NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.
NOTE: All Symbiote ships can land and take off from a planet using all l anding systems.

   The Symbiote are a humanoid race. Short and squat, they appear unimposing and have a nasty habit of arguing with other beings. While it is said the the Matu have never been bettered by another race in hand to hand combat, the Symbiote has never beaten another race in unarmed combat. They never fought with the Tholians, but instead, cooperated (as they felt that they were the 'official' rulers of the galaxy) with them in an attempt to win their favor. The Symbiote even went so far to exile an intellectual faction, to another galaxy on the Tholian's orders, depriving them of most of their top minds. When the Symbiote learned of the Seltorians joining the rebellion, they too followed suit. After the Tholians were expelled, they joined with the Selts to dominate the rest of the Galaxy. When half the Selt fleet left in search of the Tholians, the Symbiote were counted on to keep the other races in line. Soon after, the Wicasa, with help from their allies, crushed the Symbiote fleet and devisated their homeworld, leaving the survivors to flee in search of the exiled relatives for protection.

The Symbiote are ruled by their religious leaders. Their religion however is not based on traditions and folklore like most, but the Symbiote seem to be able to communicate with their supreme being.

Symbiote ships are conical in shape. They use the Semi-Plasmatic Phaser instead of phaser I and III on their ships along with the Sonic Vacuum Cannon

(TH401) HEAVY CRUISER (CA) This was the largest ship built by the Symbiote. It was an average ship in combat, although its main weapon could do a great deal of damage.

(TH408) SURVEY CRUISER (GSC) The single heavy cruiser that survived was converted into a survey cruiser to act as the fleet flagship in the search for the exiles.

(TH402) LIGHT CRUISER (CL) This was a more commonly seen Symbiote ship. This was the largest class of ship that survived the rebellions. Two of these ships led the surviving Symbiote search of their exiles.

(TH403) DESTROYER (DD) This (along with the FF) was the most numerous Symbiote ship. Most of these ships were lost to the Wicsa's attack, only one fleeing the Galaxy.

(TH404) FRIGATE (FF) This (along with the DD) was the most commonly seen ship. Many of these were provided to a exile group that fled to a nearby galaxie, 6 survived the rebellion.

(TH405) LARGE SCOUT (HSC) A variant of the CL, it was introduced to provide electronic support to the fleet. A very rare ship, only 1 or 2 being built.

(TH406) SMALL SCOUT (SC) A variant of the DD, it was introduced to provide electronic support to the fleet. More common than the HSC, one survived to help search for the exiles.

(TH407) BATTLE CRUISER (BC) This ship was under construction at the Symbiote homework when they were attacked. It was was rushed into service and destroyed on its first mission.

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