NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

(R2M.X50) SEMI-ADVANCED CRUISER (XNC) Federation scientists had been working to improve the capabilities of its ships. In Y179 they chose a NCA for modification to this semi-advanced technology. The small frigate engine was replaced with a standard NCL engine and the ship began undergoing tests in Y179. Records are unclear if more ships of this class were completed.
  RULES NOTE: This is a semi-X ship. It uses only the following X-rules. (XC2.21) Acceleration; the following parts of (XD6.0) Fire Control: [XD6.393, XD6.633]; (XD13.0) Aegis Fire Control; (XE2.43) Rapid-Pulse; (XG2.0) Control of X-Ships; (XG9.41) Minimum Crew; (XH5.1) Batteries and (XH6.1) Phaser Capacitors.

(R2201) ADVANCED MULTI-ROLE CRUISER (MRX) After the General War ended, the Federation found itself with ships geared for fighting at the expense of other missions. With the work horse CL all but gone, the CA’s reduced in numbers, and the CX costly, a new type of ship was needed. For this ship, Star Fleet turned to some of the shipbuilding techniques developed during the war, namely the new advanced technology (X) and the MRC/HDW convertibility, for its new cruiser. The first ship (The Burgundy) was completed in late Y185, and 2 per year followed. While nearly as expensive as the CX, they were more flexible and came into their own against the Andromedans.

Note: This ship must use Annex 8X Optional Systems Cost Chart rather than Annex 8H

(R2203) FEDERATION ADVANCED STRIKE CRUISER (CSX) This ship was proposed when the DDX was found to be smaller and less capable than the D5X and the SparrowHawk-AX. The design was based on the CS, but the project was cancelled in Y183 when it was found that the DDX could be built in the existing NCL slipways and the CSX could not, and would only hinder CX production.

(R2202) ADVANCE DESTROYER LEADER (DLX) This ship was produced in limited numbers due to the shortage of L-type plasma plasma torpedoes. Introduced a year after the DGX, it was found mostly on the Romulan border.

(R2P.X71) ADVANCED DESTROYER (DWX) A competing proposal to the DX. The designers proposal pointed out that rather than go to a new design they could easily take a DW and apply X-technology to it. Since their were a number of hulls available the production would be faster and more economical. The ship lost out to the DDX and never entered production.

(R2P.X72) ADVANCED WAR DESTROYER SCOUT (DWSX) This design was part of the proposal submitted to Star Fleet for the DWX. When the base ship was not selected the plans for this ship were also dropped.

(R2P.X81) ADVANCED HEAVY FRIGATE (FBX) When the Federation first considered X Frigates, the contractor for the FFB submitted their design for consideration. Since there were to be no variants of the ship (save , perhaps for a scout version) the lack of room to accomodate future developments was not seen as a problem. As was the case with the original proposal the ship was not selected for production.

(R2D.X07) ADVANCED POLICE CUTTER (POLX) Encounters with Orion Priate ships with advanced technology forced the Federation to redirect some of this technology to the Police Forces. In the Spring of Y184, the first of the POLX's entered service. The exact number of these Advanced Police Cutters was a closely guarded secret.

(R2D.X08) ADVANCED POLICE FLAGSHIP (FLGX) Realizing that the new Advanced Police Cutters would need support, this technology was also applied to Police Flagships. Fall of Y184 saw the first of these to begin regular service.

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