Sonic Vacuum Cannon (SVC) Electron Cannon (EC) Heavy Blaster (BLH)
Light Blaster (BLL) Semi Plasmatic Phaser (SPP) Energy Pulse Cannon (EPC)



   The Heavy Disruptor is the heavy weapon used by the Tartelles and carried on all of their ships. They operate similar to a standard disruptor, but take longer to arm energy and do more damage.


(E01TH.11) SSD: Each "HDR" box on the SSD represents one Heavy Disruptor, it is recorded and fired separately.
(E01TH.12) DESTRUCTION: Heavy disruptors are destroyed on Torpedo hits on the Damage Allocation Chart (D4.21)
(E01TH.13) COST TO REPAIR: Heavy Disruptors cost 10 points to repair.


(E01TH.21) ARMING: To arm a Heavy Disruptor, two points of power must be allocated to a specific heavy disruptor on each of two consecutive turns. The second turn may be the turn of firing. This arming cycle must be two points on each of two turns (2 + 2).
(E01TH.22) HOLDING ARMED HEAVY DISRUPTORS: If the arming of a heavy disruptor has been completed on a given turn, and the heavy disruptor has not been fired on that turn, the ship must either discharge the weapon (E1.24) or allocate one point of energy to hold the charge in the tube for each turn until the heavy disruptor is fired (including the turn of firing). Overloaded heavy disruptors can be held, but two points of energy must be used per tube.


(E01TH.31) FIRING: Heavy disruptors are fired in the Direct-Fire Weapons Fire Stage of the Impulse Procedure and their effect is determined immediately by die roll.
(E01TH.32) FIRING PROCEDURE: When firing heavy disruptors, first determine the range to the target (D1.4). Note that the effective range may be different from the true range due to the effect of cloaking devices (G13.0), sensors (D6.1), scanners (D6.2), etc. Then roll 1D6 (the die result may be modified by EW or other effects; see E1.8) and cross-index the result with the range on the heavy disruptor table to yield the number of damage points scored.
(E01TH.33) SPECIAL FIRING: Heavy disruptors can be fired in a narrow salvo (E1.6) Overloaded and non overloaded heavy disruptors can be combined in a narrow salvo.  They may not use UIM or DERFACS.


Heavy disruptors may be overloaded. This requires more energy. but increases the damage effect.

(E01TH.41) POWER REQUIREMENTS: To overload a heavy disruptor, 4 points of energy must be applied on the second turn of arming. Two points of reserve power may be used to overload an previously armed heavy disruptor. Once energy is allocated to overload a heavy disruptor, it cannot be fired as a non-overloaded one.
(E01TH.42) EFFECT: The warhead strength of the heavy disruptor is increased. This is shown on the heavy disruptor table on the SSD.
(E01TH.43) MAXIMUM RANGE: The maximum range of an overloaded heavy disruptor is 8 hexes regardless of the original range of the weapon. The range limitation applies to the two range, not to the adjusted range. See (D6.126).
(E01TH.44) FEEDBACK: Overloaded heavy disruptors can be fired at range "0". They hit automatically (unless other factors, such as electronic warfare, produce a die roll modification). Overloaded heavy disruptors scoring a hit at a true range of "0" cause 3 points of damage to the facing shield of the firing ship. This feedback damage does not reduce the amount of damage done to the target or affect any other ship.
(E01TH.45) HOLDING OVERLOADED HEAVY DISRUPTORS: Overloaded heavy disruptors can be held. If they are not fired by the end of the turn they are overloaded, they may be held for the cost of two points of energy per tube.

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The sonic vacuum cannon is the heavy weapon used by the Symbiote and carried on all of their ships. They are a direct fire weapon that does considerable damage.


(E02TH.11) SSD: Each "SVC" box on the SSD represents one Sonic Vacuum Cannon, it is recorded and fired separately.
(E02TH.12) DESTRUCTION: Sonic Vacuum Cannons are destroyed on Torpedo hits on the Damage Allocation Chart (D4.21)
(E02TH.13) COST TO REPAIR: Sonic Vacuum Cannons cost 10 points to repair.


(E02TH.21) ARMING: To arm a sonic vacuum cannon, two points of power must be allocated to a specific sonic vacuum cannon on each of three consecutive turns. The third turn may be the turn of firing. This arming cycle must be two points on each of three turns (2 + 2 + 2).  They may be fast loaded by applying three points of energy on the 2nd turn, but must be fired on the 2nd turn of arming.
(E02TH.22) HOLDING ARMED CANNONS: If the arming of a sonic vacuum cannon has been completed on a given turn, and the sonic vacuum cannon has not been fired on that turn, the ship must either discharge the weapon (E1.24) or allocate two points of energy to hold the charge in the cannon for each turn until the sonic vacuum cannon is fired (including the turn of firing). Overloaded sonic vacuum cannons cannot be held.


(E02TH.31) FIRING: Sonic Vacuum Cannon are fired in the Direct-Fire Weapons Fire Stage of the Impulse Procedure and their effect is determined immediately by die roll on the Sonic Vacuum Cannon.
(E02TH.32) PROCEDURE: When firing sonic vacuum cannon, first determine the range to the target (D1.4). Note that the effective range may be different from the true range due to the effect of cloaking devices (G13.0), sensors (D6.1), scanners (D6.2), etc. Then roll 1D6 (the die result may be modified by EW or other effects; see E1.8) and cross-index the result with the range on the sonic vacuum cannon table to yield the number of damage points scored.  Fast loaded sonic vacuum cannons use the DMGE, FASTLOAD damage row.
(E02TH.33) SPECIAL FIRING: Sonic Vacuum Cannons can be fired in a narrow salvo (E1.6) Overloaded and non overloaded sonic vacuum cannon can be combined in a narrow salvo.
E02TH.34) TARGET MODIFIERS: Sonic Vacuum Cannons are inaccurate against smaller targets. When fired upon, the target of a sonic vacuum cannon receives an ECM benefit equal to its size class divided by 2 + 1 (round fractions up). This is counted as ECM from a 'natural source' and is cumulative with other ECM.


Sonic Vacuum Cannons may be overloaded. This requires more energy. but increases the damage effect.

(E02TH.41) POWER REQUIREMENTS: To overload a Sonic Vacuum Cannon, 4 points of energy must be applied on the third turn of arming. Two points of reserve power may be used to overload an previously armed sonic vacuum cannon. Once energy is allocated to overload a sonic vacuum cannon, it cannot be fired as a non-overloaded one.
(E02TH.42) EFFECT: The warhead strength of the Sonic Vacuum Cannon is increased. This is shown on the Sonic Vacuum Cannon table on the SSD.
(E02TH.43) MAXIMUM RANGE: The maximum range of an overloaded Sonic Vacuum Cannon is 8 hexes regardless of the original range of the weapon. The range limitation applies to the true range, not to the adjusted range. See (D6.126).
(E02TH.44) FEEDBACK: Fast overloaded Sonic Vacuum Cannons which score a hit at range "0" cause 1 point of feedback damage to the facing shield of the firing ship. Overloaded Sonic Vacuum Cannons which score a hit at range "0" cause 4 points of feedback damage to the facing shield of the firing ship. This feedback damage does not reduce the amount of damage done to the target or affect any other ship.
(E02TH.45) HOLDING OVERLOADED SONIC VACUUM CANNONS: Overloaded Sonic Vacuum Cannons can be held. If they are not fired by the end of the turn they are overloaded, they may be held for the cost of two points of energy per tube.

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The Electron Cannon is the heavy weapon used by the Manitutanka and carried on all of their ships. It is a fast firing weapon.


Each "EC" box on the SSD represents one electron cannon, it is recorded and fired separately.


(E03TH.21) ARMING: To arm a Electron cannon, up to four points of power may be allocated to a specific electron cannon on each turn. The maximum energy each cannon can hold is 4 points in a given turn. Unused energy is held in a capacitor and can be used on later turns.
(E03TH.22) HOLDING ARMED ELECTRON CANNONS: If the arming of a Electron cannon has been completed on a given turn, and the electron cannon has not been fired on that turn, the energy may be carried over for up to 25 turns until used.


(E03TH.31) FIRING: Electron cannons are fired in the Direct-Fire Weapons Fire Stage of the Impulse Procedure and their effect is determined immediately by die roll. The cannon may fire again after a delay (in impulses) shown on the electron Cannon Table as long as it has energy remaining or reserve power allocated to it up to 4 firings per turn.
(E03TH.32) PROCEDURE: When firing electron cannon, first determine the range to the target (D1.4). Note that the effective range may be different from the true range due to the effect of cloaking devices (G13.0), sensors (D6.1), scanners (D6.2), etc. Then roll 1D6 (the die result may be modified by EW or other effects; see E1.8) and cross-index the result with the range on the electron Cannon Table to yield the number of damage points scored.
(E03TH.33) SPECIAL FIRING: Electron cannon can be fired in a narrow salvo (E1.6).


Electron cannons may be not be overloaded.

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The heavy blaster is a weapon used by many races in place of phasers. They operate the same as a Phaser-I, but have their own chart.  Heavy blasters are treated as Phasers-I except where noted on (E04TH.2).


Each "BLH" or "BH" box on the SSD represents one Heavy Blaster, it is recorded and fired as a phaser-I would.


(E04TH.21) REPAIR: Heavy blasters may be repaired for the same cost as a phaser-I, they may not be repaired as any type of phaser. They may be repaired as a light blaster for the same cost as repairing a phaser-III.

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The light blaster is a weapon used by many races in place of phasers. They operate the same as a Phaser-III, but have their own chart. Light blaster are treated as Phasers-III except where noted on (E05TH.2).


Each "BLL" or "BL" box on the SSD represents one Light Blaster, it is recorded and fired as a phaser-III would.


(E05TH.21) REPAIR: Light blasters may be repaired for the same cost as a phaser-III, they may not be repaired as any type of phaser.

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The semi plasmatic phaser is a weapon used by Symbiote. They operate the same as a Phaser-I, but has its own chart. Semi plasmatic phasers are treated as Phaser-I except where noted on (E06TH.2).


Each "SPP" box on the SSD represents one Semi Plasmatic Phaser, it is recorded and fired as a phaser-I>

(E06TH.21) REPAIR: Semi plasmatic phasers may be repaired for the same cost as a phaser-I, they may not be repaired as any type of phaser.
(E06TH.22) FIRING OPTIONS: Semi plasmatic phasers may not be fired as a phaser-III.
(E06TH.23) TARGET MODIFIERS: Semi Plasmatic Phasers, when firing at size class 6 or 7 targets, have a special DRM. When fired upon, the target of a semi plasmatic phaser receives an ECM benefit equal to its size class divided by 2 + 1 (round fractions up). This is counted as ECM from a 'natural source' and is cumulative with other ECM. Shuttles use their DFR/2 (round up) + 1 instead of their size class.

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The Energy Pulse Cannon is the heavy weapon used by the ships of the Lan Commonwealth and is carried on all of their ships. It is a direct fire weapon that can be fired in three different modes, Standard, Wide Disbursement, and Pulse.


(E07TH.11) SSD: Each "EPC" box on the SSD represents one Energy Pulse Cannon, and each is armed, fired and recorded separately.
(E07TH.12) DESTRUCTION: Energy Pulse Cannons are destroyed on Torpedo hits on the Damage Allocation Chart (D4.21).
(E07TH.13) COST TO REPAIR: Energy Pulse Cannons cost 8 points to repair.


(E07TH.21) ARMING: To arm a Energy Pulse Cannon two points of energy (from any source) during a single turn. This can be allocated or reserve power (R7.52).
(E07TH.22) HOLDING: Armed Energy Pulse Cannons cannot be held and fired on a later turn. If energy is allocated to fire a Energy Pulse Cannon and it is not fired the energy is lost and cannot be regained. This discharge does not constitute firing the weapon and does not delay firing the weapon on the next turn.


(E07TH.31) FIRING: Energy Pulse Cannons are fired in the same manner as a Disruptor Bolt (E3.0).
(E07TH.32) PROCEDURE: To determine if a Energy Pulse Cannon has hit the target and roll a single die. Cross reference the result (adjusted by EW or other factors) with the range shown on the Energy Pulse Cannon Table. If the die roll is between the range listed the target has been hit. A Energy Pulse Cannon does 4 points of damage regardless of range if it hits. Exception: Wide Disbursement (E07TH.4).

(E07TH.4) Wide Disbursement (Advanced)

(E07TH.41) PROCEDURE: Energy Pulse Cannons can be fired in a Wide Disbursement pattern. This increases their probability of a hit at ranges greater than 8 but results in decreased damage points. The decision to fire a Wide Disbursement pattern can be made at the time of firing.
(E07TH.42) MINIMUM RANGE: Energy Pulse Cannons fired  in a Wide Disbursement pattern cannot be fired at true (not effective) ranges below nine.
(E07TH.43) DAMAGE POINTS: Energy Pulse Cannons fired in a Wide Disbursement pattern do 2 points of damage regardless of range if it hits.

(E07TH.5) PULSED (Advanced)

(E07TH.51) PROCEDURE: Energy Pulse Cannons can be fired in a "Pulsed Mode" by applying 4 points of energy (from any source) during a single turn. This can be allocated at the start of a turn or provided from reserve power (H7.54). This can be allocated at the start of a turn or provided from reserve power (H7.54). Once prepared to fire in this mode they cannot be fired in any other mode.
(E07TH.52) FIRING RATE: Energy Pulse Cannons can be fired once per 4 impulses and can be fired up to twice a turn.
(E07TH.53) MAXIMUM RANGE: Energy Pulse Cannons fired in a "Pulsed Mode" cannot be fired at true (not effective) ranges above eight.

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