SCS. The Java Lion was their solution to producing a SCS without having to resort to the use of fighters. The ship used the same escort group as Siberian Lion SCS. It is thought among many circles that the Siberian Lion was converted to this design, although it could have been built from scratch. It is not know if additional ships were converted. The four PFs on the inside upper mech links and the two PFs on the rear center mech links are capable of repairing PFs using collapsible bays.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12 PP/6 P. Note! The two Ps on the counter show it has two PF flotillas. Command rating 10. Can be built in SY184 by conversion from a standard DN for a cost of 8 EP. Can also convert existing SCS for a cost of 3 EP. Counters for both the SCP and 4SCP are provided.

(R11P.301) SINGLE-TOOTH WILDCAT MAULER (BCM) Pleased with the success of their conversion of a Tiger into a mauler had begun work on a smaller version based on the war cruiser hull. A engineering student in his last year at the academy noting this drew up plans for a larger version based on the Wildcat Battlecruiser and submitted them to as his final term paper. His professor was impressed and passed them along to the chief of ship designers. The ship was never built as the chief designer used the concept to design the Single-Tooth Lion Dreadnought Mauler.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11/5. Can sub for BC for 11 EP, or converted from BC for 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R11P.302) FIRECAT BATTLECRUISER (BPC) The success of the Hellcat led Lyran shipwrights to believe they could try the same thing with a Wildcat. A newly convert BC was selected and the modifications made. Lack of adequate repair facilities made it less successful then its larger sister. It is not know if additional ships were converted. The two rear mech links were capable of repairing PFs using the same type of bays as the Hellcat.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10 P/5 P. Command rating 10. Can convert 1 BC to BPC once a year, counts as a PFT. Cost is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R11D.303) HEAVY FIGHTER BATTLE CARRIER (BVH) Following the lead of the Klingons some members of the Lyran High Command wanted to proceed with the construction of a modified version of the Hellcat BCV with changes to allow it to operate heavy fighters. Because of their focus on PFs the concept was cancelled before anything other than basic plans were developed. The ship had it been build was to operate with a CWA and DWA as escorts.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11(8H)/5(4H). Command rating 10. Can convert 1 BC to BVH once a year in FY182. Cost is 2 EP plus fighters. Counters for both the BVH and 3BVH are provided.

(R11D.305) HEAVY SURVEY CRUISER (HSR) Shortly after the end of the Four Powers War, the Far Stars Clan proposed this design to provide them with a means of increasing the exploration of new areas. Lack of available heavy cruiser hulls coupled with opposition by the King (who feared that possession of such a ship by the Duke could shift the balance of power) caused the ship to be cancelled before production could begin. There are unconfirmed rumors that such a ship was indeed built by the Lyrans shortly after the General War ended.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8u/3-4. Command rating 9. (2EW:2AF)(1EW:6AF). The Far Stars Clan can convert one CA to HSR before Y168. Cost is 5 EP which must be deducted from EPs available to the Lyrans on the first turn. A counter is provided.

(R11D.306) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FSC) The Lyrans built one FSC in the latter part of Y176. The high command was pleased with the results of the initial tests and planned an additional three ships. The heavy demands placed for CA hulls (used for Command Cruisers, Maulers, conversions to DN, and even CVs) was such that none could be spared for additional conversions of this type.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8u/3-4. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:4AF). Can be converted from CF cost 5 EP or CA cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Fall of Y176. Alternatively, if in a non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Lyrans are active. A counter is provided.

(R11H.320) BALI TIGER SPACE CONTROL CRUISER (SCC) Details surrounding this ship were obtained from the files of the Hydran Intelligence Agency. It seems the Hydrans after seeing the Medium carrier were concerned the Lyrans would add a center section with additional fighters to their Siberian Tiger Class carriers. This design was based on Hydran ship designers best guess of just what such a ship would look like, and assumes the Lyrans would give it the same escorts as the CV. The Lyrans either never learned about it or choose to ignore it as no such ship was designed or built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-8(8H12)u/1-4(4H6). Command rating 9. EW= 2. Can be converted from a CV for 3 EP, or from a CA for 5 EP. This ship has three separate fighter squadrons, one heavy of 8 factors and two standard squadrons of 6 factors each. Counters for both the SCC and the 4SCC are provided.

(R11M.370) SUMATRAN TIGER (CAV) Reports of this ship were obtained from Whiskers, the Kzinti intelligence agency. It is believed by the Federation Intelligence Agency (which referred to the ship as the White Tiger) that the reports were most likely the result of faulty interpretation of facts surrounding the Siberian Tiger and the Manchurian Tiger. Rather than treat them as two different ships, Whiskers agents interpreted the facts as those of a single ship. According to the reports the ship would have carried 18 Z-Ys and 6 Z-Ds, and would have had the same escorts as the Siberian Tiger. The ship was reported to have 4 shuttle bays and transfers were possible between the two bays in the center section.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8-9(12)/4-5(6). Command rating 9. Counts against regular carrier production. Can convert CV to CAV cost is 3 EP. A counter for the CAV and the 4CAV provided.

(R11P.371) CASPIAN TIGER AREA CONTROL SHIP (ACS) Although the Lyrans were never big fighter users they did (under the urging of the Klingons) design a Area Control ship. The ship was a modified Manchurian Tiger with 6 heavy fighters replacing 12 standard fighters. The weapons suite was reduced to make room for a pair of Special Sensors. The design never entered production but could have been built in Y179. Had the ship been built it was slated to use what had become the "standard" escort group CEW and 2 DWAs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-8(8H6)u/1-4(4H3). Command rating 9. EW= 2. Can be converted from a CV for 3 EP, or from a CA for 5 EP. This ship has two separate fighter squadrons, one heavy of 8 factors and one standard of 6 factors which must operate as separate squadrons. Counters for both the ACS and the 4ACS are provided.

(R11P.399) SUPER HEAVY CRUISER (SCA) When the Klingons informed the Lyrans of Romulan plans for the Killerhawk, the Lyrans quietly began plans for a super cruiser of their own. Before any of the super cruisers could begin production, the success of the X ships caused a cancellation of the project.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12-10(S)/5. Command rating 9. Can be substituted for CC (once per year) beginning in Y183. A counter is provided.

(R11008) ESG GLOBAL OPERATIONS CRUISER (CG) Plans for this ship was found in the Battle Simulation Data Banks of the Lyran Empire Star Fleet Command. The ship was apparently intended to produce a ESG armed escort ship that could both protect the fleet and run down an enemy ship and ram it with multiple ESGs. There are no reports which would point to the fact that this ship ever left the battle simulators. Among the reasons may have been that the ship would have been a target for hellbore attacks, and without any heavy weapons, other ships would attempt to stay out of range of the ESGs.

(R11003) JAGDTIGER HEAVY CRUISER (JGT) In Y172, the Lyrans were planning on building another JagdPanther. They began work on the center section while waiting for the arrival of a Panther to convert. The Panther never arrived, so a badly damaged Tiger was used instead. While the conversion was successful, this ship remained a one off prototype, Tigers being too valuable to use in this way.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8/4. Command rating 9. Can substitute one JGT for CA (once per year) beginning in the Fall of Y172. Cost is 10 EP +1 EP for the fighters. JGT are treated as an JGP, and can perform missions V (carrier), C (flag), G (commando), and R (FCR) as outlined in (4J.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R11P.401) LIGHT REPAIR CRUISER (CLR) The Lyrans following the lead of the Klingons converted a small number of light cruisers into this design. Their ships like the Klingon D6R were designed to make minimal repairs to ships allowing them to return to regular repair facilities. The ships are eligible for the "Plus", "Phaser" and "Mech Link" refits, although few ever received more than the "Plus" refit.

(R11P.402) GRAY PANTHER LIGHT CARRIER (CLV) The Lyrans had watched with interest as the Kzintis developed fighters. With help from the Klingons, they built their first carrier in late Y169. The ship was converted from a light cruiser. The Lyrans built a small number of fighters by heavily modifying shuttles enabling them to mount a single disruptor in addition to their Ph-3. The ship carried 8 fighters and was capable of operating a MRS. No formal escorts were available at the time the ship was completed, but a DD and FF were assigned as escorts. The ship was lost almost immediately on its initial combat trial along the Hydran border.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6(4)/3(2). Command rating 6. Can convert from CL once per turn beginning in the Fall of Y169. Cost is 2 EP plus fighters. Note! The DD and FF escorts in the 3CLV group counter have reduced ComPot as per (515.34). A counter for both the CLV and the 3CLV are provided.

(R11P.403) LIGHT ESCORT CRUISER (CLE) Designed at the same time as the Lyrans began work on their Yaguarundi light carrier. The ship was to have been the heavy escort for the new carrier, but lost in the "fly off" trials to the CWE. In addition Lyrans Admirals were not willing to give up the CL hulls which the fleet had begun converting into Wildcat Battlecruisers. No ships of this class were built with the exception of the single ship produced for the flyoff trials.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6n/3 n. Command rating 6. Can convert from CL beginning in the Fall of Y171. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R11D.404) LIGHT COMMAND CRUISER (LCC) A proposal put forth by the Lyrans for a Command version of their light cruiser. The ship, had it been built, would had operated as a squadron leader. The Lyrans, however, were not convinced the benefits outweighed the costs and never proceeded with construction.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Their is no counter, but allows the Lyrans to use War Cruiser Leader rule (303.5) using three CLs, or any mix of three CLs and/or CWs.

(R11D.405) SABER-TOOTH PANTHER LIGHT MAULER (CLM) When the Lyrans first considered building a mauler they did not want to tie up a heavy cruiser for the time necessary to make the conversion. They chose a light cruiser for the first conversion. Not satisfied with the results they abandoned the idea of using a CL and turned instead to the CA hull. Only a single STP was built in Y169.
  F&E FACTS:For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6 /3. Command rating 6. Can convert one CL to CLM once per year beginning in the Fall of Y169. Limit two in service at any given time. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R11D.410) SABER-TOOTH JAGDPANTHER MAULER (JGM) This was a design study to test the feasibility of turning a Jadpanther into a mauler. After analyzing computer tests, the Lyrans found the idea was not practical and abandoned the idea. In F&E terms this ship would be identical to a SJT and no counter is provided.

(R11P.416) HEAVY PF TENDER (HPFT) This never built design was actually proposed before the PFW as a way of deploying the new Bobcats. The Lyran high command rejected the idea as the CLs were considered far more useful because of the relative easy with which they could be converted to Wildcats.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-6Pu/1-3P. Command Rating 6. (2EW:1AF)(1EW:4AF). Can produce (by conversion only) beginning in Y178. Cost is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R11002) BLACK PANTHER LIGHT SURVEY CRUISER (CLS) 2 Light Cruisers were built in Y122 as survey cruisers. Assigned to the Far-Stars Clan, they served on deep space exploration missions, along side the larger Prairie Cats. Both of these ships were lost in deep space, one mysteriously in Y145, the other at the beginning of the General War (reportedly destroyed by Hydrans operating from the Lost Colonies). This ship was replaced by the Prairie Cat in Y125. It never received any refits (although the SSD shows the + and p refits for player wishing to use these ships at a later date).

(R11007) NIGHT PANTHER LARGE SCOUT (LSC) Impressed by the D6S, the Lyrans built a similar ship on their CL hull in Y161 and Y162. Both of these ships were destroyed by Y172 and replaced with a ship based on the CW hull.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6u/1-3. Command Rating 6. (3EW:2AF)(1EW:3AF). Can produce (by conversion only) beginning in Spring of Y168. Cost is 3 EP. Can only have two at any time. A counter is provided.

(R11009) ESG LIGHT GLOBAL OPERATIONS CRUISER (CGL) This ship was apparently intended to produce a ESG armed escort ship that could both protect the fleet and run down an enemy ship and ram it with multiple ESGs. One was converted in Y167. This ship served exclusively on the Kzinti border and provided a test of the concept.

(R11010) ESG WAR CRUISER ESCORT (ECW) This was one of the proposals in Y171 for a carrier escort. The ship was apparently intended to produce a ESG armed escort ship that would protect the carrier from drone and fighter attacks. This variant would have served on the Kzinti border, while the phaser armed CWE was to serve in the Hydran border. After one prototype had been built, it was decided to build CWEs as the only escort and no other ships of this type were built. It is unknown if the prototype ECW was converted to a CWE or if it remained as an ECW. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CWE and no counter is provided.

(R11D.510) SCOUT ESCORT CRUISER (CWSE) The Lyrans were not at first disposed to produce a Scout Escort, preferring instead to use the CW hulls for standard scouts. However, not all in the fleet agreed and in Y177 a scout crusier then under construction was modified to this design entering service in Y178.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-7 un /2-4. Command rating 6. Can be converted in Y176 from a CW for 4 EP; or from a CWS for 1 EP; or from a CWE for 3 EP. EW=3. A Counter is provided.

(R11P.515) KING JAGUAR CLASS MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRC) The Lyrans (like all races) soon realized the potential benefits the flexible concept of the HDW. The plans were quickly drawn up to apply these same concepts to their war cruiser. The King Jaguar was the result. After much debate within the Lyran high command, it was finally decided to add a pair of fighters as standard equipment on the ship. The first of these ships reached the fleet in Y180.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(1)/4. Command rating 6. Can substitute one MRC for CW once per turn beginning in the Spring of Y180. Cost is 6 EP +1 EP for the fighters. Is treated as an HDW, and can perform all the missions (except D) as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord. A ship counter and MRC Missions counters are provided.

(R11D.520) FAST TACTICAL TRANSPORT (FTT) The Lyrans, like all the races, found that re-supplying the fast and far reaching X-ships was a difficult task for their standard tugs and LTTs. Not wanting to divert the limited number of X-ships to this task they designed a fast tactical transport. Two special sensors were added to aid in both locating the X-ships and enemy ships that needed to be avoided. No heavy weapons were included (as it was felt that these might encourage ships captains to engage in combat and thus jeopardize their main mission). This ship is capable of carrying any pod except the SCP+ Space Control Pod, however, it rarely carried anything but a cargo pod and many times carried no pod at all.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7Fu/1-4. Command Rating 6. EW=2. Can built one per turn beginning in SY184. Build cost is 7 EP. Counts against both scouts and LTTs. A counter is provided.

(R11D.540) NEW FAST CRUISER (NFC) In Y176, Lyran admirals were looking for a ship capable of performing fast deep reconnaissance missions. The earlier Running Tigers had both been converted and the engine production facility shut down. The ship designers then turned to the new heavy cruiser. They replaced two of the engines with a pair of the engines used on the Panther light cruiser. The design was not completely satisfactory and it seems only a single ship of this design was built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(F)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a CA in SY177. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the NCA +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R11M.550) ROYAL JAGUAR NEW COMMAND CRUISER (NCC) The Lyrans took note of the Klingons new DWC Command Cruiser, and in Y177 using their new heavy cruiser hull produced their own version of a new Command Cruiser. The ship was closer to the CCH than a CC (at least in firepower, if not staying power) was not put into production, but at least two ships used for tests were built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command Rating 8. Can build or (by conversion only) beginning in Spring of Y177. Build cost is 8 EP (2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R11M.551) NEW MAULER CRUISER (NMA) The Lyrans wanted to build additional "heavy" maulers but did not wish to give up their heavy cruisers so they turned to the King Jaguar New Heavy Cruiser. The resulting ship proved less expensive to build yet was the equal of the Saber-Tooth Tiger in combat ability. Records show only one (or possibility two) such ships were built. Why the Lyrans did not begin producing this class as their standard mauler is a mystery.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10/4. Command Rating 8. Can build or convert beginning in Spring of Y180. Build cost is 6 EP, plus 5 EP for conversion.

(R11011) ESG WAR DESTROYER ESCORT (EDW) This was one of the proposals in Y171 for a carrier escort based on the Alleycat War Destroyer. The ship was apparently intended to produce a ESG armed escort ship that would protect the carrier from drone and fighter attacks. This variant would have served on the Kzinti border, while the phaser armed DWE was to serve on the Hydran border. After a pair of prototypes had been built, it was decided to build DWEs as the only DW escort type and no other ships of this type were built. It is unknown if the prototype EDWs were converted to a DWEs or if they remained as an EDW. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a DWE and no counter is provided.

(R11D.601) LIGHT TACTICAL SCOUT (LTS) This proposal was intended to give the widely used DWS a better chance of surviving by the addition of a pair of Z-H heavy fighters. The first ship with this modification was commissioned in the Fall of Y178.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-6u(3)/0-3(1). EW is 2. Command Rating 5. Can produce by substitution one per year beginning in the Fall of Y178. Cost is 2 EP. Does not include the cost of the fighters. It is a casual carrier. A counter is provided.

(R11D.701) KING LEOPARD DESTROYER LEADER (DDL) An early attempt in Y166 by the Lyrans to produce a destroyer leader. The design incorporated welding a small "power tray" to the back of the vessel. The ship was never successful as the power tray changed the flight dynamics of the ship causing it to suffer a loss of maneuverability a problem the Lyrans could never solve. The ship was to have had a UIM as standard equipment. No additional vessels of this type beyond the technology demonstration ship were built. The power tray would, however, lead two years later to the power pack. For F&E no counter is provided, instead this ship uses the same rules (303.5) as the War Cruiser Leader, when three DDs are grouped together one automatically becomes a DDL and adds 1 to the ComPot of the three DDs.

(R11P.702) DESTROYER ESCORT (DE) This design was intended to produce an escort for the new CVLs just coming into service. The ship never went into general production as DD hulls were being used for either Scouts, Minesweeper, Commando ships or being converted to CWs. Two of these ships were produced and served interchangeably in CVL groups with their smaller counterparts, the FFEs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5n/3n. Command rating 6. Can convert from DD beginning in the Fall of Y171. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R11P.755) JAVA LEOPARD ESCORT CARRIER (DDV) As part of the incentive to convince the Lyrans to accept plans to attack the Hydrans first, the Klingons offered to give the Lyrans a number of fighters as well as convert several Lyran ships to operate them. The Lyrans accepted the offer and the Klingons helped them convert a DD to this design in Y170. Operated alone at first it gained a FFE escort in early Y171.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-5(3)/2-3(1). Command rating 4. Can convert one DD to DDV once per year beginning in the Fall of Y170. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the DDV and 2DDV are provided.

(R11D.801) KING CHEETAH FRIGATE LEADER (FFL) Conceived at the same time as The DDL, the FFL was intended to produce a frigate leader. The concept was the same, that of attaching the small "power tray" to the rear of the ship. Simple in nature, the design suffered the same handling problems as its larger counterpart and the Lyrans abandoned the idea before the design could enter production. For F&E no counter is provided, instead this ship uses uses the same rules (303.5) as the War Cruiser Leader, when three FFs are grouped together one automatically becomes a FFL and adds 1 to the ComPot of the three FFs.

(R11P.805) JAVA CHEETAH ESCORT CARRIER (FFV) This design like its larger counterpart, the DDV, was part of the Klingons attempt to get their war plan accepted. In late Y169 with help from the Klingons the Lyrans converted a FF to this design. For 2 years it operated alone, in late Y171 a FFE was sometimes assigned as a escort.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-4(3)/1-2(1). Command rating 3. Can convert one FF to FFV once per year beginning in the Fall of Y169. Cost is 2 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for the FFV and 2FFV are provided.

(R11P.820) MULTI ROLE FRIGATE It is not known where this idea came from, or who first proposed the concept of attaching a small addition, (whose systems could be quickly and easily reconfigured) to the rear of a ship. Similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller, these were mere "blisters" hard welded to the ship. The Lyrans considered such a plan, but by then their shipyards were busy with the conversions necessary to produce the new DW class ships and only a single test bed frigate was completed in late Y164.

(R11004) LYRAN FAST PF RESUPPLY FRIGATE (FPR) The Lyrans were the first and the biggest users of PFs. Unlike fighters, which required specialized carriers, PF could be carried by any ship. This created supply and repair problems. Cargo ships and Auxiliary PFTs could supply the fleet, but were slow and vulnerable. The Lyrans, the biggest user of PFs, were the first to attempt to solve this problem. In Y181, the Lyrans modified a FCR to carry and repair PFs. This ship could carry and repair 2 PFs on it mechlinks, and carried 4 more PFs as cargo along with spare booster packs and parts. As FFs were in short supply at this point in the war, only 4 of these ships were built.

(R11001) STRAYCAT (COR) The sight of the Federation Corvette came as a great shock to the Lyrans in Y181. At the time, they were finishing plans for a heavy PF. They rapidly adapted this to their own Corvette in Y182. It was planned to use a low powered ESG, but this weapon was not ready and the ship was introduced without one.

Note: Due to the small size of this ship, a type-VI drone does 4 pts. of damage rather than 2, and any defensive fire systems treat this ship as if it was a PF.
Note: This ship can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

(R11006) RECOVERY TUG (TGR) This ship was a pure (if very small) tug designed to tow pods and ships. While these ships could operate pods the seldom did in combat situations due to their vulnerability. Often these ships were used to tow FRDs and to recover crippled ships. After its introduction in Y142, the Lyrans produced many of them.

(R11D.901) FAST TUG (TGF) The Lyrans seeing the need to build, supply, and maintain bases on both the Kzinti and Hydran fronts followed the lead of their allies, the Klingons, and during repair of one of their fast cruisers took the engines and put them on a Puma Tug. The resulting ship was not capable of operating Battle Pods, but did give the Lyrans a ship able to reach deeper into the recently occupied territories. The first of these fast tugs reached the fleet in the Fall of Y174.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8(F)/2-4. Command rating 6. Can be built by conversion only. Can convert one TG to TGF per year beginning in the Fall of Y174. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.


(R11M.X50) SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (XNC) The Lyrans like most races had begun work earlier on advanced technology. In late Y180 they had completed a single engineering prototype. Testing took longer than expected and by the time the Lyran high command was satisfied with the design full-fledged X-ships were beginning about to enter production.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R11201) ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRX) In Y186, the Lyrans combined their CWX and MRC to create an advanced MRC. They built one per year until Y188 when their economy recovered enough to allow then to build a second.

Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R11P.X07) ADVANCED POLICE CORVETTE (PLX) The plans for this ship were hastily drawn up when it appeared no Military Police Ships could be spared for upgrading to the advanced technology. After the first few such testbed upgrades were done they were just as hastily cancelled, and the Lyrans chose to use regular advanced ships for police work.

(R11P.X08) ADVANCED MILITARY POLICE SHIP (MPX) Used by the Lyrans to supplement the few advanced Police Corvettes. These ships were highly successful and many were drawn into the regular Lyran military forces.

(R11P.X09) ADVANCED POLICE FLAGSHIP (FLX) These advanced police flagships, like their non-advanced predecessors provided a variety of support functions for the police forces of the Lyran Empire.

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