Federation Shipyards (R2)

   Because the number of Federation ships is so large and can take a long time to load we have split the page into three separate pages.
 Page 1 (this one) is ship descriptions for size class 2 & 3 ships through the Old light Cruiser.
 Page 2 is ship descriptions for size class 3 ships (War Cruisers & New Heavy Cruisers).
 Page 3 is ship descriptions for size class 4 ships.

Federation pg 2 Federation pg 3 National Fleets
X-Ships Early Years J Ships

NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On most SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

(R2022) NEW DREADNOUGHT (NDN)  As the war prolonged, there was a need to get more heavy ships in production. The NDN was an attempt to use a NCL with a secondary hull and 4 NCL engines. 3 were planned but 1 was converted to a carrier. The first, the Yamato, was completed in Y181, the Mushashi a year later.

(R2023) NEW HEAVY CARRIER (NDV) The 3rd NDN (Shinano) was converted to a heavy carrier in 183 due to the loss of the MacArthur and the heavy damage to the Napoleon. The NCL of the NDN was replaced with a NVS and the NDN shuttle bay was replaced with tractors holding F-111 fighters. The fighter group was 12 F-18C, 6 F-111 and 1 E-3. The escort group was the same as a CVA. The ship entered service in 184.

(R2P.105) PHOTON DREADNOUGHT (DNJ)  Following the conversion of the Entente, the Federation produced this variant of the DNG. The dorsal gunhouse was fitted with a pair of Photons. The ship was intended to be used in base and planet assaults the Federation was conducting as it attempted to take back the territory lost to the Klingons. Unlike the later BCJ, the DNJ due to and size and mass only suffers shock when it fires the dorsal mounted photons as overloads.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 13-12/7-6. Command rating 10. Can be converted from a DNG (once per year) beginning in Y180. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2M.106) HYBRID LIGHT DREADNOUGHT (VDL) A proposal to modify the Light Dreadnought by adding fighters to it. The idea was that the fighters (F-18s) would add to the raiding capabilities of the ship. The demands placed on the DNLs by Star Fleet, coupled with the loss of the Star Cougar and the long repair time of the Star Tiger, forced cancellation of this project prior to any ships being modified.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10-11(6)/5-6(3). Command rating 9. Can be converted from a DNL (once per year) beginning in Y172. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2P.109) FEDERATION VERY LARGE SCOUT (DNS) Reports of the existence of this ship are believed to be a massive mis-information effort by the Federation. The story goes something like this.
  In the fall of Y171, as the Klingons begin driving into Federation space, the GIA began a massive mis-information program of rumors, leaked memos and false documents. This program, the officials hoped, would compel the Klingons to follow suit. The result would be one less dreadnought Federation forces would have to face.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-10u/3-5. Command rating 8. (5EW:2AF)(1EW:5AF). Can convert one from a DN in the Spring of Y172. Cost is 6 EP. No other conversions are allowed. A counter is provided.

(R2P.120) FEDERATION LIGHT DREADNOUGHT F-111 CARRIER (DHV) In a continued effort to increase the firepower of raids the Federation looked into the concept of building a light dreadnought capable of operating the F-111. While some with Star Fleet Command suggested converting the DVL Star Tiger, most felt it could not be spared from its ongoing duties. Thoughts then turned to the construction of a new ship. The keel for the ship, which was to be called Star Puma, was laid but never completed. Had the ship been built and used as a "standard" carrier, it would have used an escort group of a NAC and 2 DWAs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11(9H)F/6(4H). Command rating 9. Only one DVL, DHV, or DAV in service at any time. Can be substituted for DN in Y178. Cost is 18 EP (plus fighters). Can be converted from DNL cost is 2 EP plus fighters, or from DVL cost 2 EP (for the fighters). Counters for both the single ship and the 3DHV group are provided.

(R2P.121) FEDERATION LIGHT DREADNOUGHT A20 CARRIER (DAV) Proposed at the same time as the Star Puma, the Star Jaguar was to an A20 carrying version of the Light Dreadnought. Unlike the Star Puma plans for its construction were cancelled before even a kell could be laid. Had the ship been finished and used as a "standard" carrier it would have used a NAC and 2 DWAs as an ecort group.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 11(9H)F/6(5V). Command rating 9. Only one DVL, DHV, or DAV in service at any time. Can be substituted for DN in Y178. Cost is 18 EP (plus fighters). Can be converted from DNL cost is 2 EP plus fighters, or from DVL cost 4 EP (for the fighters). Counters for both the single ship and the 3DAV group are provided.

(R2P.201) COMBAT CARRIER (BVA) A competing design for the BCV. This proposition slightly reduced the firepower of a BCH in order to accommodate 18 fighters. Making use of the large bays the designers argued would allow use of either F-14's (shown on the SSD) or F-15s. Some even proposed using a mixed fighter wing of both. The hangar was equipped with a tunnel deck (J1.58). In the end the design was rejected in favor of the BCV. Had the ship been built it would have been deployed with the same escorts (NAC and DWA) as the BCV.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 9-10(12)/5(6). Command rating 10. Can be substituted for BC (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 3 EP. Counts as a CVA for production purposes. Counters for both the single ship and the 3BVA group are provided.

(R2P.202) HEAVY FIGHTER BATTLE CARRIER (BVH) The Federation eager to increase combat power modified a BCV to operate heavy fighters and planned an additional number of ships, but they were cancelled in favor of the BCS. It operated with the same escorts (NAC and DWA) as the BCV.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 10(10H)/5(5H). Command rating 10. Can be substituted for BC (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 3 EP. Counts as a CVA for production purposes. Counters for both the single ship and the 3BVH group are provided.

(R2.3A) HEAVY CRUISER "CONSTELLATION CLASS" (CA1) This ship is the original sub-light class of cruiser converted to warp power in Y65 and modernized in Y125. It represents the Constellation Class. At least 3 were in service during the General War. One ship, the Oriskany, was converted into the GSC Discovery in Y120. There is an early years variant (YCA1). In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CA and no counter is provided.

(R2.3B) HEAVY CRUISER "REPUBLIC CLASS" (CA2) This ship represents the early years cruiser (YCA) as it was modified in Y126. It represents the Republic Class. At least 3 were in service during the General War. One ship, the Red October, was converted into the GSC Leonov on Y120. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CA and no counter is provided.

(R2002) HEAVY PLASMA CRUISER (CA2F) The Republic class heavy cruiser Ramillies was converted in Y166 coinciding with the introduction of the DDL. 2 Plasma-Fs replaced 2 of the photons. The ship served on the Gorn border. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CA and no counter is provided.

(R2P.305) HEAVY CRUISER (CAC) In Y140, the CA Endeavor (CA 1716), was modified by adding cargo space and an additional transporter. The ship was used as a courier for many high priority missions. It would appear that no other heavy cruisers were modified to this design. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a FC and no counter is provided.

(R2P.310) HEAVY SCOUT (CAS) The Klingons attack quickly pointed out the Federations lack of scouts. Star Fleet Command wished to use more of the GSCs, but the Federation Council was loathe to release additional GSCs from survey duty. Plans were drawn up to convert a CA to a heavy scout. Ship losses and the need for heavy cruisers on the front prevented these plans from being carried out. There exist some very sketchy reports that late in the war a damaged heavy cruiser may have been modified to this design.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 5-8u/3-4. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:5AF). Can be converted from CAs (once per year) beginning in the Spring of Y174. Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Federation is active. Cost is 5 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.311) FAST SCOUT CRUISER (FSC) The theory behind the concept of this ship was that it could slip behind enemy lines (like the fast cruisers) gather sensor readings and be fast enough to escape once is was inevitably discovered. Although most races deployed a Fast Scout Cruiser (it is not know who first conceived the idea), the Federation ship designers insist (like those of many other races) that the idea was theirs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8Fu/2-4. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:4AF). Can be converted from CF cost 5 EP or CA cost 6 EP (two step conversion) once per year beginning in the Spring of Y176. Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Federation is active. A counter is provided.

(R2P.315) FIRE SUPPORT CRUISER (CFS) Plans for this ship were found in the Battle Simulation Data Banks of Star Fleet Command. The design was apparently intended to provide fleets with a fire support platform. From the plans it would appear this ship was intended to circle the battle and provide long range fire support. There are no reports which would point to the fact that this ship ever left the battle simulators. One reason may have been the poor arcs coupled with the equally poor turning radius of the CA. There are, however, some indications a two fire support platforms may have been produced. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CA and no counter is provided.

(R2P.320) HEAVY ESCORT CRUISER (CE) As Star Fleet began plans for their CVA they realized the need for vessels to escort them. One plan was to convert heavy cruisers to this role. Opposition by some within Star Fleet (mainly the "traditional" admirals) coupled with the need for heavy cruisers cancelled the project. The single ship of this class was completed in the Spring of Y172, and served with both CVA and CVS/CVB groups. It was updated in Y175 with full Aegis.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8n/4n. Command rating 8. Can be converted from CA beginning in Spring of Y172. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.325) AREA CONTROL SHIP (ACS) This ship was essentially a follow on design to the DCS. It was designed to use the recently introduced A-20F's. The ship proved to be controversial as opponents pointed to the high cost and the fact the ship would not be able to move an arm the A-20Fs at the same time. It appears a single proof of design concept was completed in Y180. It operated mostly against the Klingons and used a NAC and DWA as an escort group.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8 (10H6)u/3-4 (5H3). Command rating 9. Can be substituted for a CA in SY180. Cost is 5 EP plus fighters. Can be converted from a CVS. Cost is 3 EP plus fighters. EW=2. Counters for both the ACS and the 3ACS are provided.

(R2M.330) HYBRID FAST CRUISER (VCF) This design was commissioned by some within Star Fleet who felt that the Fast Cruiser lacked the necessary "punch" required for the raids the ships were assigned at the beginning of the General War. Their theory was that the fighters (F-18s) would give it back the firepower lost due to the "hot warp" technology. The project was cancelled before any ships were modified.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8(4)/3-4(2). Command rating 8. Can be converted from a CF (once per year) beginning in Y172. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2P.331) FEDERATION FAST ESCORT CRUISER (FEC) This ship was originally designed to escort the fast carriers on their deep raiding missions. When it was discovered that two fast ships operating together produced a warp signature that acted like a beacon drawing the attention of the enemy to them, production was cancelled. The lone example of this class was then transferred to regular escort duty where it escorted a variety of carriers both fast and regular.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8Fn3-4n. Command rating 8. Only one FEC in service at any time. Can be converted in Y176 from CA cost is 4 EP, or from CF cost 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2P.332) FEDERATION FAST F-111 CARRIER (FHV) Seeking ways to increase the firepower of raids the Federation looked into the idea of a fast carrier capable of operating the F-111. Two methods were ultimately considered. The first was to convert the lone CVF Gryphon. Loss of the Gryphon in Y177 forced the construction of a new ship. Had the ship been built and used as a "standard" carrier, it would have used an escort group of a NAC and 2 DWAs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(9H)/3-4(4H). Command rating 8. Only one CVF, FHV, or FAV in service at any time. Can be substituted for CF in Y178. Cost is 6 EP (plus fighters). Can be converted from CF cost is 2 EP plus fighters, from CVS/CVB cost 2 EP plus fighters, or from CA cost 4 EP plus fighters. Counters for both the single ship and the 3FHV group are provided.

(R2P.333) FEDERATION FAST A20 CARRIER (FAV) A second design intended to increase the firepower of the fast carrier, this one used the A20. Like its near sister, the FHV, plans first called for modifying the Gryphon. When used as a "standard" carrier, it would have used an escort group of a NAC and 2 DWAs. Loss of that ship forced the ship to be built as new construction.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7-8(10V)/3-4(5V). Command rating 8. Only one CVF, FHV, or FAV in service at any time. Can be substituted for CF in Y178. Cost is 2 EP (plus fighters). Can be converted from CF cost is 2 EP plus fighters, from CVS/CVB cost 2 EP plus fighters, or from CA cost 4 EP plus fighters. Counters for both the single ship and the 3FAV group are provided.

(R2D.380) FAST CRUISER (CAF)  After Star Fleet learned of the existence of the Klingon FD7, they began an immediate effort to field a match for it. In an effort to produce a fast cruiser, without the long lead time necessary to develop new engines, a group of ship designers proposed using a small warp engine (from a frigate) in the saucer. It never made it past the drawing boards as the engineers felt it would be too difficult to "shoehorn" the little engine in. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a FC and no counter is provided.

(R2P.399) SUPER HEAVY CRUISER (SCA) When word reached the Federation that the Romulans were planning to build a super heavy cruiser, the Killerhawk, plans were quickly put forth to field a comparable ship. However, before any of these ships could be built, the new CX class ships begin entering service and no ships of this class were ever built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 12-10(S)/5. Command rating 9. Can be substituted for CC (once per year) beginning in Y183. Cost is 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2001) SCIENCE CRUISER (CS) As the last Vulcan survey cruiser was retired in Y150, its crew took over the CA Intrepid, which was modified on Vulcan for their purposes. The Intrepid was lost investigating a single-celled extraterrestrial being in Y155.

(R2005) FAST STRIKE CRUISER (CSF) When the Strike Cruiser was first proposed, a follow on 'fast' design was also to be built. One ship of this type, the Sidewinder, was to be built in Y169, but the ship was canceled when the entire CS project was rejected in favor of the NCL.

(R2015) CARRIER (CV) This is the original design for a CVA class carrier. The CV used engines from the fast cruiser program, but even with the increased engine power, it was under powered. 8 were planned but the last 7 were canceled in favor of the CVA design. The one CV that was completed, the Wellington, entered service in 169 (a year late) and was destroyed in 172 during the siege of Starbase 15. Its fighter group consisted of 12 F-4's and 12 A-6's. At the time it was destroyed it was to have replaced the F-4's with F-15's and the A-6's with F-18's. It carried 2 MRS's but never operated SWAC's. The ship received the AWR and + refits in 171. It escort group was the same as a CVA's. If this ship had survived, it would have received a drone refit in Y175.
Note: This SSD for this ship shows 2 MRS shuttles.  These shuttles are not included in the BPV. Players wishing to use these shuttles should delete 2 ADM and add the shaded deck crews and crew units. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a FC and no counter is provided.

(R2D.350) GALACTIC DRONE CRUISER (GSD) An attempt by Star Fleet to modify a Galactic Survey Cruiser for military use. The admirals reasoned that the modifications and use of the vessel would draw little criticism from the Science Council. The scientists were quick to see through the ruse and raised such a fuss that in the end Star Fleet dropped plans for this ship and none were built.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8[4]u/3-4. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:6AF). Can be converted from a CA/CC or CVS/B (5N.24), beginning in Fall of Y174. Cost is 6 EP (5 to GSC and 1 to Drone variant). Can also be converted from GSC for a cost of 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.351) GALACTIC ESCORT CRUISER (GSE) Yet another attempt by Star Fleet to modify a Galactic Survey Cruiser for military use. This time the proposal was to turn a GSC into a escort cruiser. When word reached the Science Council they raised such a fuss that plans to modify a new GSC then under construction were dropped. Not wanting to give up on the project Star Fleet secertly funded the project and the single example of this ship was sent to the Klingon border where it proved to be deadly against Klingon drones.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8un/3-4n. Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:6AF). Can be converted from CA/CC or CVS/B (5N.24), beginning in Fall of Y174. Cost is 6 EP (5 to GSC and 1 to Escort variant). Can also be converted from GSC for a cost of 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.352) GALACTIC CARRIER (GSV) The three CVLs proved to be so successful that Star Fleet looked for a way to improve their success. A CVL was modified to carry a full squadron of fighters by replacing most of the cargo bay with a second shuttle bay. The ship was an instant hit with both the command staff and crew members. It was posted to the Klingon front where it played a major role in stemming the Klingon tide. It can carry an MRS but not a SWAC. Plans to modify the other two CVLs were put on hold due to the constant demand for their services.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8(6)u/3-4(3). Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:6AF). Can be converted from CA/CC or CVS/B (5N.24), beginning in Fall of Y174. Cost is 7 EP (5 to GSC and 2 to Carrier variant). Can also be converted from either GSC or CVL for a cost of 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.353) GALACTIC HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER (GSH) Following the introduction of the F-111 in Y178, the Federation began looking for additional ships on which to deploy them. The ship builders eyed the GSC as a natural, but were aware of opposition they would encounter from the scientists. Unable to bring a CVL out of service long enough for the necessary modifications, Star Fleet was forced to use its own budget in building this ship. Records are unclear, but seem to indicate only one such ship was built. There are unconfirmed rumors that this ship may have been further modified in Y181 by replacing most of the cargo bay with a second shuttle bay, allowing it to carry 6 F-18s in addition to the 6 F-111s.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 6-8(9H)u/3-4(4). Command rating 8. (4EW:2AF)(1EW:6AF). Can be converted from CA/CC or CVS/B (5N.24), beginning in Fall of Y178. Cost is 5 EP (5 to GSC and 2 to Heavy Carrier variant). Can also be converted from either GSC or CVL for a cost of 2 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2.16B) GALACTIC SURVEY CRUISER (GS1) The CA1 Oriskany was converted and upgraded into a GS cruiser in 120. It was renamed the Discovery and was the test ship for the first fighters. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a GSC and no counter is provided.

(R2.16C) LIGHT CARRIER (VL1) The GS1 Discovery was used as a carrier to test fighters in Y166. It returned to survey duty in Y168. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a GSC and no counter is provided.

(R2.16D) GALACTIC SURVEY CRUISER (GS2) The CA2 Red October was converted and upgraded to a GS Cruiser in 120. It was renamed the Alexei Leonov. It disappeared in the Exploration Zone in 158. Had it survived, it would surely have the same refits as the GSC. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a GSC and no counter is provided.

(R2D.390) COMBAT TUG (CT) Federation Fleet Tug captains had been complaining for years about their ships. They argued that the increasingly perilous missions they were being called on to perform left them (with their nearly unarmed ships) at too great a risk. Finally, in the Fall of Y169 Star Fleet, alarmed by the Klingon attack on the Kzintis, undertook the conversion of one of its tugs. A second tug was modified in just before the Klingons attacked in Y171.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-8/2-4. Command rating 8. At the start of the General War one of the TGs in the Home Fleet and the TG in the 5th Fleet are CTs. Can convert TGs to CTs beginning in the Spring of Y172. Cost is 2 EP. CA to CT conversion cost is 4 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.391) FAST TUG (TGF) Following the examples of the Gorns and Kzintis the Federation modified one of their Tugs to this fast tug configuration by using the warp engines from one of their Fast Cruisers which they were converting back to a standard CA. The fast tug was not capable of operating battle pods. The tug was completed in the Fall of Y176 and began operating before space trials were complete in support of the 5th and 6th fleets.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(F)/0-4. Command rating 8. Cannot carry Battle Pods. Can be built by conversion only. Can convert one TG to FTG per year beginning in the Fall of Y176. Cost is 1 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2M.392) HYDRID FLEET TUG (VTG) Designed to carry a third of a squadron of fighters in an expanded shuttle bay. The increased space of the shuttle bay prevented the drone rack that was part of the standard Tug "plus" refit.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(2)/0-4(1). Command rating 8. Can be built by conversion only. Can convert one TG to VTG per year beginning in Y168. Cost is 1 EP. The fighters are treated as casual fighters and do not count against the number of fighters in a battle. A counter is provided.

(R2P.393) TUG WITH HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER POD (HVT) This is a standard Fleet Tug with the Heavy Fighter Carrier Pod attached. The escort group assigned was a NAC and a DWA.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-8(9H)/0-4. Command rating 9. Counters for the HVT and 3HVT are provided.

(R2P.394) TUG WITH SPACE CONTROL POD (TSC) This is a standard Fleet Tug with the Space Control Pod attached. The escort group assigned was a NAC and a DWA.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply. Counter Factors are 2-8(9H)u/0-4. Command rating 9. EW =2. Counters for the TSC and 3TSC are provided.

(R2P.401) (OLD) TUG (CLT)  During the Second Federation-Kzinti War, Star Fleet found it needed more tugs. They felt they could not tie up the slipways used to built tugs, needing them for CAs. They took in hand a small number of CLs for conversion to tugs. The first of these ships entered fleet service in Y138. The ship is only capable of carrying Cargo, Self-Defense, and Repair pods.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-6/1-3. Command rating 6. Can be converted from CLs (once per year) beginning in Y171. Cost is 3 EP. Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Federation is active. Counts as a CA to TG conversion or substitution. A counter is provided.

(R2P.402) (OLD) SCOUT (CLSC) Built during the Second Federation-Kzinti War to supplement the destroyer based scout. These ships built on CL hulls were not as capable scouts as the full fledged scouts, but none-the-less many served long and distinguished careers. They first entered service in Y139.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 2-6u/1-3. Command rating 6. EW = 3. Can be converted from CLs (once per year) beginning in Y171. Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Federation is active. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2P.403) (OLD) HEAVY CRUISER (CLCA) Designed during the Second Federation-Kzinti War as a way to get more heavy ships into combat. These conversions took longer than expected due to problems with mounting the larger warp engines, which had been designed for the CA. The first of these ships was not finished until late in Y142 just as the Federation and Kzintis reached a settlement to end the war. A exact count of the number of these ships has never been confirmed, but it is believed that at least two and quite possibly three of them were completed between Y142 and Y146.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7/4. Command rating 6. Can be converted from CLs (once per year) beginning in Y171.  Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Federation is active. Cost is 3 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2P.408) (OLD) REPAIR CRUISER (CLR) During the initial attack by the Kzintis which started the Second Federation-Kzinti War, the Federation found the need for a ship capable of making minimal repairs to damaged ships, thus allowing them to return (under their own power) to regular repair facilities. A Old Light Cruiser was modified to this design and entered service in Y137. A small number of other conversions were made. Although the SSD shows that a "Plus" refit was available very few, if any, ever received it. The ship makes repairs as do Star Bases. Ships which are to be repaired must be docked to the repair cruiser while repairs are made.

(R2P.410) (OLD) MAULER (CLM)  Alarmed by intelligence reports reaching them of the Klingon D6M Star Fleet decided to test a mauler of their own. Unwilling to pull a CA out of service because of the rising tensions, they selected instead an old light cruiser. The conversion was both plagued by mechanical problems and beset with political opposition from the onset and was not completed until the fall of Y171. Before final tests were completed a second conversion was completed. When the results from the testing were complete the Federation abandoned the concept of maulers and no additional conversions were made.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 7 /4. Command rating 6. Can be converted from CLs beginning Y171 (once per year and only in the fall of the year). Alternatively, if in a pre-general war or non-historical game, they could be converted on the first turn the Federation is active. Cost is 4 EP. A counter is provided.

(R2D.415) (OLD) PHASER ESCORT CRUISER (ECR) During its first combat against the Romulans, the ECL Patton found its 4 drones racks less than successful in stopping plasma torpedoes. Star Fleet ordered the Patton to put into a shipyard for modifications. Fleet command wanted to replace 2 of the drone racks with Ph-Gs, but none were available and PH-1s were used instead. The ship was than reclassified as a CLE and sent back into combat. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a ECL and no counter is provided.

(R2P.418) FAST INTELLIGENCE CRUISER (FIC) The GIA desperately wanted more information on the Klingon activities in their war against the Kzintis. They proposed using the engines scheduled for fourth fast cruiser to build a high speed intelligence gathering ship. Star Fleet, however, was considering building the fourth fast cruiser and so would not allow the engines to be used. In early Y169 the GIA suggested using the prototype test engines. Star Fleet was at first skeptical, but reluctantly agreed on the condition the engines were mounted on an old cruiser. Finished in Y170 the ship was destroyed during its initial tests. Analysis showed the ship simply shook apart due to the extremely high speed. In SFB if this ship can increase its practical speed to triple the previous turn's speed or by 15, whichever is greater. Note! If this ship exceeds acceleration limits of 5 or one-half of its current speed, roll 1 D6. If the result is 5 or greater the ship suffers a breakdown.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 3-6uF/1-3. Can be converted from a CL in Y170. Cost is 5 EP. The FIC can move 7 hexes in (523.21) Operational, (523.23) Reserve, and (523.24) Retrograde Movement. However, a die must be rolled each time the ship attempts the 7th movement pulse. If the die roll is 5 or greater the ship is automatically crippled and does not move the 7th pulse. A counter is provided.

(R2P.430) (OLD) HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER (CLVH) In the spring of Y177 a old CL was modified to this configuration to serve as a training platform for the new F-111s which were about to begin entering service. Never intended for combat the ship never-the-less did participate in a couple of minor battles when later in the war it served as a convoy escort. It, like the CLV, could operate alone or with an escort group. The escort group was sometimes a single FFE, while other times it consisted of a pair of FFEs.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this ship to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 4-6(9H)/2-3(4H). Command rating 7. Can convert one from a CL in Y177 or later. Cost is 5 EP plus the cost of the fighters. Counters for both the single ship, the 2CLVH and 3CLVH groups are provided.

(R2003) LIGHT PLASMA CRUISER (CLF) This ship was converted in Y165 to test the Plasma-F torpedo before the introduction of the DDG class. The light cruiser Hokkaido had one of its photons replaced with a plasma-F. The Hokkaido was stationed in the 5th Fleet with the CA Ramillies.

(R2004) PRIORITY TRANSPORT CRUISER (CLTP) During the 2nd Federation/Kzinti war, Star Fleet found their transport system seriously overtaxed. Starting in Y141, some of the older Light Cruisers that had been placed into mothballs, were converted into fast transports to supplement the Tugs, FFTs, and DDTs.

(R2036) WEAPONS TESTING CRUISER (HCL) The Connecticut and Brandenberg were modified to this type in Y155 for testing new weapon systems. Both ships spent most of their time in mothballs, only being activated for weapons testing. In Y165, the Connecticut was configured as a prototype Escort Cruiser and fitted with drone racks and experimental gatling phasers as well as a enlarged shuttle bay. After the testing was completed (and after a serious breakdown), she was returned to the mothball fleet where she was scheduled for decommissioning. Only the Klingon attack in Y171 saved her, as she was reactivated in Y174, serving with the fleet until Y183 when she was finally retired. During the General War, the Brandenberg was testing hellbores from the single Hydran ship that survived the exhibition. She was immediately sent into action, providing a nasty shock for the Klingon ships she faced. The Brandenberg was lost in action in Y180 during the prelude to Operation Remus. The Connecticut received the + refit in Y175, the Brandenberg in Y173. In F&E terms this ship is identical to a CL, and no counter is provided.

(R2049) (OLD) TURRETED LIGHT CRUISER (CTL) After the introduction of the Qari’s in the simulator, engineers from Star Fleet attempted to duplicate the turret to mount photons. The light cruiser, Siberia, was modified in Y164 to mount its photons in a turret under the hull. This turret was able to fire standard photons with out any problems, but tended to jam when firing overloads. The engineers, blaming the jamming problems on the ancient ship structure, considered the experiment a success and Star Fleet went ahead with plans to modify the CA Monitor with a similar turret, with disastrous results. The Siberia kept its turret until the old ship was retired in Y186.

(R2P.991) HEAVY FIGHTER CARRIER POD (P-HV) Since the introduction of the F-111 the admirals of Star Fleet were looking for additional ways to deploy them. One suggestion (which was to prove both fairly quick and easy) was to modify a Light Carrier Pod (P-CVL). One of the pods was taken in hand and re-fitted and entered service in early Y179. It is believed that at least one more P-CVL pod was modified to this new design. The pod is a single weight pod. Separate SSDs with the pod attached to a Tug (HVT) and a LTT (LTHV) are available.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this pod to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 0(9)/0. Increases the command rating by 1. Can convert one VP pod to VH pod, or build one beginning in the Spring of Y179. Conversion cost is 0 EP, (plus the cost of the fighters) build cost is 2 EP, plus the cost of the fighters. Can only be built to replace a lost VP. A counter is provided.

(R2P.993) SPACE CONTROL POD (P-SCS) When Star Fleet Command received the reports of Federation liaison officers serving with the Kzinti about the SCS pod rumored to be under construction by the Klingons and actually being built by the Kzintis, they determined to build one of their own. Using a P-CVA as the basis the shipyard was able to add two Special Sensors and modify it to handle two full squadrons of F-111s. The pod is a double weight pod. Separate SSDs with the pod attached to a Tug (TSC) and a
LTT (LTSC) are available.
  F&E FACTS: For those players wishing to add this pod to their F&E games the following would apply.
Counter Factors are 0(9)u/0. Increases the command rating by 1. EW = 2 when carried by a Tug, 1 when carried by a LTT, or a Tug with another pod. Can convert one VAP pod to SCS pod, or build one beginning in the Spring of Y182. Conversion cost is 2 EP, build cost is 5 EP, plus the cost of the fighters. Can only be built to replace a lost VAP. A counter is provided.

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