The Lan are generally humanoid in appearance. They are short of stature and slight of build, averaging 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall and weighted around 100 lbs (45 kilograms) in weight. Their small size and slight mass enable them to move very quickly. Their skin coloration is universally green, but ranges from a dark green (almost forest) to a light green and they have pure white hair. They have 5 fingers and a opposable thumb on each hand.

    Although little is know about The Lan Commonwealth home world(s) it is thought to consist of at least 6 planets and is generally believed to be located on or near the edge of Seltorian Tribunal territory. However, some records (captured computer data banks) seem to indicate that the Lan Commonwealth may actually be located just outside the main arm of the Tholian Home Galaxy. The Seltorians, after over throwing the Tholians, were able to conquer a number of Lan colony worlds located in Tribunal territory, but were never able to discover, much less, conquer the Lan home world(s). Much of the structure of either their government or their society remains a mystery.

    The Lan Commonwealth appear to have begun their exploration and colonization efforts during the rebellion. One of their first colonies was wiped out by the Seltorians, who apparently mistook the Lan as part of a plan by the Tholians to supplant them as "most trusted subject race." The small Lan squadron (after receiving a distress call from the newly established colony) attempted to drive off the Seltorians. The Lan were defeated, but at least one ship survived  long enough to communicate news of the attack back. The Lan then began sending small squadrons to scout out the whereabouts of the Seltorians. During this period Lan ships fought a number of battles with the Seltorians. In addition this time period also saw them encounter the Tartellas and Wicasa. Increasing the Lan found themselves outclassed by larger ships, and they set about a fast pasted construction program designed to produce larger ships. Now better able compete against the fleets fielded by these races, they dispatched a number of squadrons to seek out and destroy the Seltorians. One of the Lan squadrons came across one of the battles between the rebels and the Tholians. Observing from a distance revealed that some of the antagonists were in fact the same ship types that had been destroying their colonies. The Lan squadron joined the battle against them. After the battle the Lan and Tholians formed an informal accord based on the "enemy of my enemy" theory.

    Economy of scale and heavy use of standardization allow Lan ships to be quickly and economically constructed. They are well rounded ships. In addition to phasers they mount a heavy weapon called a
Energy Pulse Cannon. These weapons are flexible with the capability of being fired in a number of different modes. Lan ships are able to give a good account of themselves against most opponents.

(TH8.101) DREADNOUGHT (DN) Designed at the same time as the Battlecruiser, this design was never produced. Once again the drain on both resources and crew were the deciding factors in not proceeding to production with this ship.

(TH8.111) NEW DREADNOUGHT (NDN) The failure of the Dreadnought forced Lan ship designers to come up with a different way of producing a Dreadnought. Using the New Battlecruiser as a guide they attached four Outriders to a DD hull.  It is beieved that this ship may have never been built.

(TH8.201) BATTLECRUISER (BC) An attempt by the Lan to field a Battlecruiser. The ship was considered successful enough to produce, but lack of crew coupled with cost caused production to be cancelled after a single prototype was finished.

(TH8.221) NEW BATTLECRUISER (NBC) The Lan were determined to produce a Battlecruiser. The Lan ship designers, drawing from their experience with the NAC and the NCL, hit upon the idea of attaching four outriders to a frigate hull. While not quite a match for other battlecruisers it encountered it was the only way the Lan could produce a battlecruiser.

(TH8.301) HEAVY CRUISER (CA) Bolstered by their success with the twin frigate concept, the Lan pressed on with a heavy cruiser version made by joining two destroyer hulls together. This produced a ship on a par with the Seltorian heavy cruiser they had encountered earlier. Like the twin hulled light cruiser, this ship required the services of a base to be joined or separated.

(TH8.321) NEW HEAVY CRUISER (NCA) Losses of the the twin hulled ships compelled the Lan to seek other ways to build CA and CL class ships. Unable (due to economic reasons) to increase the size of shipyards necessary to build larger ships they had to look elsewhere. Lan shipwrights hit upon the idea of attaching Outriders to the DD to produce a CA equivalent. This solution had three benefits. First, the new ships termed NCA could be produced for 75% of the cost of a CA. Second, it required only about 65% of the crew thus reducing the drain on the Lan population. Third, the ability to seperate the Outriders during battle added tactical flexibility to Lan fleets.

(TH8.401) LIGHT CRUISER (CL) Following their initial meeting and defeat at the hands of the Seltorians, the Lan set about attempting to build larger ships. Unable for a variety of reasons to build larger ships, they decided to try putting two frigates together. Computer models indicated that this solution would work and thus the light cruiser was born. The ship is unable to separate except at a base.

(TH8.405) HEAVY SCOUT CRUISER (HSC) This design was an attempt by the Lan to produce a heavy scout. It was simply combining two of the smaller Pickett scouts. Records indicate that although at least four such ships were planned only a single one was completed. Like the light cruiser this ship is unable to separate except at a base.

(TH8.421) NEW LIGHT CRUISER (NCL) Nearly as capable as the CL, the NCL could be produced for 81% of cost, and required only about 69% of the crew. Production of CLs was halted in favor of this new design.

(TH8.501) DESTROYER (DD) This was a follow-on to the FF. It was originally to be called a large frigate but during construction the name was changed to a destroyer. It was fabricated by lengthening the frigate hull to accommodate additional capabilities. It, like its smaller sister the frigate, was produced in fairly sizable numbers.

(TH8.551) LIGHT SURVEY SHIP (LSS) Developed by the Lan by modifying a destroyer. The addition of this ship to the Lan fleet enabled them to conduct long range surveys of potential colony sites. This design did not enter service until after the first contact with the Seltorians.

(TH8.601) FRIGATE (FF) The first Lan ship equipped with warp drive. Built in fairly large numbers it was the most numerous Lan ship built. It saw service in all parts of the Commonwealth in a variety of different roles. Two of these ship led by a DD were the first Lan ships to encounter the Seltorians.

(TH8.631) PICKETT SCOUT (PSC) After the initial loss to the Seltorians, Lan leaders grew concerned that their home world(s) might be attacked by the Seltorians. This ship grew out of that concern. Based on the frigate, it was stationed on the outskirts of the Commonwealth to provide early warning of approaching ships.

(TH8.701) OUTRIDER (OR) Originally designed by the Lan to serve as planetary defense ships. These small ships would launch from planetary bases or Orbital platforms in defense of the planet. Built in large numbers, production started shortly after the introduction of the warp powered frigate.

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