(K1TH.01) DESCRIPTION: Outriders are small ships and can operate as independent ships. They are treated as Interceptors (K3.0) except as noted below.


(K1TH.11) ENERGY ALLOCATION: Outriders (like Interceptors) do not use power for life support, fire control, or shields.

(K1TH.111) SHIELD REINFORCEMENTS: Outriders do not user specific shield reinforcement. Instead they use a modified form of general shield reinforcement where each unit of energy stops one point of damage.br>
(K1TH.12) MOVEMENT: Outriders (like Interceptors) can accelerate by 15 or triple their current speed.

(K1TH.112) NIMBLE: Outriders are nimble, and thus gain the benefit from the ECM points of the Small Target Modifiers (E1.7).

(K1TH.113 LANDING ON PLANETS: can land on planets using (P2.433) Aerodynamic or (P2.434) Powered Landings.

(K1TH.12) WEAPONS: The weapons on Outriders operate in all manners exactly as the weapons on a ship do. Specifically, they have the same range as the same weapons on a ship have.

(K1TH.13) DAMAGE ALLOCATION: Outriders use the (K5.1) FAST PATROL SHIP DAMAGE ALLOCATION CHART. Exception: Hits scored on WPN-B are recorded as misses. BRDG hits are scored against AUX.

(K1TH.14) EW: Outriders (like Interceptors) have two points of built in ECCM at no cost. These points can be dropped to allow the use of more ECM within the limits set by (D6.31). They are under the limits of (D6.31) and form an exception to (D6.3142).

(K1TH.114) SWITCHABLE POINTS: Outriders have two points of electronic warfare at no cost that can be used for either ECM or ECCM, or one of each. They must be designated as to which during the Sensor Lock-on Phase of each turn. Once designated they cannot be changed during the turn.

(K1TH.1141) SELF POWERED EW: Outriders can use their own power for ECM and/or ECCM. They can receive external or borrowed EW as a ship.  The EW generated under (K1TH.14) and (K1TH.114) are included in the limits for self generation set by (D6.3141).

(K1TH.15) SEPARATION AND ATTACHMENT: Outriders can only separate and/or attach at the start of a turn. To do so both the Outrider and the ship must be in the same hex with the same heading on the last impulse of the turn. They do not have to be at the same speed. At the start of the next turn the they are attached. The new ship uses the speed and turn mode restrictions of the larger ship as a base for acceleration. A ship must separate all of its Outriders at the same time.

(K1TH.16) TOWING: Spare Outriders from a battle can be tractored and pulled to safety. There is no movement cost to tow an Outrider. Ships towing a Outrider cannot use (C7.1) Disengagement by Acceleration. They can use (C7.2) Disengagement by Separation. The systems on Outriders being towed are not operable and are treated as cargo for damage purposes only. Hits scored on a towed Outrider are then rolled against the (K5.1) FAST PATROL SHIP DAMAGE ALLOCATION CHART.


(K1TH.21) SHIELDS & SPECIAL CONDITIONS: The Shields and the Sensor, Scanner, Dam Con, and Ex Dam tracks do not function and cannot be damaged when attached to a ship.

(K1TH.22) CREW UNIT & BOARDING PARTIES: When Outriders are attached to core ships crew unit and boarding party causalities are taken at the owing players discretion.

(K1TH.22) INTERCHANGEABLE: Outriders are interchangeable. Example: Both a NCL and a NCA launch Outriders. In the ensuing battle the Outriders from the NCA get destroyed. The Outriders from the CL can be reattached (at the start of the turn using K1TH.15) to either the FF turning it back into a NCL, or to the DD turning it into a NCA.

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