By Y113, the Federation had completed the disbanding of its members National Fleets. Many of these ships were integrated into the unified Star Fleet, where they served for many years. By Y140 most of these ships were scrapped, but a few were stored in the mothball fleets and activated for use in the General War.


R2032 (ORION) HEAVY CRUISER (OCA) Before the breakup of the national fleets and the Orion mutiny, the Orions operated this ship as a CA. The same design later became the basis for the Pirate CA. The new United Star Fleet used these until Y150, when they were scrapped or placed in the mothball fleet. 2 remained there at the start of the General War when they were activated and received the + refit. None of the Orion special rules apply to these ships. It is rumored that the GIA operated these, or captured pirate ships, for special operations and intelligence gathering.

R2033 (ORION) LIGHT CRUISER (OCL) Like the OCA, the OCL was a leftover from the Orion National Fleet. The new United Star Fleet used these until Y140, when they were scrapped or placed in the mothball fleet. 3 remained there at the start of the General War when they were activated and received the + refit. None of the Orion special rules apply to these ships. It is rumored that the GIA operated these, or captured pirate ships, for special operations and intelligence gathering.

R2034 (ORION) FRIGATE (OFF) Like the OCA and OCL, the OFF was a leftover from the Orion National Fleet. The new United Star Fleet used these until Y135, when they were scrapped or placed in the mothball fleet. 6 remained there at the start of the General War when they were activated and received the + refit. None of the Orion special rules apply to these ships. It is rumored that the GIA operated these, or captured pirate ships, for special operations and intelligence gathering.



R2041 (ANDORIAN) LIGHT CRUISER (DCL) This was the standard cruiser used by the Andorian National Fleet. These ships were absorbed into Star Fleet by Y113, and modernized in Y120. The last few were placed into mothballs in Y136 or scrapped. Only the Romulan attack saved these ships as they, because of their use of proton torpedoes and age, were scheduled for the scrap heap. The remaining 5 ships were activated in Y174. and were given a plus refit and sent into action. It was planned to replace their proton torpedoes with standard photons, but due to a shortage, this was never done.

R2042 (ANDORIAN) DESTROYER (DDD) This was the standard destroyer used by the Andorian National Fleet. One of the few DD classed ships or the era, these ships were absorbed into Star Fleet by Y113, and modernized in Y120. The last few were placed into mothballs in Y136 or scrapped. Only the Romulan attack saved these ships as they, because of their use of proton torpedoes and age, were scheduled for the scrap heap. The remaining 8 ships were activated in Y174. and were given a plus refit and sent into action. It was planned to replace their proton torpedoes with standard photons, but due to a shortage, this was never done.

R2043 (ANDORIAN) FRIGATE (DFF) This was the standard frigate used by the Andorian National Fleet. Small and under armed, these ships were absorbed into Star Fleet by Y113, and modernized in Y120. The last few were placed into mothballs in Y136 or scrapped. Only the Romulan attack saved these ships as they, because of their use of proton torpedoes and age, were scheduled for the scrap heap. The remaining 5 ships were activated in Y174. and were given a plus refit and sent into action. It was planned to replace their proton torpedoes with standard photons, but due to a shortage, this was never done.



R2044 (VULCAN) SURVEY CRUISER (VSR) The Vulcans operated 6 cruisers of their own design for scientific study. Absorbed into the unified Star Fleet in Y72, they continued to operate with Vulcan crews. 4 of these ships (2 had been retired) were modernized in Y125, joining the CLS Viking and Voyager in the exploration fleet. These ships were retired after Y140 when the new GSCs entered service. The last of these ships was scrapped in Y150, its crew taking over the CA Intrepid, which was lost investigating a single-celled extraterrestrial being in Y155. If using legendary officers, this ship would always have a Legendary Science Officer (in fact, probably several of them).



(R2045) (RIGELIAN) HEAVY FRIGATE (RHF) This was the standard Destroyer in Rigel’s national fleet. Reclassified as a Heavy Frigate by Star Fleet, this ship was used until Y145. It was brought out of mothballs in Y173 and given a + refit.

(R2046) (RIGELIAN) LIGHT FRIGATE (RLF)  This was the standard Frigate in Rigel’s national fleet. Reclassified as a Light Frigate by Star Fleet, it was used as a supplement to the POL until Y150. Many were placed in mothballs, and after being refit in Y171, were used as convoy escorts during the General War.



(R2P.S21) SKORR BATTLECRUISER (SBC). The year after the Klingons attacked, the Federation was being pushed back toward earth, and was desperately in need of ships. The Skorr, a warrior race of the Federation, had 2 of their older battlecruisers (which had originally entered service in Y120) they had mothballed when the Federation changed to a unified fleet. They rapidly made plans to bring these two ships out of mothballs. The ships were old and many problems arose during the reworking which pushed back their activation date to the spring of Y174. The two ships were then sent to the Klingon front.

(R2P.S81) SKORR FRIGATE (SFF). The Skorr also had three of their old frigates in mothballs and these were taken into shipyards for activation. They were actually finished ahead of the battlecruisers, but were withheld by the Skorr from combat until the battlecruisers were finished. The five ships then formed a squadron and were sent to the Klingon front.

(R2P.S82) SKORR ESCORT CARRIER (SFV). Shortly after their arrival on the Klingon front, the small Skorr squadron commander found himself in need of fighter support. Star Fleet Command had no carriers to spare, so a frigate was taken in hand for conversion to an escort carrier. The Skorr campaigned for F-15s, but settled for F-18s. Escort was provided by a EFF. The ship was finished and re-entered service in Y176.

(R2P.S83) SKORR ESCORT FRIGATE (SEF). Needing an escort for their carrier, a  second frigate was taken in hand and modified to this design. The standard photons were replaced with Mini-Photons for use against fighters. No Ph-Gs were available and so the ship had to make do with Ph-3s. Unlike the smaller Federation escorts this ship was fitted with cargo boxes used to hold spare supplies.



(R2P.T31) TELLARITE HEAVY CRUISER (TCA). Following the examples of other Federation members, the Tellarites looked to their old mothballed National Fleet ships. Only one of their old heavy cruisers were deemed well enough "preserved" to be put back in service. By the Spring of Y174 this ships had been brought out of mothballs and put in service. It was immediately sent to the Romulan front.

(R2P.T32) TELLARITE HEAVY TUG (THT). Shortly after the Romulans attacked, the Federation found supplying material to two fronts strained their logistical capabilities. Tugs were in short supply and shipyards capable of building tugs were too busy turning out heavy crusiers. The Tellarites had a couple of mothballed tugs they felt could be reconditioned and put in service. The two ships were eventually refurbished and entered service in Y176 and Y177. Both were used in the interior of the Federation as they were considered to vulnerable to be sent to the fronts. Only capable of carrying a civilain cargo pod, they did, however, release other tugs for service at or near the front lines.

(R2P.T61) TELLARITE DESTROYER (TDD). A pair of destroyers were also in a sufficient state of repair enabling them to be de-mothballed and put back in service. These two DDs were assigned as consorts to the lone Tellarite CA and transferred to the Romulan front where they were rushed by Admiral Matthews directly into combat.

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