By Y113, the Federation had completed the disbanding of its members National Fleets. Many of these ships were integrated into the unified Star Fleet, where they served for many years.


(YR2.2A) HEAVY CRUISER (YCA1)  This ship is the sub-light class of cruiser converted to warp power. It represents the Constellation Class.



(YR201)  (ORION) HEAVY CRUISER (YOCA) Before the breakup of the national fleets and the Orion mutiny, the Orions operated this ship as a CA. The same design later became the basis for the Pirate CA. The new United Starfleet used these until Y120, when they were upgraded or placed in the mothball fleets.

(YR202)  (ORION) LIGHT CRUISER (YOCL) Like the OCA, the OCL was a leftover from the Orion National Fleet. The new United Starfleet used these until Y120, when they were upgraded or placed in the mothball fleet.

(YR203) (ORION) FRIGATE (YOFF)  Like the OCA and OCL, the OFF was the frigate of the Orion National Fleet. The new United Starfleet used these until Y120, when they were upgraded or placed in the mothball fleet.



(YR204)  (ANDORIAN) LIGHT CRUISER (YDCL) This was the standard cruiser used by the Andorian National Fleet. These ships were absorbed into Star Fleet by Y113, and modernized in Y120.

(YR205) (ANDORIAN) DESTROYER (YDDD) This was the standard destroyer used by the Andorian National Fleet. One of the few DD classed ships or the era, these ships were absorbed into Star Fleet by Y113, and modernized in Y120.

(YR206) (ANDORIAN) FRIGATE (YDFF) This was the standard frigate used by the Andorian National Fleet. Small and under armed, these ships were absorbed into Star Fleet by Y113, and modernized in Y120.



(YR207)  (VULCAN) SURVEY CRUISER (YVSR) The Vulcans operated 6 cruisers of their own design for scientific study. Absorbed into the unified Star Fleet in Y72, they continued to operate with Vulcan crews. 4 of these ships (2 had been retired) were modernized in Y125.



b(YR208) (RIGELIAN) HEAVY FRIGATE (YRHF)  This was the standard Destroyer in Rigel’s national fleet. It was reclassified as a Heavy Frigate by the United Star Fleet.

(YR209) (RIGELIAN) LIGHT FRIGATE (YRLF) This was the standard Frigate in Rigel’s national fleet. It was reclassified as a Light Frigate by the United Star Fleet.


(YR210) (SKORR) BATTLECRUISER (YSBC) The Skorr, a warrior race of the Federation, produced a ship they called a battlecruiser before the Federation changed to a unified fleet. They were used as CAs in the unified Federation Star Fleet before being modernized and eventually mothballed after Y120

(YR211) (SKORR) FRIGATE (YSFF) This was the standard frigate of the Skorr fleet. Merged into the united Star Fleet, some were modernized after Y120 and later retired.


(YR212) TELLARITE HEAVY CRUISER (YTCA). Following the examples of other Federation members, the Tellarites turned over their National Fleet ships to Star Fleet. These ships served well until being mothballed or modernized in Y122.

(YR213) TELLARITE DESTROYER (YTDD). The Tellarites had a destroyer class ship in service in their National Fleet which, like their Heavy Cruiser, was turned over to the new unified Star Fleet.

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