Klingon Shipyards

NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

 X-Ships   Captured Ships   J-Ships 

(R3021) EARLY DIPLOMATIC DREADNOUGHT (C6N) This was the Klingon's Emperor's personal flagship. Completed in Y156, it was only used to transport the highest ranking Klingon officials within the Empire. Like the D7N, this ship carried an all Klingon crew and thus is immune to mutiny. This ship was converted into a C9 in Y174, it never received any refits.

(R3022) DIPLOMATIC DREADNOUGHT (C9N) This was the Klingon's Emperor's personal flagship. Converted from the C6N in Y174, it was only used to transport the highest ranking Klingon officials within the Empire. Like the D7N, this ship carried an all Klingon crew and thus is immune to mutiny. This ship was completed with the B-refit as standard, it received the K-refit in Y179. While this ship was being converted from a C6 to a C9, the C8 Kang took its place.

(R3P.201) COMPOSITE DREADNOUGHT (B7) Designed after the unbuilt B8, this idea was based on the concept that after a B8 was completed the rear hull of a B10 would be completed without a boom. The plan then called for a C8 boom to be attached to the rear hull of a B10. The proposal was nothing more than a thought and no B7s were produced.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 16(4)/8(2). Command rating 10.  Can be built using the same procedure as the B8. A counter is provided.

(R3P.200) HEAVY CARRIER BATTLE CARRIER (C7VH) This ship is merely a C7V with the shuttle bays changed to handle heavy fighters. It operated with the same escort group (AD5 and AF5) as the C7V.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(8H)/5(4H). Command rating 10. Can be substituted for C7 (once per year) beginning in Y182. Cost is 2 EP. Counters for bothe the C7VH and the 3C7VH are provided.

(R3P.201) COMBAT CARRIER (C7VA) A second design for a carrier based on the C7 Heavy Battlecruiser. This proposal called for an enlarged flight deck and hangar facilities big enough to carry and service 18 fighters. This large hangar bay required the removal of two drone racks. It was to have had a four position balcony. The plan was rejected in favor of the C7V and no C7VAs were built. It was to have used the same escorts (AD5 and AF5) as the C7.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(9)/5(4). Command rating 10. Can be substituted for C7 (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 3 EP. Counts as a CVA for production purposes. A counter for both the single ship and the 3C7VA group are provided.

(R3P.202) PLANETARY ASSAULT BATTLECRUISER (C7G) This design was intended to provide the Deep Space Fleet with a ship capable of carrying out ground assaults without the need for escorts. It is believed that only one such ship was ever completed and was used by the Klingons for "Hit and Run" raids on outlying Federation planets. The ship carried 4 Z-Ys which acted as both escorts for the shuttles and in the ground attack role. The normal complement of shuttles was 2 Admin, 2 GAS, 2 GBS and 1 HTS. Although capable of operating a MRS it seldom did. It is treated as a casual carrier. The 50 BP include 3 Commando, 5 HWS. In addition 4 GCV were also carried.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(2)GG/5(1)G. Command rating 10. Can be substituted for C7 (once per year) beginning in Y182. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3S.220) HEAVY DRONE CRUISER (C7D) This design was used by the Kzintis as an aid in drumming up support among colonists to increase their contributions to the war effort. It was thought, by the Kzinti High Command, that such a powerful ship would scare the more relucant among colonial officials into higher levels of cooperation. The Klingons learned of the design, but given the high cost (almost the cost of a C8), never seriously considered building it
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8-10[5]u/4-5. Can be converted in Y181 from a C7 for 4 EP. EW=4. Limit one in service at any given time. A counter is provided.

(R3D.305) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FDS). The Klingons at first did not consider the fast scout cruiser concept worth pursuing. After reading reports of the Kzinti fast scout cruiser and being advised the Lyrans had built one they reconsidered. One was converted in the fall of Y177. Two additional ships were completed in the fall of Y178 and Y179 respectively.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8u/3-4. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:4AF). Can be converted from FD7 cost 5 EP or D6/D7 cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Fall of Y177. Alternatively, if in a non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Klingons are active. A counter is provided.

(R3M.306) FAST DIPLOMATIC CRUISER (FDN) One of the more interesting uses for the hot warp engines was put forth by the manufacturer was to retro-fit the Diplomatic Cruisers. This would (they suggested) allow these ships to get to "hot spots" far quicker than the regular ships. This concept did not find favor with Senior government officials (who did not want to give up the fire power) and they argued against such a conversion. Bowing to their wishes, the DSF (which had already decided to scrap the hot warp concept) were quick to agree and no such conversions were done.

(R3D.308) REPAIR CRUISER (D6R). The Klingons converted a small number of D6s to this configuration in Y135 to give them a fast repair ship capable of making minimum repairs to ships damaged in battle. The ships (eventually one per fleet) are eligible for the "B", "K", and Y175 refit, although not all of them received all or any of the refits. The ship makes repairs as do Star Bases. Ships which are to be repaired must be docked to the D6R while repairs are made.

(R3D.310) HYBRID BATTLECRUISER (VD7) Plans for this ship, as well as the similar VD6, were found by a Federation scouting patrol, in the computer banks of wrecked Hydran ship, near the Klingon-Federation border. According to the computer records the Hydrans, when they first learned the Klingons were building fighters theorized the Klingons, like themselves, would deploy these on Hybrid ships. As there are no records indicating the Klingons even considered such an idea, it is believed they never learned of these designs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(3)/3-4(1). Command rating 8. Can be converted from D7 (once per year in the Spring) beginning in Y168. Cost is 1 EP, plus the cost of fighters at 1 EP each. A counter is provided.

(R3D.320) HYBRID BATTLECRUISER (VD6) Plans for this ship, as well as its larger cousin, the VD7, were also found in the computer banks of wrecked Hydran ship, near the Klingon-Federation border. According to the computer records the Hydrans, when they first learned the Klingons were building fighters theorized the Klingons, like themselves, would deploy these on Hybrid ships. As there are no records indicating the Klingons even considered such an idea, it is believed they never learned of these designs.
   F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8(3)/3-4(1). Command rating 8. Can be converted from D6 (once per year in the Fall) beginning in Y168. Cost is 1 EP, plus the cost of fighters at 1 EP each. A counter is provided.

(R3M.321) FAST COMMANDO RAIDER (FD6G) Conceived as part of the Klingons plan to attack the Federation, this design was intended to provide ships capable of making fast hit and run raids on small but vital Federation outposts. However, the manufacturing facilities for the "hot warp" engines" had been shut down and so no ships of this type were built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-8FGG/2-4G. Command rating 8.  Can be converted from D6 or D6G (once per year in the Fall) beginning in Y168. Cost for D6 to FD6G is 4 EP, cost for D6G to FD6G is 2EP. A counter is provided.

(R3D.380) FAST BATTLECRUISER (DF7) A concept study put forth by Klingon ship designers to build a fast cruiser without the need to develop new warp engines. This proposal was based on lengthening the boom and installing a small warp engine (used on the E4s) in it. It was rejected in favor of the FD7. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a FD7 and no counter is provided.

(R3017) D7VA HEAVY CARRIER (D7VA) Impressed by the Kzinti CVB, and Federation CV, and unaware of the problems associated with those ships, the Klingons went ahead with plans for their own ship in this class. Based on the D7 hull, the D7VA Prang, was completed in Y171. Like the Federation and Kzintis, the Klingons used the largest engines they had, from the FD7. Like the CV and CVB, this ship was still under powered, and no other ships of this type were built, production was instead shifted to the D7V, although many features of the D7VA found their way into the C8V in Y174. This ship had a double deck shuttle bay. The lower deck, carried only fighters, and featured a four position balcony. The larger upper deck housed the rest of the fighters and other shuttles and was the first Klingon ship to use launch tubes. The fighter group on the Prang was 18 Z-2s and 6 Z-1s. The Prang was lost early in Y173 to the Federation CVA Napoleon.  This ship was built with the B and K-refits installed, and had it survived, it would have received a drone refit in Y175.
    Note: This SSD for this ship shows 2 MRS shuttles. These shuttles are not included in the BPV.  Players wishing to use these shuttles should delete 2 ADM and add the shaded deck crews and crew units.

(R3003) KLINGON DP6 BATTLECRUISER (DP6) In Y175, while building the B10 Invincible, the D6B Carnage was used to test various weapons for use on the B10. It had one pair of its disruptors replaced with first with a plasma-s torpedo provided by the Romulans. It was planned at the time to use the weapon on the Invincible. While the test was successful, it was decided not to use them and the plan was scrapped. During these tests, the Carnage saw limited service on the Fed/Kzinti borders, but it is not known if it saw any combat. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a D6 and no counter is provided.

(R3004) KLINGON DH6 BATTLECRUISER (DH6) In Y176, while building the B10 Invincible, the D6B Carnage was used to test various weapons for use on the B10. It had one pair of its disruptors replaced with captured hellbores to test the weapon on the engine mounts. It was planned at the time to use the weapon on the Invincible. While the test was successful, it was decided not to use hellbores and the plan was scrapped. During the testing, the Carnage saw limited service on the Fed/Kzinti borders, but it is not known if it saw any combat. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a D6 and no counter is provided.

(R3006) KLINGON D6H PRIORITY TRANSPORT (D6H) As more D7s were produced, many older D6s were converted in to fast priority transports. The first such conversion was completed in Y152. To make room for cargo, the waist phasers were reduced to PH-3. Like the other D6 variants, it was given its B-refit starting in Y165 but the D6H was given a low priority and were among the last to receive it. The K-refit on this ship was very rare, and usually only occurred if the converted ship already had the refit done.

(R3012) HD6 WEAPONS TESTING CRUISER (HD6) In Y166 the DSF converted the D6 cruisers Devastation and Demonstration into weapons testing cruisers. The Devastation was first converted into a CV to test fighters, the Demonstration into a prototype escort cruiser and both saw action against the Kzintis. The Devastator spent most of the war as a modified D6B, being reconverted to a CVL late in the war until her destruction. The Demonstration was used for special missions during the war, finally being destroyed in Y179 on the Tholian border. The Devastation received the B-refit in Y172, the K-refit in Y178. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a D6 and no counter is provided.

(R3P.399) SUPER HEAVY CRUISER (D8). The Klingons, upon hearing of the Romulan plans for the Killerhawk, began planning a cruiser that could match it. The plans were cancelled before any production could begin because the DX class just then coming on line proved to be a better design.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12-10(S)/5. Command rating 9.  Can be substituted for D7C (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3.P501) SCOUT DRONE CRUISER (D5SD) In an effort to supplement the D6D in its drone bombardment role, the Klingons turned to the D5D. This ship was originally designed for direct combat and needed scout support for long range missions. The Klingons found that with minor modifications swapping the wing phasers for Special Sensors the D5D could be easily and quickly converted into this improved version. The first of these new ships entered service in Y172, almost concurrently with the new Kzinti MSD.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-7[4]u/3-4. Command rating 6. EWP is 2. Can build or convert beginning in the spring of 172. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3D.505) D5 ASSAULT CRUISER (D5AS). A design by the Kozenko Design Bureau intended for base and planetary assaults. The idea behind the design was to increase the firepower of fleets assaulting bases and/or planets without increasing the number of ships. Plans for additional ships of this class were cancelled when tests, in early Y173, of the prototype ship showed the firing of 5 or more disruptors caused shock damage to ship. 
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 8-7(S)/4. Command rating 6. Can build or converted beginning in the spring of 173. Conversion cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3D.514) AEGIS ESCORT (DE5). The Klingons had always been impressed by the Hydran DEs ability to carry fighters of its own. When the Hydrans first deployed their NEC Klingon ship designers decided to produce a escort to match it. An AD5 then in the construction docks was modified by removing a pair of G-racks to allow room for additional shuttle carrying capacity. Few of these ships were built due to the high costs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-7(2)n/3-4(1)n. Command rating 6. Can build or convert from D5/D5E/AD5 beginning in the spring of 177. Conversion cost is 2 EP, + 2 for the fighters. Is treated as a Hydran Hybrid ship. A counter is provided.

(R3P.515) MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (D5Z). Like the Federation, the Klingons also saw the benefits afforded by the inherent flexibility of their HF5 class. A D5 then under construction was taken in hand for the conversion. A pair of fighters enhanced both the offensive and defensive capabilities of the ship. The Klingons were unable to produce this new class in really large numbers, (the build rate was about equal to the HF5), but the few did serve with distinction.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(1)/4. Command rating 6. Can substitute one D5Z for D5 once per turn beginning in the spring of Y180. Cost is 6 EP +1 for the fighters. It is treated as an HDW, and can perform all the missions (except D) as outlined in (4H.0) Captain's Module P6 The Galactic Smorgasbord.

(R3D.516) FAST TACTICAL TRANSPORT (FDH) The Klingons, like all the races, found that re-supplying the fast and far reaching X-ships was a difficult task for their standard tugs and LTTs. Not wanting to divert the limited number of X-ships to this task they designed a fast medium transport. Two special sensors were added to aid in both locating the X-ships and enemy ships that needed to be avoided. No heavy weapons were included (as it was felt that these might encourage ships captains to engage in combat and thus jeopardize their main mission). This ship is capable of carrying any pod except the SCP+ Space Control Pod, however, it rarely carried anything but a cargo pod and many times carried no pod at all.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7Fu/1-4. Command Rating 6. EW=2. Can built one per turn beginning in SY184. Build cost is 7 EP. Counts against both scouts and LTTs. A counter is provided.

(R3D.520) SCOUT ESCORT CRUISER (D5SE) The Klingons, who always seemed to be at the forefront of Electronic Warfare support, began work on a Scout Escort Cruiser at about the same time as the Kzintis and Federation. It is believed that at least a pair of these were completed.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7 un /1-4. Command rating 6. Can be converted in Y176 from a D5 for 4 EP, a D5S for 1 EP; or a AD5 for 3 EP. EW=3. A Counter is provided.

(R3M.550) NEW COMMAND CRUISER (DWC). When the head of the Kozenko Design Bureau saw the plans for the D7W he immediately ordered his designers to come up with a design. Using their new D5W as a base, they were quickly able to offer this alternate design. Nearly as capable as the D7W the DWC was rejected by the Klingon High Command (although it appears at least a prototype was built) for reasons that are not entirely clear. Many in the Federation Intelligence Agency believe it was political.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9/5. Command Rating 8. Can build or (by conversion only) beginning in Spring of Y176. Build cost is 8 EP (6 for the D5W +2 for the conversion. A counter is provided.

(R3D.351) NEW STRIKE CARRIER (DWV) If another effort to increse their share of the production, the Kozenko Design Bureau, proposed building a carrier variant of their D5W. The ship was nearly identical to the D7V and after much debate the proposal was rejected. In F7E terms this ship is identical to a D7V and no counter is provided.

(R3P.555) NEW STASIS CRUISER (DWA) One of the proposals for the new D5W was to convert it to a Stasis Cruiser. It is believed that even though this was an obvious variant no such ship was produced. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a D7A and no counter is provided.

(R3D.360) NEW FAST CRUISER (DWF) The Klingon high command wished to increase their ability to detect Federation raids developing. The larger engines used on the earlier FD7 had been out of production for over 2 decades and the time necessary to bring them "back-online" was too great. They turned to the D5. Using the D5L as a basis a pair of E4 engines were added to provide the power necessary and it appears least one of these ships entered service sometime in early Y177.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(F)/3-4. Command rating 8. Can build one as a substitute for a D7/D5W in SY177. Cost is 8 EP (6 for the D5W +2 for the conversion). A counter is provided.

(R3014) C10 WAR DREADNOUGHT (C10) In Y182, with the war turning against the Klingons, and their economy faltering, the designers of the D5 proposed a new dreadnought. By using a D5 coupled with a modified D5 rear hull, the designers promised a new dreadnought could be ready in 6 months. Technical difficulties and design problems delayed the ship for 2 years, finally being completed in late Y184. Sent to the Kzinti front, it and its group was intercepted by the Federation TF37, known as the ‘Kido Butai’ where fighters from the NDV Shinano and CVB Yamamoto destroyed it, in doing so revealing its major weakness, the ship separated during stressful maneuvers.
  NOTE: If this ship suffers a breakdown, and the Breakdown original die roll = 6, then the ship’s forward section automatically separates from the rear section. All damage due to the breakdown is divided equally between the 2 sections. Each section should roll for tumbling separately.
  NOTE: This ship can separate into a front and a rear section. The boom on the front section can also separate.

(R3020) WAR STASIS DREADNOUGHT (C10A) It was planned to eventually equip one or more of the C10s with a SFG. The failure of the prototype and the cancellation of the C10 project prevented any ships of this type being built.

(R3009) C5 WAR BATTLECRUISER (C5) In an attempt to field larger warships faster and cheaper. the DSF decided to enlarge the D5W. 2 D5W were enlarged to create a Heavy Battlecruiser. The C5 was based on a D5W with a stretched rear hull. The first was introduced in Y182, the second following a year later. The third planned ship was modified into a stasis cruiser while under construction. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a C7 and no counter is provided.

(R3013) C5A WAR STASIS BATTLECRUISER (C5A) The third C5 was given an SFG and replaced 2 of its disruptors with drones as it was completed inY184. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a C7A and no counter is provided.

(R3M.701) WAR DRONE DESTROYER (FWD) A design proposal for a drone version of the F5W. It was intended (like the F5D) to operate in direct combat as part of a F5W squadron. The Klingon High Command, however, was loathe to give up the combat power of the F5W, and so rejected the concept and no FWDs were built. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a F5W and no counter is provided.

(R3M.702) WAR DESTROYER ESCORT (FWE) A design study intended to build a more powerful version of the F5E. As it had with the FWD, the Klingon High Command, again citing the loss of combat power rejected the idea and no ships of this type were produced.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-6n/3n. Command rating 5. Can convert from F5W beginning in the Spring of Y177. Cost is 1 EP.

(R3M.703) WAR DESTROYER SCOUT (FWS) A conceptual proposal, which its authors claimed would produce a more survival small scout. Their stated argument was that the increased shields and defensive armament would allow these scouts to substitute for the larger D5S, and thus free more D5 hulls for the pure combat D5. Opponents pointed to the fact that the proposed ship would cost nearly as much as the D5S but have fewer special sensors. Their argument eventually carried the day and no ships of this type were built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6u1-3. EWP is 2. Command rating 5. Can build or convert beginning in the Spring of 178. Conversion cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3D.704) LIGHT TACTICAL SCOUT (LTS) Impressed with the Lyran new LTS, the Klingon high summoned the designers of the FWS and ordered them to produce a "improved" version of their scout design. The first of a pair of these was delivered in the early part of Y179.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Counter Factors are 3-6u(3)/1-3(1). EWP is 2. Command rating 5. Can produce by substitution one per year beginning in the Spring of Y179. Cost is 2 EP. Does not include the cost of the fighters. It is a casual carrier. A counter is provided.

(R3007) KLINGON DIPLOMATIC WAR DESTROYER (FWN) This ship was converted from an FWC by a local Governor as his personal ship in Y177. The design was later copied and put into service to replace the F5N. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a F5 and no counter is provided.

(R3M.710) BATTLE DESTROYER (F6W) The concept of the F6 both intrigued and disappointed the Klingons. When the F5W entered production, ship designers reasoned that the larger hull would allow them to modify it along the lines of the F6. When computer simulations proved the ship still suffered from shock the project was abandoned. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a F6 and no counter is provided.

(R3D.801) DIPLOMATIC FRIGATE (F5N) This design first saw service in Y122 shortly before the Third Klingon-Kzinti War. Unlike its larger counterparts, the D7N and D5N, it carried no fighter. Instead it had a small cargo hold used by the Diplomats to carry gifts both to and from negotiation sessions. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a F5 and no counter is provided.

(R3M.802) WAR DESTROYER (FW5) This ship was proposed as an alternative to the F5W. It's designers reasoned that by using existing E4/F5 facilities it could be built cheaper and faster than the F5W. Similar to the new F6 the design would use an E4 engine mounted on top of the hull, but would avoid shock as only a single disruptor was to be mounted on it. In addition, conversion of existing F5s would be a relatively easy process. As the F5Ws had already begun production the proposal was rejected after a pair of ships were completed. In F&E this ship is identical to a F5W and no counter is provided.

(R3P.810) MULTI-ROLE FRIGATE (F5MR) It is not known where this idea came from, or who first proposed the concept of attaching a small addition, (whose systems could be quickly and easily reconfigured) to the rear of a ship. Similar in nature to the Tholian Cargo Pack, but smaller, these were mere "blisters" hard welded to the ship. The Klingons initial reaction upon hearing the Kzintis were building such a ship was disinterest. Later, concerned they may have overlooked some tactical aspect of the concept, they build a test vehicle. Tests proved their first reaction was correct and no additional ships were produced.

(R3P.850) BATTLE SCOUT (F6S) When their FWS project was rejected, its designers turned their eye on the four F6 Battle Frigates. Their idea was that this ship was large enough to mount four special sensors, and it had the shields and near the power of a D5. They reasoned that this would allow the D5 hull to be used for other combat roles. When word reached the colony worlds that these ships (which were their pride and joy) were to be converted into scouts, they threatened a revolt. The Klingon High Command quickly canceled the plans and no ships of this type were built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-7u/1-3. EWP is 3. Command rating 5. Can convert one F6 to F6S per year beginning in the Fall of 179. Conversion cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3001) F6D BATTLE DRONE FRIGATE (F6D) With the introduction of the F6, it was proposed to introduce a drone variant and deploy them in squadrons. With production of F6s being fairly limited, the drone variant never went any farther than a proposal.

(R3002) F6V LIGHT BATTLE CARRIER (F6V) With the tendency of the F6 to suffer from shock when using all of its disruptors, it was proposed in Y178 to build new F6s as carriers. Drone racks would replace the engine mounted disruptors to lessen the risk of shock and 8 fighters would be carried. With production of F6s being fairly limited, and the advent of the G1, no F6Vs were ever built. A F5E was to have been assigned as an escort
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-7(4)/3-4(4). Command rating 5. Can convert F6 to F6V beginning in the Spring of 178. Cost is 2 EP plus fighters. Counts as a standard carrier, not an escort carrier. Counters for the F6V and 2F6V are provided.

(R3005) HF6 HEAVY BATTLE FRIGATE (HF6) This ship was proposed in Y178 as a response to the Hydran Heavy Lancer and to fulfill a similar role as the Lyran JagdPanther. With production of F6s being fairly limited, no HF6s were ever built. In the carrier role, it would carry up to 10 fighters.

(R3D.901) FAST TUG (TGF) Some Klingon Admirals considered the FD7 less than the optimum use of a D7 hull. They proposed using the engines on a tug. They reasoned this would give them a tug able to deliver supplies faster and to run away from trouble should they encounter it. One such conversion was completed in the fall of Y172. The TGF is not capable of operating battle pods.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-7(F)/2-3. Command rating 6. Cannot carry BP pods. Can be built by conversion only. Can convert one TGB to TGF per year beginning in the Fall of 172. Conversion cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R3018) SKYHAWK DESTROYER (RKD) When the Klingons and Romulans were separated from each other for the final time, 3 Skyhawk-A Destroyers were cut off. These ships were turned over in Y176 to the Klingons after they had their cloaks removed. The Klingons converted 2 of them for their own service, the other ship was damaged and cannibalized for parts to keep the other 2 in service. Inferior to the F5W, these ships were mainly used for garrison duty, and by Y181, they were ready to be scrapped due to a lack of parts. However, a small Romulan force broke through the Federation-Tholian blockade in Y181 bringing with them spare parts which were quickly put to use. The RKDs were finally destroyed late in the war during the raid on the Klingon home world.

(R3015) G6 ISF GUNBOAT (G6) As the General War progressed, the ISF was having more and more difficulty performing their mission. The Orion's were fielding more powerful ships in greater numbers, and the DSF was unwilling to part with even old F5s and E4s, leaving the G2s at a considerable disadvantage. To counter this, one of the shipyards building G2s was given materials to produce a larger patrol ship. This new ship, introduced in Y178, was patterned after the E6 and F6 and was designated the G6, It used as many G2 components as possible. still inadequate, it now mounted at 100,000km disruptor and increased power and shielding. Very few were produced before material shortages stopped production.

(R3016) G6C ISF POLICE FLAGSHIP (G6C) A replacement for the G4, this ship was based on the G6 Gunboat. 1 of each 3 G6 built were of this type.

(R3019) G5 ISF ESCORT (G5)The ISF asked the designers of the E5 if they could provide them with any ships. The DSF agreed to turn over one of their E5s, with modifications to the ISF in Y174. Although it was a vast improvement over the G2s and E4Is in service with the ISF, the DSF would not allow any other E5s to be converted or built.

(R3010) RECOVERY TUG (TGR) This ship was designed to tow pods and ships. While these ships could operate pods, they seldom did in combat situations due to their vulnerability. These ships were designed to recover crippled ships, but were often used to tow FRDs. The Klingons built the first of many of these ships in Y140.

(R3011) G3 GUNBOAT (G3) As the Klingon economy suffered exhaustion, they looked for ways to build ships faster and cheaper. One idea was to enlarge a G-1C PF. Like the Federation corvette, this ship was easy and cheap to build and was deployed in great numbers from Y182 on. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a G2, and no counter is provided.
  Note: On this ship, the Control spaces act as Security stations.
  Note: This ship can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.


(R3M.X50) SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (XDW) Klingon engineers and scientists had been working on developing new advanced technology. As they grew close to testing it, the question of a test bed ship came up. The high command turned over a D5W. The F5 engine was replaced with a third D5 engine. The ship began tests in Y179. It is not known if additional ships of this type were produced.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R3201) ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (DMX) After the war, the Klingons also looked for a way to combine the features of the HDW/MRC with advanced technology (X). Due to the strained economy the first ship was not introduced until Y186 and only one per year were ever built. Like the Federation, the Klingons chose to build an entirely new ship, rather than modifying an existing ship.

Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R3202) ADVANCED DRONE FRIGATE (FDX) Introduced in Y182, the FDX was designed to provide direct fire drone support. This ship was very rare and seldom appeared alone.

(R2D.X07) ADVANCED POLICE FLAGSHIP (G4X) As part of their proposal, the ISF also included plans to add advanced technology to their G4 Police Flagship. This proposal met with more resistance than the G2X, and sources indicate only a single design concept ship was produced.

(R2D.X08) ADVANCED POLICE GUNBOAT (G2X) As the Internal Security Forces began encountering Orion Advanced Slavers they found their police ships at a disadvantage. The ISF then proposed upgrading their G2Cs with advanced technology. However, the DSF's need for this technology meant there was little left for the ISF. At least 3 of these advanced ships were believed to have been built.

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