NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

  This group of ships came to the attention of Star Fleets Bureau of Ships in a very unconventional way. The ships were all proposed by three computer data analysts from the STrategic Organization for Ongoing Galatic Enterprise Studies. This was a a private think tank sometimes employed by the Federation Council to supplement the work done by the Daystom Institute. The three analysts, Howard, Fine and Howard, inadvertently stumbled across some files in the Federation Data banks during a unrelated project they were working on.

  The files (actually computer simulations) were reportedly from the Klingon Command College (KCC), and were apparently used by the Klingons for combat simulator training. Both these files involved adding fighters to Federation ships. The first file SFT.8 merely added fighters in external bays similar to the Tholians. The second file CL.18 involved internal changes to allow for the addition of larger shuttle bays.

  Then, quite by accident two additional files fell into their hands. The first SFT.38 discussed mounting the photons on the engines and replacing them with drones. P6 was a file that discussed a much more powerful phaser, one so powerful it could not be mounted on the ship proper, but rather had to be installed on a "flying wing" to avoid the heavy radiation emissions they generated.

  The three "analysts", who had no ship designing experience, "hit" upon the idea of incorporating all four plans into a single design. In addition to this, the three also drew up plans to modify a CLC by adding the small rear hull then being produced for the NCA and turn it into a Battlecruiser of sorts. After completing their designs they took them to Star Fleets Bureau of Ships. The staff at the bureau was less than impressed and when told by the bureaus head, that these plans were not practical and would not work, Jerome Howard reportedly replied, "Oh! A Wise Guy! Soy-ten-ly they will work."

  Note These ships are all designed to be "Casual Carriers", and thus do not required formal escorts. They operate under (J4.62) and have enough drones and chaff pods to rearm their fighters three times. These will be only type-I and type-IV explosive warhead drones. In addition they also carry three WBP (Warp Booster Packs) for each fighter as per (J5.42).







(R2J.106) FAST MAULER (FMA) Undaunted by their lack of success, Howard, Fine and Howard continued their hand at ship design. When they learned the Federation was studying designs based on the Klingon Mauler, they saw a chance and went "quietly" to work. A short time later they were once again at Star Fleets Bureau of Ships, where they submitted a design that combined the features of a mauler with those of the fast cruiser. Sadly, for the trio, their design was rejected.

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